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5th Feb 2003, 20:50
Dear fellow PPRuNers
I have an interview coming up with Gulf Air. Would anybody be so kind to share his/her experience to get an idea of what to expect? Any comments on T&C's are very much appreciated.
Tanks in advance

5th Feb 2003, 21:49
Now is not the time IMHO to go to the Middle East particularly GF as they have been on a downward spiral for sometime now.After the last war they treated staff badly.lost huge sums due to internal theft so unless you are unemployed stay put. If going on B767 the routes are now dreadful.

Some years ago it looked like they were going to the wall with all the in fighting between the owners so myself and about 50 others left and just as well we did otherwise we would have lost our jobs due to the downsizing of the Airline
I actually liked it there.but one can only put up with so much.

PS If going on A320 the aircraft never cools down in the summer""

6th Feb 2003, 05:51
I don't know what fleet you were on but i'm on the 320 and life is on the whole pretty good. no one has lost their job here in a very long time as far as i know. money is a lot better than the uk. FOs are taking home more than charter captains in the uk. captains on about £4900 a month which is a lot considering the uk market. flying is easy. no long night flights. weather is fantastic right now. i'm going water skiing, bit of fishing before i fly for 1 hour to have 24 hrs off in UAE then fly back tomorrow night. As long as you don't get involved in the politics. i'm very glad i came here from the uk charter market a few years ago. my mates are still toiling away on night dalamans and the like. me, i have a boat, bought another house, have 2 months holiday a year, travel everywhere on id90 tickets in first class. purrfect. its not the best job in the world, but its a whole lot better than anything in the UK apart from the majors.

Bagshaw Crusher
6th Feb 2003, 10:02
latest F/O contract is only 2800 USD a month. Accomadation a bit of a problem. More the US Navies fault than Gulf Air. Prices have balloned for suitable villas but the problem being looked at.

Speedbrake Lever
6th Feb 2003, 10:35
Hey Bagshaw

you quote 2800$ a month for doing what might I ask ?

The 2 F/o's here with me are on almost 4000$ a month

Housing a problem well seemingly not for Aussies ( it says you're in Melbourne)
a crowd of them have come here and have villas in some pretty good areas, paid for by GF they don't get the housing allowance but it wouldn't nearly pay for the houses they have been given
so I don't think there should be much bitching about that

But listen we don't need people here who whinge the world is full of them

If you don't like, thats ok, because there are plenty that do


6th Feb 2003, 14:21
The GF housing is in a bit of a state of dingyness....most I know take the allowance, and add to it to organize a proper villa....things not bad at all here...just short of crew...:cool:

6th Feb 2003, 14:27
Hi guys
Thanks so far for your inputs. They are highly appreciated. Does anybody have an idea of what to expect on the initial interview. Is there a tech quiz, CRM-games...?

Bagshaw Crusher
7th Feb 2003, 08:24
Speed Brake, ease up, not whinging at all.

I was in a rush so my post terse and no way a reflection of my attitude toward Gulf Air.

On housing, stick to your guns, you will be looked after but like all good things in Bahrain, it takes time.

On wages, are you including allowances? The allowances are good and do beef up salary. There are many different F/O contracts evidently.

What Goes Up

You will have an engineering exam before interview. Know GPWS and driftdown procedures. Interview is not an unpleasant experience. HR staff quite warm.

The Gulf Air training is outstanding, staff are very friendly and the expat pilot group a good bunch. Come down before the rush, with the murmurs of expansion etc.

7th Feb 2003, 21:35
The 320 f/os who take GF housing would be on about 1800 bd when flying and about 1600 when home on a months leave. wife and children allowance would add to that. that equates to about 4700 US a month.

