View Full Version : What's better, 1st solo or sex?

11th May 2001, 22:21
Done it!!

After 11 hours, they were trusting enough to send me solo (me? with my reputation?)

3 bounce-induced go-arounds later, I have 25 minutes P1, and Whiskey Charlie still has a nosewheel :) :) :)

I could barely walk back to the clubhouse, and the grin will last a week. I can't remember my first shag being that good! (Or that long, come to think of it :))

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit pruning.

12th May 2001, 00:25
Congratulations mate! Hope it was a good 'un.

Hmmmm sex or first solo......sorry but if given a choice between my laydee or my cherokee I'd have to pick the former. She's a hell of a lot cheaper too ;) ;)

12th May 2001, 00:44
You obviously haven't met my other half. A C152 would be miles cheaper to maintain ;)

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit pruning.

clear prop!!!
12th May 2001, 00:55
http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/sex.gif .......sex!

12th May 2001, 01:28
I think it has to be `First Solo`.
1, Its Cheaper.
2, It lasts longer.
3,The aircraft didn`t whinge and moan.
4,Can`t remember any women making smile like that before.
5,I remebered the name of the aircraft in the morning.

12th May 2001, 02:22
depends who you're having sex with!

12th May 2001, 14:12
First Solo hands down!! Definately!!

G-XX...finals and hopefully land!

12th May 2001, 14:36

First solo you can only have once!!!!!

:) :) :)

12th May 2001, 14:43
You can't do the first solo doggy-style. I rest my case.

12th May 2001, 21:06
SEX !!!!!!!!!!

12th May 2001, 23:45
First solo is usually less sweaty, and you dont need to change the sheets!.....


[This message has been edited by SKYYACHT (edited 12 May 2001).]

13th May 2001, 02:52
mad - andy surely first solo can only last a max of 15 mins???

a good old fashioned 3 or 4 hour romp is far more satisfying :) (and a lot cheaper if you can go out and pull em :) )

Miles High
13th May 2001, 03:48
That said aeroplanes are more understanding than women. They dont mind if you read magazines about other aeroplanes.
Women though I've noticed are not mad on ones collection of frankie.

13th May 2001, 11:25
i bet ronnie rumpchomper did both together. there again, wxnking over the thought of your, yet to be, first solo probably doesn't count.

13th May 2001, 12:23

At my age it's difficult to remember either first solo or sex (or even first solo sex...)

But if you suffered go-arounds because of bounce then you probably need a harder bed. Or ask Charlie to stop drinking less whiskey and give up wearing that ridiculous wheel on his / her nose.

Oh, sorry. You were talking about flying. In that case WELL DONE!

Cessna Boy
13th May 2001, 13:07
Gotta say sex! A divorce would be on hand if I didn,t. Although having done mine just last week I can remember the pleasure, sex I can just about remember the last time! Thats marriage for you. But totally agree the C150 is cheaper than a wife!!!!!

Cessna Boy
13th May 2001, 13:13
Sorry forgot to say Well Done! Your in the club now! Go For It!

13th May 2001, 13:15
Looking back, I imagine a solo would have been MUCH better and most preferable to a shag with 'er.

Congratulations G-SXTY.

I spend most of my money on beer and women; the rest I just waste.

[This message has been edited by Natterjack (edited 13 May 2001).]

14th May 2001, 02:54
Well now, it seems we're split pretty much down the middle. Maybe some scientific analysis of my experiences would help:

1)Duration. 1st shag: 0:15 1st solo: 0:25
Winner: 1st solo

2)Sweatiness. 1st shag: not all that. 1st solo: extremely sweaty
Winner: 1st solo

3)Pushing the envelope. 1st shag: ;) 1st solo: not really
Winner: sex

4)No. of bounces. 1st shag: too few. 1st solo: too many
Winner: draw

5)Appearance. 1st shag: not bad. 1st solo: C152
Winner: sex

6)Did the earth move? 1st shag: Nope. 1st solo: I could hardly walk:
Winner: 1st solo

7)Cost. 1st shag: 2 litres of cider. 1st solo: £140
Winner: sex

Conclusion: A dead heat, with the outcome appearing to hinge on the number of bounces you manage before coming to rest. :) :)

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit pruning.

Simon W
14th May 2001, 15:26
G SXTY, that was bloody hillarious! Just what I needed to wake me up this Monday morn!


Simon W

14th May 2001, 16:44
A night on the town......get battered.
Go home with your bird, then throw her around the room, in an evening of disgusting porno sex. Jesus, even talking about it is making me randy.

First solo is good though, better than my first shag, she was like a sack of spuds!

14th May 2001, 17:29
Sack of spuds you say?...I think I married her. http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/mica/flash.gif

14th May 2001, 19:42
Erm....both please :)

[This message has been edited by BreakRight (edited 14 May 2001).]