View Full Version : Buzz Stung!

27th Feb 2003, 08:39
KLM low cost carrier are being bought by rival Ryanair

80% of existing Buzz Cabin Crew are to be made redundant along with Pilots, Ground Op's and Management.

All Buzz operations will be grounded on 1st of April for one month for re branding.

ryanair.com for more details.

Still bad times for aviation even the no-frills sector.:(

27th Feb 2003, 09:56
Any chances for all this people to be employed by Ryan?
It's very sad to know so many collegues could be jobless :sad:

28th Feb 2003, 00:10
It was very sad to read that 'buzz' is going to axe 400 staff. I really feel for the people who are on the verge of losing thier jobs. Lets hope the GMB and BALPA do all they can to help these guys.
Just don't expect any support from KLM uk management and directors. They didn't give a damn when they got rid of all the ground staff that worked so hard at all their UK bases.

28th Feb 2003, 18:19
Just wanted to say good luck to everyone at Buzz.

If you keep your job under Ryan I hope it is good for you, and if not I hope you get back in the air elsewhere.

I've lived through Air Europe going under & Dan Air being taken over so I know how it feels. But I'm still here!!

Good luck and keep smiling,