Speedbrake Lever
8th Feb 2003, 09:32
Hey Baggie

You mention Time oh ok well I've given them over 20 years so far
so my parole should be over by now

Yes there does seem to be a few different contracts alright for the F/O's
its the Aussie thing you know some are here on contract that is contract work if you get my drift
thats grand but they can probably stay as long as they wish to

in fact you'd probably do better to come here as a CHEF or whatever they call themselves



Captain Over
8th Feb 2003, 14:41
Hey ia1166, regarding the FO's you mentioned the salary above about...how many years with GF do these FO's have?


8th Feb 2003, 17:00
No increments here for a long time. apparently they are returning but i've heard that before. some of the FO's i know actually took home over 2000 bd recently due to overtime and call out pay. i don't profess to knowing their exact scale but i'd say i'm very near the mark. if you want good pay and conditions you should become a chef though. the omani f/os take home the most, but thats another story.
(edited for alcohol induced errorz)

8th Feb 2003, 23:03
Way to go SL and ia1166, you tell'em boys. Things could be a lot worse, they could work for Qatar Airways:yuk:

Besides guys don't worry about the upcoming war I hear we'll get a retrofit from GAMCO, a couple of sidewinders and plenty of chaff.;)

Life in GF is rosey would'nt change it for anything

9th Feb 2003, 17:57
On the q&a bit, you might get asked about notechs as we've just started that here, also a bit of local weather knowledge. also the fleet expansion plans.

13th Feb 2003, 13:56
Gentlemen thank you very much for your thoughts, tips and hints. The interview is comeing closer and I am trying to prepare myself as good as possible.
ia1166 sorry for my ignorance; but what is (are) notechs? :confused:

Cheers to you all

Willie Everlearn
13th Feb 2003, 20:44

Interesting remark about the CRJ.
I've heard similar comments from this side of the atlantic.
In fact, someone was 'around' YUL doing CRJ market analysis for some carrier 'supposedly' from the middle east.
Where might that be?
Bahrain, Dubai, Sharjah, ???

The CRJ 700 would be a rather nice fit in that neck of the woods.

...any thoughts on how we connect the dots here?


13th Feb 2003, 21:29
Notechs- Non technical skills. the sim checks now contain a loft element where the cockpit crew are videoed and debriefed on crm issues. its all the rage now. catch phrases such as FORDEC, TEM etc. if you're still in doubt send me a privat message and ill give you a quick brief on it.

14th Feb 2003, 09:01
What goes - best of luck for your interview

hope you dont mind if i ask you a couple of questions:
- what fleet are you applying for
- when/where is your interview
- what experience did you have on type

Thanks in advance

14th Feb 2003, 15:22

- A320
- next week/ LHR
- total 3700, A320 1900, A330 1000

Do you give it a try?:ok:

17th Feb 2003, 03:06
No silly games, no trick questions, just an honest assesment of your ability, most importantly, to fit in and operate in a multi-cultural environment..no room for racists, or self important folks here...easy-goers, with a sense of humor will slot right in here no problem...so if you fit the bill...go for it!;)

18th Feb 2003, 06:43
What_goes_up in the intervtew be yourself, don't try and impress we're not looking for rocket scientists, we're looking for guys and gals who can get along with others and have a professional attitude.

NOTECHS is a BA invetion and it is designed to evaluate and assist your "non Technical" skills in other words the instructor is not only looking at how you flew the single engine approach but how you interacted with the other crew member. In a few words its applied crm in the flightdeck. The concept of NOTECHS is to train instructors and examiners not only to intsruct and evaluate technical skills but also non technical which nowadays lead to many aircraft accidents. By filming the sim session you will see many things which you probably don't even remember you did or said, things which you will realize that although seemed at the time a given to you led to confussion for example. Very interesting stuff, I'm sure you'll be impressed and learn a lot.

I would advise reading up on your A320 limitations and memory items.

