View Full Version : What ya dropped?

18th Feb 2003, 09:53
We've had how fast, we've had how high, so to make the military neck of the woods even more exclusive...whats the biggest thing you've dropped (cargo or weapons) and how big was the bang?

18th Feb 2003, 11:29
As the first Squadron to be issued with The Mk9 Lynx I believe I take the award for being the first to drop one!

Forgot to disengage the Nose Oleo Lock and towed it away with the tractor, My how it bounced down hard on to the tractor towbar, my how I cringed at the thought of the consequences.

Fortunes worth of damage to Aircraft, one of only a few flying at the time, I was banished from the Uckers board for a fortnight and charged £75

Wasn't a member of this site reponsibe for dropping a Light Strike Vehicle on the runway at Dishforth a fortnight after, in the very same airframe?

18th Feb 2003, 12:38
Well it's not very big but the most expensive thing I've ever dropped is a Stingray torpedo which decided that the 'biomass' at the bottom of a deep sea trench looked more like a submarine than the big black cigar shaped thing in front of it!

18th Feb 2003, 18:48
Once dropped a full Lyneham Buttie Box with makeshift parachute on a group of IOT cadets on exercise in the Stamford PTA. I bet there was a fight for the mars bar.

18th Feb 2003, 23:18
Dropped one of the Good Lady's vases, just the other day.....furious, she was!:(

19th Feb 2003, 04:24
Dropped a few clangers in my time:O

19th Feb 2003, 07:13
Dropped my guts at the Mess Ball........................but thats another story:D

Training Risky
19th Feb 2003, 11:55
A 3 ton underslung iso container.

(oh alright, it was in the sim):p

19th Feb 2003, 17:10
:O :O
Once dropped a million pound experimental pallet at JATE.
Trial was going great until it started smashing up the underside of the aircraft dropped it and it just crossed the road before landing in the copse.
Boffins on the ground were none too impressed threatening to bill us until i showed them the aircraft and threatened to bill them back.

Almost dropped a skidoo once too but that's another story......:cool:

19th Feb 2003, 20:35
C'mon then all you shy herc mates, who dropped the CVRT on an HSP that Maldropped in 2001?!

Mine's an 18000llb load on an MSP, can you beat that??:D

19th Feb 2003, 20:45
Saw a Wokka drop a triple stropped generator inside one of those ISO's into Stanley Harbour a few years ago...:D


19th Feb 2003, 22:04
Who dropped the 105 light gun (from a Chinook I believe) up in Scotland a few years ago? Took a few days to dig that one out.

19th Feb 2003, 23:31
Mate of mine dropped a chacon full of personal baggage during a disembarkation once, shattered on impact with the oggin and it was fun to watch the Senior Observers trunk with computer etc in it gurgle and sink to the bottom of mounts bay!

Who was it dropped the Sea Skuas in the solent???

adrian mole
20th Feb 2003, 07:03
Speaking of Sea Skuas reminds me of the Loadmaster on a VC10 who arrived at Ascension during the Falklands conflict in June 1982. On arrival along with the paperwork she handed the movers a handful of flagged pins marked "REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT"... She was next seen working in the bedding store at Brize Norton.

20th Feb 2003, 09:34
Mighty Gem,

It was a Chinnie that dropped the 105mm gun, but it was in the 'tac' circuit at Odiham - onto a farmers field. It was in '99 or 2000 I think, the ground wasn't too badly dented but the gun was re-shaped considerably. Oops - switches safe!

20th Feb 2003, 11:22
Not very big, not all at once, and not very accurate - but great sport. Twelve 100 gall droptanks on Torrey Canyon. And the fisheads were just as wild with their thousand pounders. More nastier stuff later on in life - but by then the real fun had gone ----

25th Feb 2003, 10:46
Correcting nicely: The 105 in the tac circuit at Odi was after they had done the same thing about 6 months previously at Catterick (I think).
Dropping a JP233 was fun(ish), but the open-loop pull-up over the target at the end was a little unwelcome!