View Full Version : Will GULF AIR MAKE IT ??

28th Feb 2003, 17:25
Hello everyone.
Anybody out there has an opinion on the future of Gulf Air ??
I just received an email stating that I was being looked at :confused:
But from reading the previous posts regarding GF, I am kinda perplexed about the current situation.
I currently fly for AA and things are happening and not in a positive way. A lot of changes are about to be made. Not all positive. Being close to the edge of the seniority list, I sense furlough heading my way at full speed :yuk: Therefore I have sent out resumes. So far, I have heard back from GF. That is why I need some intelligence reports from anybody out there. Rumors are also welcomed.
I have also heard back from Air Atlanta Icelandic. So if you Guys/Gals have any information on them too, please feel free.
Thank YOU.

What a great Job. It NEVER ENDS :} :}

28th Feb 2003, 21:33
It depends on your outlook NTM. Gulf Air has been through worse times than present; things seem to be picking up but sure, a war will have an adverse short/medium term effect.

If you're looking for a cosmopolitan company that has decent operating procedures, flies new generation aircraft to interesting places then Gulf Air is OK. You need to fit in, nothing will change to adapt to you; many careers have benefited from time in Bahrain. On that subject, Bahrain is nothing like SoCal but there's no doubt you can have a good life, single or married.

There's lots of threads re. living & working in Bahrain and they're full of good gen.

My advice - if you can take the furlough option & GF give you a look, take it. You'll be richer for the experience.

You asked; sermon over.


1st Mar 2003, 02:41
Have to agree with the moderator there. Been with GF for years now and must say that we have seen much worst times. We're on the up now and a new air of optimism is flowing through the airline. I would say that you would probably be much better off in GF that Air Atlanta Icelandic.

Would you be coming to GF on the A320 or B767?

1st Mar 2003, 05:02
C'mon over..mates of mine have been both places, and definately give GF the thumbs up over Air Atlanta.:D

1st Mar 2003, 05:29
Hi, chaps,

Could you tell more about rosters, pay etc on 767 fleet both in Atlanta and GF?

1st Mar 2003, 18:39
Thanks for all the replies.
I currently fly the 757/767 and no time on A320, so I guess I would be considered for the 767, if that is the way it works ?.
By the way, could you tell what kind of flying is done on the 767. And where are the bases for it ?? What type of 767 does GF flies. Is it just the -300ER.
4HolerPoler, thanks for the encouragements. That is my plan..


2nd Mar 2003, 16:12
Dear NTM,

I also got an e-mail on the 28th of February. I'm actually quite eager to find out if anything will come of my application.

This question also goes out to the rest of the guys and girls: How long does it usually take between the time they send the initial e-mail and the next step of the process? My second question is what usually happens after that point, ie: interview in the Middle East, North America etc.

Thanks for the help, happy landings.

2nd Mar 2003, 20:53
Again thanks for the replies. And if you guys/gals have more to offer, Please feel free to add your grain of salt.


I hope to hear from you as soon as you get some more information. :cool:
I will do the same on my side..
By the way are you applying for the 767 or 320 :confused:

Later and Good Luck....

3rd Mar 2003, 06:12
If you are 767 rated then you will be going to auh with the entire 767 fleet. routes to the indian sub continent. GF is planning to move the 767 fleet there as part of a value based operation. They are after voluteers from the 767 crews to go but no one will be forced apparentely. so i guess they are looking around for hiring 767 crews to fill the considerable shortfall in volunteers. to that end you might want to be looking for advice on auh as a place to live. frankly i think it is better. a kind of quieter dubai which is only an hour by road. more expensive for schools/accom but gf should take care of that. flying to india could get very repetitive though. upgrades may come earlier than gf in bah. lots of unanswered questions on the whole set up though, hence nobody voluteering to move. it could be a great deal though, but nobody is going to commit without info.

3rd Mar 2003, 08:33
Think a more appropriate question is...will United make it!

3rd Mar 2003, 14:54
Hey NTM,

Yup I'll promise to write if I hear anything.