Best of luck to you

wallace and gromit
18th Feb 2003, 13:11
What you mean we don’t get to build things out of lego and play silly games! That’s a strange way of doing things. :eek:

Tex Murphy
18th Feb 2003, 13:23
No ridiculous games, no trick questions, strange bunch!:rolleyes:

19th Feb 2003, 11:39
Gents thanks a lot for your help and advice. Interview is over and I am waiting for the results.
For all going to the interview: Brows up your tech knowledge and A320 limitations. Good luck

21st Feb 2003, 15:36
Hey Snails, I've a PM for you, please check it out.
Best Regards
B 767

25th Feb 2003, 06:51
Ola B767-300 check your PM's

26th Feb 2003, 02:52
Has anyone who did the London interviews last week had a yes or no yet?

26th Feb 2003, 05:18
not yet. Good luck! ;)

Air Mike 957
26th Feb 2003, 23:31
Could any pilot currently working for Gulf Air please advise if B757 time only is acceptable to Gulf Air if applying for an F/O slot on the B767 fleet,also if anybody has any other info on the interview process it would be very much appreciated,thanks very much in advance.

Speedbrake Lever
27th Feb 2003, 11:06
Air Mike YES 757 is fine

If you want phone now they are still very short and a few joiners have not shown up the last few days (watch too much news i reckon) so there are slots available right now

Go for it S.L.

2nd Mar 2003, 10:12
Hi guys

URGENT (time is running fast)
It's time to make a decision as I am holding an offer to join GF on A320 fleet. Could you please feed me with some more facts about lifestile, housing and so on? How long do you think would it take to join longhaul (I am A330 rated as well)? How long to upgrade (I have ATPL and around 4000 hours). Would anybody care to PM a typical A320 and A330 roster?

Thank you very much

PS: How is diving in Bahrain?

2nd Mar 2003, 13:28
Diving...well....it has never been spectacular, but an active friendly club has made it enjoyable, however huge land reclamation projects of late have silted up the waters a bit...progression to the a-330/340 fleet seems to be on order of seniority, commands are a bit more complex...

2nd Mar 2003, 15:56
What goes Up Don't expect to get on A330/340 as I have a friend who has been on 767 for 9 years and is still stuck on it. You could I suppose hope that seniority will be disregarded in future and your previous A330 experience becomes all important but don't bet on it.

16th Jun 2003, 03:50
Anybody has heard from Gulf Air ??
I just heard for an interview in London. I have a choice of dates. I probably be going in early July.
Anybody else has heard from GF ??
I need the latest news/Interviews reports if anybody has them ??
Thanks in advance..

16th Jun 2003, 11:29
What position are you applying for? Is it 767 Captain? What's your background/time...??

16th Jun 2003, 16:33
It is for a 767 F/O position.
It surprised me quite a lot, since I was told that there were to be no more B767 F/O hiring at least for a while. I guess things have changed.
I have about 6000 hours, 1000 B767/B757.
I was contacted by Sniperhire. I just confirmed my interview for July 5th in London.


Bagshaw Crusher
16th Jun 2003, 18:06
There has been recent approval to recruit 12 Capts & 12 F/Os.

Expect a technical exam and straightforward interview.

Good Luck.

17th Jun 2003, 01:02
Thanks for the info.


17th Jun 2003, 02:52
Does anyone have an idea of the package offered? Pay, rostering, allowances etc for B767 Captain position?

Best regards:ok:

Hajj Man
18th Jun 2003, 06:34
I hear that you are only going to be in the interview for no more than one (1) hour in London. Fly in the day before, Interview for one hour and then that is it. Is there any truth to this? Can any one shed some light please?

18th Jun 2003, 08:30
Hey there...I was invited to LHR for an interview also with Gulf and when I returned the acceptance, I've not heard anything back. I asked for a specific date and there have been no replies from sniperhire?? Anyone else have this happen?


18th Jun 2003, 15:46
For T&C's check this:



Hajj Man
18th Jun 2003, 22:32

Thank you for the WEb page with the information. I will pass it along to my friend.

