View Full Version : Expats feel safe in Qatar

24th Feb 2003, 08:54
From the Qatar Peninsula(24/2):

"While Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has been issuing travel advisories regarding Qatar, and there is extensive global media coverage of the shooting of a Briton in Saudi Arabia, British expats in Qatar do not think they are more at risk here than they would be anywhere else.

Most are vehemently opposed to a war against Iraq, and they’re not considering leaving Qatar. Most defiant are those who lived in the region during the Gulf War in 1991, and a number have discovered — sometimes to their surprise — that their grown-up children have become anti-war activists in UK cities such as Manchester and London.

“I’ve lived here for 24 years and I feel Qatar is as safe as anywhere,” said Beryl Osman. “I don’t support an attack on Iraq and I think that George Bush and Tony Blair are whipping up anti-Muslim sentiment by appearing to link terrorism only to the Islamic world. If there was to be a backlash against Americans, Britons or any other non-Muslim communities, then it’s just as likely to be in London or New York or Rome, as it is here. After living for so long in this part of the world, I’ve come to accept ‘Allah Kareem’ and ‘Inshallah.’ We will all die when our time comes, regardless of where we are. And if that time hasn’t come, we will continue to live. So why should I leave Qatar now,” said Osman.

Ralph Thakeray, head teacher of the Doha English Speaking School, (DESS) said: “Around 10 per cent of our pupils are Qatari, and the school will stay open no matter what. I’ve spoke to a number of parents today who said they feel as safe here in Qatar as they would anywhere else in the world.

“Some had received notification of the FOC advisory through the Warden system on e-mail. One parent telephoned to ask if the advisory was a result of specific intelligence reports. I told them that information hadn’t been made available, but my own opinion was that it was only in response to the incident in Saudi Arabia. There hasn’t been any withdrawal of pupils, apart from one family that happens to have been relocated.

“A couple of teachers have asked me the hypothetical question of what would happen if British nationals were advised to leave. I’ve told them that there might be some reduction in staff under those circumstances, but that the school would remain open.”

His wife echoes those thoughts and says she has no plans to leave — nor do any of her friends or acquaintances.

There are others, anti-war and determined not to leave, who are less easy about announcing their presence.

A British businesswoman here, who preferred to remain anonymous, said: “No. I’ve got no plans to leave. I’ve lived here for decades and as far as I’m concerned, everything goes on as normal. And I haven’t noticed any change in the attitude of other British expatriates here either. I don’t agree with an attack on Iraq, and I don’t believe we’re any more at risk here than we would be anywhere else in the world.”

24th Feb 2003, 21:26
seems to me that this is the standard BS brainwash article in the penninsula.....

From what I notice here people are getting nervous, certainly after the bombtreats on the Qatar airways flights two days ago...

1st Mar 2003, 11:11
Anybody is probably much safer in any GCC country than in any major metro area in the USA, or any Euro ones as well...never heard of a carjacking over here, there has been some uncharactaristic attacks on westerners in the past few months, but bringing it in line with the rest of the world, it's still the safest place to be

1st Mar 2003, 16:28

1st Mar 2003, 19:59
Doha is NOT safe. The standard of driving on the roads is terrible. And then there's the added danger of Akbar on his motorbike.

3rd Mar 2003, 07:10
Another thing that you may not know about Qatar is that there was an attempted coup in Oct 2002, the put down was helped by the Americans. Had it been sucessful it would have spoilt the amercians plans for using the airbase in the desert. Also Qatar have just invested billions of dollars in Venezuelan oil. Coincidentally USA are one of Venezuala's biggest oil importers so if the coup had gone ahead it would have caused the US a problem there too. Someone told me that they got this info from the Internet, I checked and it was easily available but of course not reported in the Peninsula.

3rd Mar 2003, 07:19
Spent all of yesterday afternoon, with three families from Doha, who were visiting the UK. All had children under 16, and all were planning to return next weekend. In addition, their friends were still planning to fly out to stay with them over Easter.

3rd Mar 2003, 09:07
The story about the coup appeared in a Saudi newspaper at a time when relations between Saudi and Qatar were at a low point - the Saudis are not happy with the fact that Qatar is attracting so much attention. Also, since 1995 when the present Emir deposed his father in a (bloodless) coup contacts between the two countries have been strained, when you add the freespeaking Al Jazira TV into the equation as well you will understand that neighbourhood relations are not what they could be.

I live in Qatar and no-one I know (military, diplomatic, local community etc) was aware of a coup. Maybe you will accuse me of being naive but I assure you my sources are more reliable than the local press or the internet. The story is in a similar vein to the one that the Foreign Minister went to Israel to meet politicians last summer - i.e. an attempt to discredit the Qatari government in the eyes of the Arabic world.

Give the Qataris some credit for using the Americans as their insurance policy against their bigger and very jealous neighbour casting envious eyes over the huge gas reserves that exist here.

And yes, expats do feel safe in Qatar.

3rd Mar 2003, 12:52
DesertDriver is correct on the coup attempt. Just propaganda from Saudi Arabia. Believe me if you know who I am you will not doubt this.

3rd Mar 2003, 16:48
Debka said the same and they usually get it right.

14th Mar 2003, 07:44
Living in this region myself I have no doubt the expats are safe in Doha, as with the other GCC states. With the amount of Military and Civil Police presence (especially now) this will continue to be the case. And as for the Coup stories...they are just another part of Middle East life and you get used to all the rumours.

What will be entertaining is the Aussie Hornet Sqn and their support personel deployed to Qatar will receive medals and money for being in a "war zone" which we call on a daily basis "home", if they end up overhead Iraq on an hourly basis then deservidly so, but I wonder if the Aussie and Kiwi Qatar Airways pilots will earn a gong.....the tax free money they already have :D


14th Mar 2003, 09:01

Hope I am not in breach of the official secrets act but i think the Aussie hornets are at a forward base in Kuwait.

Wont name the base but they share with about 12500 Marines with facilities that cater for much less. This alone is worth the tax free allowance.

A political bombshell back home if the public were aware of how involved we are to become in the campaign.

Certainly no sunbaking on Diego Garcia.

All Australians have been asked to leave bahrain. Qatar similar yet?

14th Mar 2003, 09:10
Qatar is and will remain quite safe. The Aussies haven't been asked to leave yet, nor will they ever be.

14th Mar 2003, 12:59
This will have been a recent development if they have moved to Kuwait, and at the end of the day you are right either way, I don't think the Aussie Public are quite aware of how far the ADF is buried in the sandpit....this appropriate in all senses as there is a wowzer of a Shamal blowing at the moment. As for it being a secret...well.....the expat rumour mill and general awareness defeats the purpose of the Aussie Governments attempt at keeping locations quiet.....I think they forget that half of the ADF and NZDF (Air Force specifically) are working out here now, perhaps they should have paid better and for NZ kept an Air Attack Force....but...sigh... thats another forum!


15th Mar 2003, 10:36
Could be the case on the Hornets as they definately hit the turf at Doha Military and an ongoing major logistics supply has been arriving through there as well as Kuwait. Probably not a bad plan to have the support cell in Qatar......not convinced though its a good plan having the air assets in the Kuwaity sandpit so close to Iraq if they are in fact there now....

I guess from the latest news today things are certainly deteriorating on the diplomacy front....is that a derivative of a French word???? :hmm:

16th Mar 2003, 08:01

Short legs and stretched tanking resources may make sense for the fwd deployment in Kuwait.

The base was named on another thread but the post appropriately disappeared. Politically appropriate i would deem.

Back to the main thread. I feel safe in Qatar cause I can't get whipped. But you be a good boy out your way!