View Full Version : My thoughts

14th Feb 2003, 20:05
Well, for all you military jocks, if there is a to do in some part of the world, GOOD LUCK.

I have watched footage of WW2 combat on the old discovery channel and having passed my PPL, I can't help but think how they managed it. Fly a plane and engage in combat!!??

Hopefully enough pressure may be applied for you just being there.


14th Feb 2003, 20:48
and in those days you had to fly the aircraft and find the bogey then bring fire to bear using pure skill and, hopefully, with a modicum of luck, a kill might result. If you knew what you were at least you could avoid being shot down.

Nowadays the aircraft is easy to fly and there are many aids to help find the bogey. When one does there is only a little skill in bringing fire to bear. The only snag is that any young lieutenant fresh out of flying training can do the same thing using the same clever weapons against you. Unfortunately, the incoming missile does not know that you are experienced and that you know what you are about so it is dangerous out there for everyone.

Good luck to those who need it.

16th Feb 2003, 20:12

Lucky you - I wish I found it as easy as you seem to. Even after 11 years of flying pointy things I still find it frikkin diff to get (A/A) weps off sometimes! Managed to get a (simulated!) guns kill in a Tornado once (on another Tornado) but it took about 2 mins and I don't think the other bloke saw me.

I find flying fast jets more difficult than the vintage aircraft I've had the pleasure of flying but that might just be me.

Very true what you say about the missile - there is no "Diplomatic Immunity!" out there.



[Edited so it can't be misinterpreted so easily!]