I'm trying for the 67 F/O spot with GF. I'm looking forward to hearing something from them... it would be a great experience from what I've heard.

Thanks again guys for all the input. It really is helpful.


4th Mar 2003, 13:42
Hi guys,

I've been flying for GF for a number of years now and although there is alot that can be changed for the better, I think it is a good shot. I have seen collegues go and return to GF many times because the sand seems greener here then it appears at first glance. The 76 fleet will as said before move to AUH, but for a new hire that should not be a problem. Chances are that in the future this airline might be separated from GF. Days off are 8 a month and the average pay comes to around $7400 a month. But you have 2 months leave p/a, which I find very comfortable indeed.

Good luck.

4th Mar 2003, 14:04
Hello everyone and again thanks for the answers,

GULFPILOT76, is the salary of 7400$, you are talking about, tax-free..:confused: and in U.S $ currency ???
That is quite a bit a money. And is that, on top on the benefit package provided (Housing, Medical) ??:confused:
That doesn't sound bad AT ALL !!!.
Ia1166 was saying that the 767 flying consisted of going to the Indian subcontinent. Is it just in the realm of the rumor or is this thing happening ??
Do you guys have an idea as of how many new hires GF is looking at in getting ??
Do you guys have an idea (rumor) as to when that spinoff airline will start ??
And If NO ORIGINAL GF GUY decides to go there, will they be any FLAK from them, towards new hire heading to AUH on the 767 :confused: .
It probably sounds like a stupid question, but I have seen and heard of dumber things happen..;)


Air Mike 957
4th Mar 2003, 14:11
gulfpilot76,thanks for the info you've been posting,have tried sending you a couple of pm's,do you have a contact number for somebody in charge of the 767 fleet,currently flying 757 with uk charter airline but speedbrake lever said that should be acceptable,any ideas?:

4th Mar 2003, 17:50
Don't think there is a "cutout date" per say, hiring is ongoing when they can organize interviews, training etc. no rumours about sub-continent flying...loads of it now...east africa as well...gulfpilot76 is spot on in his assesment of gf's survival and yes crews will be going to auh...no specifics out as of yet...

Captain Over
5th Mar 2003, 17:20
Back to the original question....darn tootin' we'll make it!

In the short time I've been here hopping 'round the Gulf I have seen a trend towards positive from everyone involved, from the head of the house, to the rampies, to the pax in wanting GF to live long and prosper. The pledge the owners made to us, plus the revitalized "can-do" attitude from within means that things should keep getting even more positive here.

We're not out of the wood-work just yet, but it's swinging upwards for sure. Yes, like others said, a war here would hurt short-term, lets not kid ourselves, but the long-term solid business plans that are approved and being worked towards mean growth and long-term viability for us.

There are only 47(?) years to go until we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the company. :D

The scene over in the sandbox beats things elsewhere in many aspects. Life here is pretty good. Me and the wifey feel safe, and we are enjoying not only the security of the company but where we now call home. The overall region is a nice place to be. Sure, there are things to bitch about here, but show me where there isn't someplace to belly-ache about the usual stuff. If you have any doubts about life here, or the long-term prospects of this company, just ask the old-timers how things REALLY had been, then look around at how many have been here for 7, 9, 14, 21 YEARS when they had the chance to skip off to other places.

My vote is to stay, and watch things grow from within.

There are times you wonder what you've done coming here, but once the dust settles it's a good place.

Good luck to everyone joining GF. Now if you can excuse us, we are back home visiting family and friends on days off, and have places to go and people to see!!


Speedbrake Lever
6th Mar 2003, 16:22
Hi there

A long time survivor here !!!!

I remember in the the 80's some people saying ??

will my contract be renewed ?

well as long as you behave yourself it will

Please get with it, it'll pay you more here than a charter outfit anywhere
you get far more leave if you're 75 or 76 you're wasting you're time on PpRUNE , get on the phone
now literally tomorrow is maybe too late


7th Mar 2003, 01:44
Hey NTM,

Hope you're having a good week so far.

I just wanted to keep you updated. I haven't heard anything from GF yet... but I know how many applications they are most likely going through.