Great Job!!!!:ok:

20th Jun 2003, 15:45
Gents the money indicated under salary is not correct, it's more

22nd Jun 2003, 01:35

Don't know about the CMD figures. The F/O figures are correct. They are exactely what I was offered earlier this year. Or was there a change the last 4 month?


23rd Jun 2003, 06:24
Hi Folks,

Can someone give me an idea of the F/O salary at Gulfair in US dollars?


23rd Jun 2003, 06:40
hello everybody!
I have applied for UAE and was told they have stoped hiring for several months.
anybody knows when they will resume?
or have they already started interviewing?
also I am interested in applying for Golf Air.
does anybody have any information about hiring and where to apply?

27th Jun 2003, 01:25
Anybody knows where I can take a Psychometic Assessement test ??
I know Oxford gives out a three day course with all kind of testings, including the Psychometric test but they don't administer it separately.
GF requires one. It could even be an old one.
I took one with my current airline, but they won't give me my results, stating it is the company's property now.
GF provided 4 differents companies that offer the test, but no luck with them.
DLR Hamburg/Parc aviation/Oxford and British Aerospace.




For GF, go to their website www.gulfairco.com and do it.

29th Jun 2003, 09:58
Hi All,
I have a interview with Gulf Air in london on July 2nd for 767 Captain.

I have just review the pay and work contract.

In plane English IT SUCKS!!

$3890 usd per month salary are they crazy??? i just told them to piss up a rope. I dont know anyone who would work there for what they are offering and live in Adu Dhabi for three years.

good luck on the job hunting


29th Jun 2003, 14:09

30th Jun 2003, 02:14
Could you post your sources please ??
Or just post the pay/contracts.
We have been trying to get a hold of them for a while now.


1st Jul 2003, 08:27
this is really bad, no way would i work for them ever.

Good morning *******

At the fixed exchange rate the base salary of Dhs 14,200 in USD is $3864 per month



Ref. :
Date :


I have the pleasure in offering you employment with Gulf Air in the position of Captain B767 based in Abu Dhabi for a period of three years commencing from date of departure to Bahrain.

Your commencing salary in scale 12D will be ADH. 14200/- per month. In addition you will receive the following monthly allowances (whichever applicable to your current status):

• Technical Allowance : ADH. 4390/-
• Telephone Allowance : ADH. 130/-
• Transport Allowance : ADH. 600/-

Educational Allowances are also payable as follows:
• Primary (local) : ADH. 8285/- per annum
• Primary ( boarding) : ADH. 13150/- per annum
• Secondary (local) : ADH. 16180/- per annum
• Secondary (boarding): ADH. 26300/- per annum

For all purposes, the Company will recognize a maximum of four fully dependent children who have not attained their nineteenth birthday.

You will be on probation for the first three months of service during which termination of employment will be by giving one month’s notice in writing by either party. After completion of this probationary period, termination of employment will be three month’s notice in writing by either party.

You will be entitled for leaving indemnity, which will be governed by the Labour Law of the United Arab Emirates.

Salary and allowances are payable in U.A.E Dirhams and are tax-free. Although no changes are expected in the tax laws, the Company cannot give undertaking in this regard.

The Company will provide you with free accommodation furnished to the Company’s hard furnishing standards. This means you will have to provide for yourself crockery, cutlery, linen and kitchen utensils. For this purpose the Company grants an unaccompanied baggage airfreight allowance of 200 kilos per adult and 100 kilos for each eligible child. Alternatively, you may opt for a Housing Allowance of ADH. 5000/- (single) or ADH. 6000/- (married) in lieu of Company accommodation. On joining the Company you will be entitled to an accompanied baggage allowance of 40 kilos for yourself.

To avoid any inconvenience it is advisable that you initially join the Company as unaccompanied until appropriate Company accommodation becomes available for your family. Should your family visit Abu Dhabi prior to this, all cost arising would have to be on your own account.

