View Full Version : Flybe Type Rating Course

28th Feb 2003, 13:24
Has anyone been accepted on the Dash 8 type rating course beginning at the end of March.

1st Mar 2003, 11:44
What? They have told me repeatedly that they are not recruiting anyone for months, are your facts straight...?

Sliding member
2nd Mar 2003, 04:48
I've heard that also meeb, I believe they have an excess of crews at the moment, just keep waiting.........;)

2nd Mar 2003, 05:34
Heard today that easy jet are taking over flybe routes out of LGW, as of 09/03.

Dont know if this answers your question

2nd Mar 2003, 13:20
Well...I know for a fact that they are taking people on, and yes Mhodges has his facts right. The fact that you even question him tells me why they fob you off and why you are not undertaking such a course.

Jelousy is for the weak!!!:)

2nd Mar 2003, 16:27
As far as I know, the pilots going for type rating this month are mainly Channel Islands residents for crewing the Jersey based flights. Kind of makes the selection a little biased, but selection it is.

Dixie Normus
3rd Mar 2003, 00:24
Just as well this a rumour forum matey!!!!!!!!!

Don't think FlyBE. will be dropping LGW-JER/GCI to easy do you???:eek:

I heard that there's things afoot down Crawley way with regard to the Autumn but that's all at the moment.

Dixie :D

4th Mar 2003, 09:25
A colleague of mine was contacted yesterday by the turboprop fleet manager and offered a place on a Dash course in May.

Artificial Horizon
4th Mar 2003, 14:02
There is definitley a Dash 8 course being run in both mid-March and May, I know at least 5 people who have been offered places on these courses. It is true some had Jersey residency but not all of them.

4th Mar 2003, 16:26
Q400 or an -8 course..? Any Skippers being taken on? Anyone...?

Oh and Ennie, grow up... :rolleyes:

5th Mar 2003, 12:42

matey, many crew have been told that LGW base is to close as of 09/03 with EZ taking over their routes. They have been given the option to move to Southhampton.

Who knows, it could just be a big lye?!

9th Mar 2003, 19:21
There is a course starting at the end of March, and most of the guys that have recently been taken on have residential qualls. (All the ones taken on in the channel isles that is)
There are also 2direct entry skippers that I know of been taken on in JSY for the dash aswell.:D