View Full Version : Ao Accepting Non Language Cairns Based Cabin Crew!!

australian boy
10th Feb 2003, 02:56
Hey guys,

Australian Airlines have updated the web site and r recruiting both language and non language speakers applications need 2 b in by the 21st of Feb. Good luck to all who apply, I have been with Australian Airlines 4 months as a non language speaker and am having a fantastic time. AO is a wonderfull airline to work for.

best of luck c u in the sky

AUSTRALIAN BOY........................

10th Feb 2003, 04:30
Could anyone working for AO give me an idea on pay and conditions (rosters etc). Feel free to PM/e-mail if you don't want to post them here.


Anna Spanna
12th Feb 2003, 01:54
I am a non language speaker and have an interview next week in Cairns. :O
australian boy if you have any tips, they would be most appreciated. Otherwise look forward to the chance of meeting you in the sky at some stage.

Cross your fingers for me

australian boy
12th Feb 2003, 03:04
Hey Anna Spanna

I can only tell u what the process was like when I went thru it last June, It is very much like the Qantas walk In on arrival all your documents r checked remember to have them all in hand including the originals, then your height is checked.

If you were successful at this stage u were then invited to the group stage on that same day this took about 4-5 hours be prepared this stage involved lots of team work and senarios about asian passengers been mistreated on a flight we had to fix the problem.

You need to have a passion for asian culture as all of our ports r in asia but new ports could be added as new aircraft arrive shortly. All of all planes have come across from Qantas we only operate 1 type the 767-300. I suggest u check the web site as u may be asked questions about the airline.
If u r successful at this stage u were booked in for a 1 on 1 interview which is the final stage.

About Australian Airlines it self it is a fresh airline all the crew r very enthusiastic and possitive the flying is good with 1,2 and 3 nite layovers depending on the port u operate 2. We operate 1 domestic sector from cns to the Gold Coast which is a day trip.
we r in Australia about 9 days per month. I hope this has given u a little insight into the process.

Best of luck Anna Spanna and everyone else

Take Care Australian Boy...................

13th Feb 2003, 10:42
Hey there

I know this question keeps popping up, but thought I'd better check anyway.....

Any hot gossip or confirmed reports on where Australian Airlines second base might soon be?

AViON calling!!
14th Feb 2003, 19:23

Second base is still being considered but have been told it wont be Sydney or Melbourne.