Gulf Air will bear the cost of baggage insurance up to a maximum of US$ 3100 per adult and US$ 1025 per child under eighteen years of age. Insurance in excess of these limits is your own responsibility.

Free medical and emergency dental will be provided for yourself/spouse and your children through Gulf Air Medical Clinics. The company does not accept responsibility for medical treatment away from base other than when on duty. In addition, Gulf Air provides private medical scheme and the premium for which will be paid by the company for yourself. Should you wish to include your family members the premium cost will be born by you.

You will receive 42 days leave per annum inclusive of public holidays, and will be provided with one free passage to and from your place of recruitment “London” for yourself and your family. Fully dependent children undergoing full time education not at your base of employment will be eligible to receive two tickets per annum to join you during the schools holidays. All travel is normally restricted to Gulf Air Services.

After three months of service you and your family may apply for concessional travel on Gulf Air and any other airline that may offer such facilities in accordance with the appropriate interline agreements.

The Company will insure you for personal accident on or off duty twenty-four hours a day.

The foregoing offer is subject to the following conditions:

• Satisfactory reference;

• Holding the required valid licenses and passing competence tests when so require d. Where appropriate this includes achieving the issue of the appropriate grade of the Omani Technical Crew License;

• Satisfactory medical examination through the medical commission of the U.A.E and the Company’s clinic.

• Satisfactory medical examination, including accompanying family members Where appropriate this must include taking and passing the Omani Technical Crew License medical examination conducted by a medical officer approved for the purpose by DGCA, Oman.

• Signing the contract of service;

• The ability of the Company to obtain and retain any necessary permits required by the appropriate Government Authorities.

We would like to emphasize that you should not resign from your present employment until such time when all your necessary permits have been received from the appropriate Government Authorities, when you will be notified accordingly.

Should you wish to accept this offer please confirm in writing. Your confirmation of acceptance will be taken as our authority to proceed with the clearance of your references.

Yours faithfully,

1st Jul 2003, 11:43
Any chance of Gulf Air recruiting non B-767 rated pilots for their B-767 fleet? I believe they have complete transition training facilities at their training centre at Doha.
Any info on this will be welcome.

Angel`s Playmate
1st Jul 2003, 21:45

how the hell do you get a job offered, BEFORE attending the interview, shed for July2, as you mentioned in your first post ??

Do I smell something here..........???:confused: :confused:

1st Jul 2003, 22:38
Angel`s Playmate

i would not go to interview until i had more information. they really want me to work there. i have 12000+ hours, 1600+ as a 767 training line check Captain. they kept emailing mailing answers to my questions. i heard enough and told them i was not interested.
i dont know who would be interested. with the cost on living in Abu Dhabi and the low pay. from what i have heard the working condition are not the good.

good luck


10th Jul 2003, 08:00
You guys must be really desperate. Please read a bit more about GF here in the ME forum. GF.....don't go there.
We left GF about 2 weeks ago after working for them for 3 years.
Routes are dreadfull, politics ( who you know not what you know) is terrible but most of all, 80 % of management are liars.
For those who had to move to AUH the VPO Hameed Ali stated during a meeting in front of approx 50 pilots and/or their wifes: " Your lifestyle won't be changed!!!!" Well I do not know how he sees it but moving from a 4 bedroom private villa with private garden and swimingpool,to a 2 bedroom appartment to me is a change of lifestyle. but as long as it doesn't effect them.....as long as they can fill their pockets.....
Still feel upset about the way the VPO and his clan have been dealing with their colleagues, and this is the least to say...

Some figures: more than 50 percent of new hires leaves within the first year.

Hopefully Mr. Hill will get a chance to change this extemely disturbing "management". (read mob)
I must add that there are very nice and decent managers, but they are overpowered by the bad ones.

