View Full Version : Airmen Aircrew Selection

17th Feb 2003, 11:44
I'm currently researching joining up as a WSOp. What appears to be an issue is that I'm 24 and have 2 A levels and the careers people don't understand that I'm not interested in being either an Officer or a WSO Nav for reasons that I've learnt from speaking to people who are already AEOps.

Am I turning down a good offer when they say I could get a commision and become a nav? I'm assuming that the OASC selection standards are the same for both officer and airman aircrew?

No doubt if I ever get to Cranwell the first question will be "you have 2 A levels why don't you want to apply for navigator?" How would I answer that?

Not looking for specific answers, just things to get me thinking.

17th Feb 2003, 16:47
When you jump for the ladder always go for the highest rung you can reach...so try for pilot first.

On balance you will probably have a better life-style as commissioned aircrew rather than non-commissioned. That said the Nav/WSO world is set to shrink over the next few years.

Good luck with whatever you choose.

17th Feb 2003, 17:29
I think what ANAPROP says makes alot of sense; I too would aim high go for pilot/nav then list the NCA trades starting with AEOp.
At the interview let them think that the commission is the most important thing. They will ask you if commissioning is so important why have you also applied for NCA; you have to convince them that you really would like to be aircrew and have a commission and that if you become NCA you can apply for a commission later or some Sh**e like that. Whatever you decide you have to sound like you mean it.
For your info I am an AEOp.

17th Feb 2003, 21:32
How refreshing to find such sound advice being offered without the usual "trade boundry" bias normally encountered here. Both guys hit the nail on the head, shoot for the moon and then accept what you are eventually offered.

The best seats in the house are with out doubt "up front" however flying is as much fun as you can have with your clothes on which makes any Aircrew role the envy of all your peers.

Hope you eventually end up on the seat of your choosing and best of luck with the selection process.

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

18th Feb 2003, 07:34
Many thanks for everyone's useful and encouraging advice.

18th Feb 2003, 15:12
Try this website for info on NCA (the official RAF Careers site is sh1te)

NCA Aircrew Website (http://www.airmenaircrew.freeserve.co.uk)

18th Feb 2003, 20:23
TSFS, I just love modesty ;)

MadMark!!! :mad:

18th Feb 2003, 20:27
MM, It's the only way to get people to the website :-)

You ain't seen me, roight.

19th Feb 2003, 07:39
I've printed most of that web site off, thanks to "whoever" maybe responsible for it. Its a lot more useful than anything I've found on rafcareers.com!

"Store Gone"
22nd Feb 2003, 10:57

I Agree with the previous advice of aiming high.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do and take it from me after 14 years as an AEOp there are a lot worse things you can do with your life!!!


Hertzsprung Russell
22nd Feb 2003, 18:56

There is a general misconception in the Armed Forces that academic attainment is somehow related to rank or potential for commissioning. Not only this, but many people believe that there is a link between intelligence/intellectual capacity and rank. This is absolutely not the case.

I once worked with an LAC who had an Honours Degree in Computing - needles to say he moved on to better things. So just because you've got 2 A-Levels doesn't mean you should apply for a job that other people wrongly refer to as somehow 'better' tham what you are considering.

If you've decided what YOU want to do and you've researched the other possibilities, then my advice is to stick to what YOU want to do.

Good luck

H-R ;)

23rd Feb 2003, 16:28
Unfortunately, OASC and CIOs are not interested in your preferences, the want bums on seats. If you want to be a pilot in the RAF then apply to be a pilot in the RAF. NOTHING ELSE, repeat NOTHING ELSE. However, if you just want to join the RAF and fly, then roll the dice and expect a seat without a view.