View Full Version : parking at manchester airport

8th Feb 2003, 19:29
can anyone help me? do cabin crew get any discount on parking at manchester airport when usuing the public long stay carpark?

Red Minx
8th Feb 2003, 21:17
Depends who you work for - I've worked for a few airlines and have either been provided with a pass for the car park at MAN or a voucher system for reduced payment. Contact your company and see what's on offer - they know what they're perpared to dish out!

8th Feb 2003, 22:36
cheers matey, i work for a schedule airline. I'm flying from MAN on personal business (staff travel) even though I work from LGW

9th Feb 2003, 17:25
I have some good news and some bad.

Manchester airport run a green voucher scheme. most airlines are given these to hand out to crews who can then pak in the staff carpark west for £1.40 per day or part day.

However ManApp are gettting rid of manned pay stations and with them the green chits.

Most of the Independent parking companies give crew discount if you arrange the parking before hand.


9th Feb 2003, 22:46
I would for warn you though...
I would stick with the plc long stay car park rather than carminder. I had my Car broken into on carminder and its supposed to be a secure car park with CCTV and patrols etc. i found out afterwards that the CCTV dont work and at most there is only one guard working at a time who just watches TV all day long and couldnt care less about the car park being secure.

Just a little advice

Oh and by the way Carminder do NOT pay for the damage done to your car when they cant be bothered to do their job properly!


12th Feb 2003, 21:12

Car Park West.... More like Fred West. Thats what we call it here!! If you park there, be very careful at night as it is quite daunting.

Hottowel xx