View Full Version : GF Flight Attendant Interview in Bangkok

21st Feb 2003, 03:16
Dear friends,

I am invited for the flight attendant interview of Gulf Air on 26th Feb. Could you give me some sugguestion,please. I don't know how to prepare myself for the interview with QF.Thanks in advance. :O

excess baggage
22nd Feb 2003, 05:09
Good luck with your interview with Gulf Air (GF)
Very important to look good. nice outfit, neat hair and nice make up.
i think there is an English and maths test.
Not much more i can say to help you really.
Its a great airline to work for, things are improving all the time.

22nd Feb 2003, 05:32
I had an interview with them last month. First few hours spent introducing yourself to a large group. Then if you make it thru the afternoon is panel interviews. Three of them and five of you. It was a good interview but im not sure whats going on with the airline at the moment. They havent gotten back to a single one of us yet and we were meant to find out early Feb!?!
Good luck.