View Full Version : Wessex to make a comeback ?

8th Mar 2003, 19:26
With so many helos now in the Gulf, is there any likleyhood of the Wessex helicopters stored at Shawbury being brought back into service to cover UK based requirements.

Shouting Rad-Alt
8th Mar 2003, 20:07
Flown by who...........? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

8th Mar 2003, 22:03
Bearing in mind the other latest technology in storage at Straw parts I think Walter is well down the pecking order:rolleyes:

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohl induced

8th Mar 2003, 22:08
Anyone thought of offering the Canadians the Wessex to replace the seakings? I am sure the Wessex will not leak nearly as badly as the submarines the UK palmed off on the Canadian Navy!

8th Mar 2003, 23:04

Suckers :D

Why do you think we got rid of them? It certainly wasn't because they were getting old :}

MadMark!!! :mad:

Huron Topp
10th Mar 2003, 15:49
Yeah, ya bl**dy Pom b@st@rds!:}