We'll hopefully write each other with some good news soon.


7th Mar 2003, 02:54
Nothing New Here..
Still Waiting :) :cool:

Good Luck..

7th Mar 2003, 17:50
My advice is to adjust your efforts to your level of intent.

If you're just happy to consider the job if it's offered to you then fine.

On the other hand, if you really want the job you should, in my opinion, be running up a large phone bill bothering whoever you have as a contact on the inside. Respectfully but insistently. If you're qualified, they need drivers. There's lots of drivers out there. If you want the job that bad let them know or you'll just be another CV on the pile.

My five cents worth is up.


8th Mar 2003, 01:50
Thanks for the advice 4HolerPoler.

I completely understand what you're saying. I unfortunately don't know anyone on the inside of GF; I filled out the online application a little while ago and about a got the news last week that I, like NTM, might be considered for a spot.

To tell you the truth I'd take the job in a heartbeat. Any other suggestions are always appreciated.

Kind regards.

8th Mar 2003, 09:29
PilatusDriver and NTM try this:

I'm sorry but both parties have requested that their names & contact details be removed from this forum. I've complied. Both suggested using website contact details. You could always contact 987654 directly & get the details that were posted here. 4HP

Thumbs up and good luck!!

8th Mar 2003, 12:58
Dear 987654,

Thank you for the information. I'll e-mail both gentleman today and see if they have any advice on what step to take next.

I owe you a round of beers.


8th Mar 2003, 13:00
Be careful I am always thirsty!!!!!! :cool:

Good luck mate! It's worth checking it out!

Captain Over
8th Mar 2003, 16:25
PilatusDriver, there are a few of us Canucks over here enjoying the sand. Keep in touch and let us (all) know how the process goes for you.

C.O. (on vacation....ahhhhhh)

8th Mar 2003, 18:06
c.o. stay away from strange people drinking tequila!:} :}

8th Mar 2003, 20:49
Hey Captain Over... it's good to know there's a bunch of us down there. I'll definitely keep in touch and tell you how things go.

Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

Aviator757... I applied a little while ago via the Gulf Air Website. The only news I've heard so far is that they are looking at my profile. It doesn't really mean I might even get an interview or sim-ride... but one can only hope :D. I'll post any news that I may get.

10th Mar 2003, 12:11
NTM, Air Mike 957,

Sorry for the delay, been away for some time.
The mentioned salary is an average captains salary including all
allowances. It's paid in BD (connected to the $). It is not a WORLD salary, but tax free. Keep in mind housing allowance will not rent you a castle here.
For the AUH base I've heard it will be appartements, family or not, which I find very unattractive to say the least considering that most of us live in villas now.
And to GF management; please consider making this AUH 'proposal' a bit more attractive for us. I do not see anything now that makes me say " Abu Dhabi here I come"

GP 76.

10th Mar 2003, 12:35
Aviator 757,
Sorry for the tardy response. I have 5600 TT, 800 B767/B757, 400 B727 and the rest on mostly J32 / J41 ( My favorite). Typed in 757/B767/J41. FAA Ratings.
I have filled up the online aplication and I got an email a couple of weeks later stating that I was being looked at. That is it !!!.
NO date for nothing. Just an email to say that I was being reviewed.

PilatusDriver and the rest of the gang,
So far I haven't heard nothing yet. I will try this contact in the U.K.
Anybody else has ??:confused:

Thanks for all the info you are posting.
I have one more question. What is the conversion rate $ vs DB ??

Thanks ....

10th Mar 2003, 13:27
1 dollar is fixed at BD 0.377

10th Mar 2003, 20:48
Thanks PilatusDriver,

Let's keep posted !!!!!! :D :D


11th Mar 2003, 02:23
767 interviews happening would guess next 30 days or so keep alert!!!

11th Mar 2003, 13:19
Any likelihood of the minimum requirements coming down from ATPL, 1500 hrs TT, 500 hrs on 767? Does it help if you live in the UAE already?



11th Mar 2003, 21:58
Without using many grey cells haselled I think you would find the answer to your question would be