View Full Version : "Muslim" Countries Refuse RAF Overflights

26th Feb 2003, 09:06
Radio 4 reported this morning that the RAF were unable to get their aircraft to the party because 'Muslim countries opposed to war with Iraq had refused overflight rights'.

Does anybody know if this is both Egypt and Saudi?

Will the French be next?

26th Feb 2003, 09:35

The use of the expression "Muslim Countries" is interesting. Does that mean that all the citizens are Muslim? Not, of course, likely to further alienate those who think the war is against Islam rather than Iraq!

I wonder how they would describe India?


Speed of Sound
26th Feb 2003, 11:37
The use of the expression 'to the party' is also interesting.


26th Feb 2003, 15:26
Just as a matter of interest, how did the Americans get their aircraft there?

I wouldn't have thought S.Arabia would have been the main obstacle; if you're flying from the UK to Kuwait, the main two would be Jordan and Iraq (Turkey wouldn't object, being a NATO member, although the recent hoo-ha with Turkey might have been a factor?)

26th Feb 2003, 16:21
Like the name "Soddim" isn't a clue?

26th Feb 2003, 17:22
As I'm sure many of you are aware, most of the other heads of state in the ME will not be sad to see 'im go BUT they walk a fine line avoiding upsetting their subjects and paying lip-service to regional solidarity; not to mention not wishing to be seen falling in line with Israel's greatest ally.
I'd expect there's a fair bit of diplomacy taking place as we type.

26th Feb 2003, 18:51
Don't believe everything you read in the paper, or hear on the radio (even if it is the BBC), either.