View Full Version : Is this a record.......

18th Feb 2003, 08:32
In an article in the Guardian yesterday about the reactivation/upgrade of some airstrips in the Kurdish self-rule area of Northern Iraq the article mentioned the strip at Harir then said "Two weeks ago, one eye witness said, a C-130 transport plane landed and offloaded 30 vehicles".

It's got to be either the deployment of the First Armoured Mountain Bike brigade or they have let some students lose in rag-week as loadies, as change from packing phone boxes.

18th Feb 2003, 15:14
I assumed it was the White Helmet motorbike display team off to impress the natives!

18th Feb 2003, 22:12
60 troops in total, paired up and giving piggybacks, so that half of them counted as vehicles?

18th Feb 2003, 22:42
Probably an AN124 with double deck on the cargo floor!! :D