View Full Version : B-52s arrive at Fairford

3rd Mar 2003, 16:32
AP: - US bombers touch down at RAF base

The first of a number of expected US B52 bombers has touched down at an RAF base in Gloucestershire. The long-range bomber, expected to be involved in any conflict with Iraq, is the first of around nine believed to be arriving at RAF Fairford. The Ministry of Defence has not yet given official confirmation that the aircraft will be stationed there.


Will the French or Germans will allow them to transit their airspace if hostilities start?

3rd Mar 2003, 17:12
The question should be "When the Americans or British do fly over France or Germany WHAT WILL THEY TRY TO DO" .
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

3rd Mar 2003, 17:18
Also reported in the UK media.


3rd Mar 2003, 19:18
It really does sound like you are having a bad hair day chap! Quite unnecessary. Any idea how many people around the world (including the boys out working right now)dont get to see the news and catch up here.

3rd Mar 2003, 19:26
Fancy! B52s doing carrier landings!

We do now live on an American aircraft carrier, don't we?

3rd Mar 2003, 19:34
Agreed, edited. Sorry folks...


3rd Mar 2003, 19:54
Bit difficult to watch UK TV from out here Beagle. I see the BBC is now reporting Hoon as saying that the B-52 detachment will consist of 14 aircraft.

I still wonder about overflight permission of France. It won't be a great hardship if they don't, as the Buffs can always dogleg down the Bay of Biscay and route over Spain, but it will be revealing to see what France's stand is. It isn't a NATO operation, and they did close their airspace when the F-111s were launched against Libya.

3rd Mar 2003, 20:23
Set manually, up to 20 degrees offset.

3rd Mar 2003, 21:19
...pretty difficult to get a an into wind wing down with all those engines and outriggers dangling, so just crab onto the runway with the wheels going straight :cool:

No ailerons on a buff either, all roll done with spoilers.

3rd Mar 2003, 22:10
Bu&&er France!
Does the Jet not have the ability to "castor" around Azeebaijan?

Flatus Veteranus
4th Mar 2003, 17:47
B***er the Dip Clears! I don't suppose the Buffs even bother to file a flight plan for a war sortie. They might do what we used to do in the Vulcan when the Frogs got awkward and "worked to rule" on notice for Dipclear applications - route via the Straits Of Gibraltar. :)

11th Mar 2003, 22:01
Might have had something to do with the content and the locations you were talking about. You might know, as might some others in the ATC world, but that is no reason to blurt it out to the rest of the world :rolleyes:


PPRuNe Pop
12th Mar 2003, 08:37

See my e-mail.

But.............while your at it. Take note. Your latest post is way out of line. The last thing you want to do is abuse moderators if you want to stay a contributor on PPRuNe.

That said you are now free to go to CNN.


12th Mar 2003, 09:07
Point taken and I have removed my comments, however, I am still dissapointed that this forum is not a medium for presenting factual, timely and relevent information to the fraternity.

To save you any concern I will not contribute to these forums again.
