View Full Version : Virginblue Interview Dress Code (merged)

25th Feb 2003, 23:27
Hi All,

I've heard so many different opinions on what dress code to wear to a Virgin Blue interview. ranging from the normal formal FA attire to funky style wear???????

Can anyone who has been to an interview or is going to an interview, works for VB, share your view on this.

Thanks all.....FT ;)

26th Feb 2003, 01:45
I have been along to two VJ interviews. I have seen every sort of attire possible. Midriff tops are not out of the question. As long as you are prepared to stand on a stage to sing and dance it doesnt really matter to them. The interviewer actually wore a denim jacket. Another suggestion and you can call me bitter and twisted but the younger, blonder and more buxom you are the better. VJ have no interest in your customer service skills nor your experience at that first interview. Good luck to you at your interview.
:* :mad:

26th Feb 2003, 01:50
hey there

I have been to 1 interview and agree with what ANflygirl says!

However been told (by their recruitment agency helpers here in melbourne) that a country road/funky look is acceptable.

whatever that means!!!


26th Feb 2003, 04:01
First of all Flying Triplet, best of luck in your interview.

As for your outfit..... sorry Anflygirl but midriff tops ARE totally out of the question. Please remember that this is a job interview, I personally don't know of too many jobs where an outfit like that would lead to employment.

For my interview I wore a navy blue business skirt, a pastel pink business shirt with stockings and simple court shoes. I wore my makeup simple but still flattering and my hair into a up style. I think that the most important part of my outfit was the fact that it suited me and still looked professional. (And 'NO' I am not blonde, buxom and young!!!)

When you put your outfit together make sure you choose something that proves you will look good in their uniform. It seems to me that all airlines want their cabin crew to look good-- why else would they spend huge amounts of money updating uniforms as well as using some of the top designers to design them. (eg VB used Marcs and Qantas is currently using Morrisey)

It is true that you don't need to follow the conventional way of dressing for an airline interview,, but still wear an outfit that looks professional. With all the variations on business wear you should have no problems finding something to suit you.

Now that you have your outfit together just remember to smile smile smile.

If you have any other questions feel free to message me.

love SMILE:D

Notorious BIG
26th Feb 2003, 05:08
QF Mike 737, I found your comments for the Virgin Blue interview very funny. Well said

Captain Lou P
26th Feb 2003, 21:51
Hi all! I am a cabin supervisor with DJ and I can tell you that the stereotypical blonde, buxom cc description of DJ cabin crew is not accurate. There are people of various appearances ie. hair/eye colour, skin colour, size etc. but everyone does try to look their best. As for the interview, you should wear something smart and business like. Hair must be immaculate. Definitely smile lots and be yourself. Be warm and friendly, creative and out-going yet at the same time show some maturity. Hope this helps and best of luck!!;)

27th Feb 2003, 00:21
Sorry Smile but I beg to differ. I did see girls in midriff tops, thats not to say that they progressed to next stage but they were definitely there. You say that you are not young but I can pretty well guarantee that you are not over 40, most likely not yet 35. Sir Richard has stated numerous times that its like going to work with his daughters. As I said, I may be bitter and twisted but Virgin do not take any women over 40. I dont know about you but I know some incredibly sexy, attractive experienced flight attendants above this age that would seriously leave a lot of 20 something year olds for dead. Yes I am an ex AN flight attendant but am now with another carrier who values age and life experience, not to mention well honed customer service skills that only come with years of experience and a genuine love of the job. Good luck to you and I am pleased that you were able to fly with them.

27th Feb 2003, 00:30

Flying_Triplet check your PM 's


27th Feb 2003, 10:00

Thanks guys I appreicate everyone's diverse thoughts and comments............ Have a nice day.........FT;)

Captain Lou P
27th Feb 2003, 11:51
Hi again,
just thought you should know, in my opinion, you should definitely wear a suit and tie for an interview with DJ or any other carrier. I certainly did, and every other male that I know that works for DJ did as well. Best of luck with Australian QFM!

28th Feb 2003, 06:16

They are definitly less dressy than most Airline interviews. I have been through to the third round of Interviews and suggest a look that is more funky than the traditional suite look.

A great pair of tailored paints and a nice crisp white shirt or a skirt with shirt. You don't need a jacket. And make sure your make-up and hair looks fantastic and have fun.

I saw a girl who wore a furry red skirt and black boots for the second Interview and I am sure she would be working there now.

It is true that blondes with alot of bust seem to get through there Interview process alot easier and also working at the airport brunettes are few and far between.

It is a sore point for those who have alot of Hospitality experience for that is not essential with this particular airline it's more based on personality and I hear this often from crew themselves, who are baffled by what gets through.

All in all a fun interview process and not stressful. And a FANTASTIC airline to work, as alot of cabin crew enjoy turning up to work no matter what shift they are given.

Captain Lou P
28th Feb 2003, 09:40
Hello again,
just regarding the interviews, it appears that the dress standard for interviews has changed if people are dressing funky instead of formal. I have been at DJ since its commencement of operation, so it is possible that things have changed. It is true that DJ values attitude more than experience, that's not to say that customer service experience doesn't count, it certainly does. It's funny that that not many brunettes are seen by some of you! There are numerous occasions that all my crew have dark hair. I would say that 25 - 30% of cabin crew are brunettes, and of the females, majority are not overly busty!!! DJ is a fun place to work because you are encouraged to be yourself and bring your personality to work, however the conditions are often quite tough. Certainly not much glamour, if any! Good luck to you all.;)

28th Feb 2003, 23:42
Flying triplet,

I work for VB. I am brunette, 31 and a size 12 to dispell any rumours out there. I wore to my interviews: 1st interview I wore a beige fitted dress. Second interview white shirt, beige skirt, third interview beige skirt different shirt. I think as long as you look smart, make up emaculate, hair professionally pulled back your dress standards will meet approval. (very smart casual/ business attire)

I agree I saw some shocking examples at my interview of peoples dress attire. One girl had huge spears thru her ears - needless to say I never saw her again.

The main process in stage one is seeing how well you can interact within a group - standard with most airlines but virgin has a different approach then other airlines in this process. They are mainly looking for how easily you can instantly get along with others and if your personality stands out from the crowd. Most importantly smile...look like you are having fun..and above all else...a positive attitude.

I previously worked for another airline before getting into virgin and one thing that really stands out in this company is positivity. Online everyone maintains a positive attitude - those negative souls are not taken too very well. We do like to have fun and it is a fun environement to work in.

Second interview they will go thru your customer service experience - contrary to what others on here might tell you.

Lastly best of luck - it is a great airline to work for...a little unconventional sometimes. We are about to sign our new EBA agreement and things are improving all the time.

Feel free to email me if you like - will gladly help!

all the best


In actual fact VB has hired cabin crew over 40 - sorry if you werent one of them but it is a fact that they did hire cabin crew over 40 not many but there are a couple I've worked with 2 of them personally. There are many crew I havent worked with - so that is only my personal experience to date.

As for customer service skills you are correct in saying that at interivew one it doesnt get a look in...but guaranteed interview 2 it counts a great deal. Personality and attitude rates equally as high in this process.

Rumors are rumours - its a different scenario when you are out online working with these people - to see and hear these comments is ridiculous.

VB has alot of experienced cabin crew from many different previous carriers working for them - alot of regional crew, ex an ( which I am), emirates, United airlines to name a few.