View Full Version : A big thank you/ Britannia

Ginger Rodger
15th Feb 2003, 19:17
Hullo Guys & Gals!

I am so very, very excited!!!! After a number of interviews, I have been successful!

I am due to begin training with Britannia based at Gatwick on 12th March. Just wondering if there is anyone else out there commencing training with me???? Would love to get in contact if there is! :O

Finally, a BIG thank you to everyone here! I have read many posting and gained many a useful insight because of everybody's willingness to share info!

See you all soon!

GR xxx

15th Feb 2003, 20:05
Well GINGER, congratulations!

Sorry I won't be on course with u... I'll be working for competition...LOL... but if u are looking for a roommate around Gatwick, please let me know! I will comence training on March 3rd and should be looking for accomodation about a week from now.

Well, send me a private message if u wish!

Good luck for training! :p

Mrs. FloatJockey

17th Feb 2003, 15:11
well done ginger....ill be working for the competition too but have loasa fun...

6th Mar 2003, 23:54
Well done mate!

I'm Brit crew, recently transfered down to LGW from another base after 4 years - and I have to say I am quite pleasently shocked by LGW - I love it here!

Hope you love it too x

8th Mar 2003, 13:14
well done...im working for compwtition at lgw too...see u around..i start on tues 11 march..so excited

8th Mar 2003, 17:29
hi started a month a go training for by.
make sure you know the SEP questions and answers from the website. also learn all the generic modules and it will help to have a print out of the other modules from 757, 767-200,
767-300 whichever you will be working on. also prin out the IMC info/modules too.- i say print out as you will be getting loads of home work and tests in the first 2/3 weeks and going to use the computer can slow that down. if you see anything in the website your not sure of ring them up and get it checked out. after the 3rd week we got our lives back and theres no home work!! we had a fab time, if your first day is in east midlands why dont you ring training and ask who else is on your course, call them and see if they want to stay in the holiday inn express aprox £65 for twin room B&B and a little more for triple/quad room and within walking distance to the training room.
any way dont stress hope this has been usefull best of luck and you never know might see you around.