View Full Version : RAF Gulf commitment deepens

6th Feb 2003, 06:21
BBC - Thursday 6 February- Hoon 'to increase Iraq force':

Britain's contribution to the growing forces being manoeuvred in preparation for a possible war against Iraq is significantly larger than the numbers used during the Gulf War. The Defence Secretary, Geoff Hoon is expected to announce on Thursday that dozens of additional RAF planes are to be sent to the Gulf and Turkey, ready for action.

He is also expected to announce the deployment of another 6,000 personnel, bringing the UK's overall contribution to almost 40,000.

BBC defence correspondent Paul Adams said the sheer size of the military plans is likely to surprise MPs. He said Mr Hoon is expected to announce that the RAF will increase its presence in the region from 21 aircraft to more than 90 - far more than previously reported.

The "air package" will include as many as 50 attack jets including Tornados, Jaguars and Harriers as well as a variety of other aircraft such as refuelling tankers, early warning and surveillance planes. It is a much bigger force than was sent to the Gulf War and with the array of smart weaponry not available in 1991, it is far more potent.

Paul Adams said that if there is conflict the RAF can be expected to play a significant part in the opening phase of the campaign. He said a key role would be helping to deliver what Pentagon officials describe as an "extremely big bang".

Talk Split
6th Feb 2003, 08:14
Who is going to pay for the hotel build to accomodate all our brave boys in light blue?

6th Feb 2003, 13:23

6th Feb 2003, 14:08
With all the money saved by not sending the apache obviously!

:) ;)

6th Feb 2003, 19:04
Just seen on Ceefax that part of the deployment is the RAF Tornado Spy Plane?!!

Must be a fantastically capable aircraft. Has anyone ever seen one!

6th Feb 2003, 19:05
Staying in hotels???

Lowkey - Obviously the spy planes will be flown by the SECRET PILOTS. Don't you know anything??

6th Feb 2003, 22:08
The RAF Tornado Spy Plane is obvioulsy one of the worlds most closely guarded Black Projects.

The ultimate in stealth not even the SECRET PILOTS can find them as they just disappear when looked at.

One just went over and I didn't even see or hear it! See thats how stealthy they really are!

7th Feb 2003, 13:01
This new spyplane is the latest addition to the RAFs int gathering capabilities. I am not sure if I am allowed to describe it on this open forum but it seems to be in the public domain already.
Based on the Tornado F3 the aircraft has been modified to cram into the back seat an AEO, AEOp and Air Siggy along with a bog, a galley and a large teapot, this is still significantly more room than they are used to in their usual chariot.
The Nav has been replaced by a small black box powered by a ZX 81 and the pilots who fly this beast have to be at least 60.
It was due into service 15 years ago but due to the usual problems is only now being used. Hope this clears up the issue.;)

donald stott
8th Feb 2003, 11:04
I happen to be a secret engineer who designed the secret Tornado spyplane. It was conceived in a Kindergarten using childrens drawings with big crayons so nobody would suspect a thing.

The pod on the wing of the tornado has an AEOp in it with a special pair of incredibly powerful binos. There is also room for a flask of tea and 2 blueberry muffins just in case. The design took hours to accomplish on a Friday afternoon just before knock off.

The main CPU was originally a ZX 81, however due to a glut of Playstations on the second hand market it was soon upgraded. Airconditioning comes in the form of a 99p fan from a local market (LPO).


8th Feb 2003, 13:00
Maybe its never occured to them you can paint aircraft different colours so they thought they'd never seen this "new" squadron of aircraft?