View Full Version : Pay Award!

7th Feb 2003, 10:48
Just heard the latest from the BBC the Armed Forces are due to receive 3.2%. Personally, as shortly-to-be-deployed aircrew I'd like more than that. Those that 'fly and fight' should get the majority of any increase, and the desk-flying blotter-jotters should get what's left. Or how about 2% and tax-free pay when we're overseas or even a 40% fireman-style claim?

Stan Bydike
7th Feb 2003, 11:59
Full report in pdf format:


7th Feb 2003, 12:12
"Those that 'fly and fight' should get the majority of any increase, and the desk-flying blotter-jotters should get what's left."

Hardly a team orientated ethos here i think! As a none flyer who has spent 16 months of the last 24 OUTSIDE the UK, i suggest you reappraise your comment. However, would agree with 2% and TAX FREE when ever deployed on ops, as some of us would do quite nicely thanks.

:) :)

7th Feb 2003, 12:28
I'm with you all the way, Ducky..... always remember that those left back at VN, DL etc (eng types, muppets, supply even) will be working their bits off, with limited rest. And they won't even get a gong when the show's over.:}
(I do like the bad teeth smilie!):D

Big Green Arrow
7th Feb 2003, 12:35
Bone question..I've only had time to skim the report..but have the aircrew FRI's been altered or are they as before (ie 30K for 5 years of service)?

7th Feb 2003, 12:40
BGA, would you mind rephrasing that as Aircrew Officers FRI's please. Not bitter, just frustated:O

Ralf Wiggum
7th Feb 2003, 13:40
Whilst the award may look somewhat paltry, especially after what we have done over the last few weeks, it is somewhat better than the other Public Services are getting. Like the Gilchrist Girlies on their Red phalic extensions, We should realise that there is not a big pot of money that the Government of the day can dip into at any request. It's the tax payer who has to fund it and as we are tax payers, we should be grown up on the matter.

Yes, I believe we deserve a better pay rise after the OVERSTRETCH crap we're going through - My Unit, although small, is down by some 80% come next week! The tax payer does not deserve any more taxes though. A fine balancing act that any Government has to do, but I wish they'd realise that we cannot get them out of every sticky situation they get into, because we are not infinitely staffed.

Would love to see Gilchrist spend a couple of months in a Serviceman's role. He'd see what real work was like.

As far as I can see, we are getting a realistic rise (Unfortunately).

Sloppy Link
7th Feb 2003, 17:38
Bootscooter, just to point out that the FRI is joint and that there is more beyond the RAF. The FRI is for pilots, not just officers.

7th Feb 2003, 17:52
Well said, Ralf. I'm amazed at the naivety of some people. If we get a large pay hike, then everyone in the public sector will get one and, guess what? More taxes. I can just imagine the whining in the Military Aircrew forum if the Government decided to start taxing income above £40k at 60%.

7th Feb 2003, 19:52
I agree totally with Ralf Wiggum and Scud-U-Like, shame I have just spent it buying decent kit and petrol for my car to get to Brize.

7th Feb 2003, 20:00
Well, the Lord Chancellor only got 16.5%, why should we be upset?

7th Feb 2003, 23:41
Maybe we can spend the 3.2% on some desert kit that we can't get issued.

Follow Me Through
8th Feb 2003, 02:05

I do not think you need to worry about the supply and movements cadre not getting a medal. They will no doubt have created more posts at senior officer level by the time this affair is concluded. Probably rewritten SOPs for your aircraft at the same time!

Stan Bydike
8th Feb 2003, 06:06
3.2 % not really. Don't forget your vastly increased National Insurance Stealth Tax Contributions from 1 Apr as well

9th Feb 2003, 17:11
The Govt obviously feels it is doing well by us as "the above inflation busting deal" is designed to keep us happy, be we fighting fires, conducting desert warfare or just doing our normal job. The idea of tax-free pay when away from home is not new as most of us know. When I was last in the desert and asked my Det Cdr about this perk, which is enjoyed by the Americans, I was told that we, the Brits, were not into that kind of thing!! (Queen and Country,etc).

A better idea, in view of the popular one-off payments being made to retain aircrew, may be along the lines of an extra months pay at Xmas for every serviceman. This would undoubtedly back up the wonderful accolades heaped on us by politicians when the bullets start flying! In the mean time I've taken the lead of higthepig and put the 3.2% before tax rise into the tank of my car as the price of fuel is on its way up-at least I can get to work intime to catch MT for BZN!:hmm: :hmm:

9th Feb 2003, 22:46
Unfortunatley 2ndclasscitizen, 3.2-3.7% wouldn't cover the cost of kit - the 2 people that I just sent out spent over £500 between them!

Ralf Wiggum
10th Feb 2003, 13:13
While the Lord Chancellor is getting his hyper-inflated pay rise, we have done better than most in the Public Service sector. I agree that the Lord Chancellor's increase is ridiculous, but that's no reason for us to start an inflation battle. It's so easy to compare to the higher rises, but it doresn't make for a good case when others below us in the pay deals have much sympathy too.

As for paying for Kit, that's a seperate issue that requires urgently addressing. Perhaps LPO or refunding costs, but it should have nothing to do with the pay rise.

10th Feb 2003, 20:48
3.2% minus 1% NI increase and 15% Council Tax increase - and you are talking about taxing my gratuity soon - sorry Tony, seems you are missing the point.

Do not talk about how well we are doing through Geoff and PUS because when we work out the maths, we are out of pocket this year

Ok so we will do our job but somebody tell me where is the motivation coming from, not even the bosses inspire us now, apart from the odd condescending word of thanks to say how well we are doing.

Ultimately, I know our opinions don't count for much and I am therefore changing career - my choice of course, and not your's Tony - which makes a change!

Stan Bydike
11th Feb 2003, 06:04
Ref NI Contributions.

First the ceiling has been lifted so you pay NI on all your salary Then there is the 1 % on top of that. Seem to remeber the papers quoting about £600 per annum on a £50k salary.

Irrespective though the Welsh One is right. This was not a pay rise - we are just not so badly off as we would have been

12th Feb 2003, 20:21
All the financial carrots not enough or don't fancy the BIG ONE!