To our dear friends/ex-colleagues out there: Jan is now employed by a dutch airline, he is very happy.
They are expanding, interesting routes (e.g. Dutch antilles) with decent stopovers ( 2 to 3 days) etc. etc.
They are looking for 767 rated cpts, do not know about fo's. Ofcourse you must be entiteled to live and work in the EC.
If you are interested, mail me at [email protected] this address still works.

Best of luck to all of you. Please remember: you cannot trust Gulf Air, you will have rights in the ME, but GF won't allow you to "use" them. They will only (ab)use you!!!

Brgrds, Tanya

26th Oct 2003, 22:05
Some body have any information about Gulf Air Pilot Interview?:8
Thank you!

23rd Nov 2003, 02:07
Travel and hotac provided for 24h in bahrain.

Tech quizz ..30 quest and ish..
1 hour interview..

Poor package to get expat. About 4100 Euros (including housing allow..) for A320 FOs.

But seems to be a good airline from what i saw.

dai chon doi
22nd Apr 2004, 11:40
i have an interview coming up with gf for the 767. could anyone give me any useful info on the interview process. please dont don't use this as a reason to bag gf.

Left Coaster
27th Apr 2004, 12:54
Hi, it might be helpful to know which seat you are looking at. LHS or RHS? Let us know and maybe I can give some advice. No slagging here...

27th Apr 2004, 15:31
It was a very easy going interview.
It lasted about 45 min to an hour.
I went in as an FO.
First you fill in an application while you wait for your turn and while they have a look at your logbooks.
Once in the room, you are met with 2 pilots and an HR person.
General talk about the company, plans, etc..
Then they each ask you questions.
Some tech questions. Very brief answers, no details.
(Mine were about Equipt Cooling/RVSM/LVP/Stabilized Approach)
Some general questions.
(Why Gulf Air ? How do you think you are going to adapt to the Middle East living ?, Tell us about yourself from your first flight til today. etc...)
No sim/No written quizz. Very short and sweet..
Overall a very straightforward and non confrontational interview.

They will probably hire you if you show up. They are very short and in need of crews.
You shouldn't have any problems. They have hired some Dic--Heads but they are gone !!! :ok:
If you want a job you got it.....

Welcome to Gulf Air/Traveller....

Later :cool:

dai chon doi
27th Apr 2004, 16:19
ntm, cheers for taking the time to give me some info. i'm interviewing for an f/o position. rgds

4th Sep 2004, 20:07
Hey guys...

Does anyone know: how long does it take for Gulf Air to process the non type rated app.? how long does it take t'll u get called up?

The guy's that have got interviews, if you don't mind me asking?

Thank you for you help,


8th Sep 2004, 12:40
Hi there,

They come back to me after 3 week of my onlline application; the interview will be in october.

3rd Oct 2004, 23:57
Hi everyone..........I tried to update my CV on my online application and it says I can't because my application is under review and that I will be contacted by someone soon.............but it has been like this for about 2 weeks............can anybody tell me if they had the same thing happen to them and how long was it before GF contacted them..........Cheers.

5th Oct 2004, 19:27
737-700pilot : Be patient! It will take between 2 weeks to 2 months. A friend of mine had to wait 1 month before he received a e-mail for the interview! They have more than 2000 applications! including yours:D :D :D

The sniper system is very complex.......but it works if you meet the requierements:} if not :{

5th Oct 2004, 19:32
Just asking; about how many empty seats are available for this 2000 aplicants?:hmm:

6th Oct 2004, 22:54
Deske 1 : approx 60 for the A320 and 16 for the 767.......

Formally Known As
9th Oct 2004, 04:39
Why do you state "non-rated" interview?

Is there a different interview process if you are rated? Just curious that's all.

10th Oct 2004, 13:08
F.k.a. : so far as I know we are talking about "non type rated" interview?!?!?! So I dont' know about "type rated" interview;) ;) ;)

12th Oct 2004, 03:32
Hey Picobello...thanks for all the info. Do you work for GF. I was reading some of the responses from people that that got interviews with GF. Alot of them have heavy turbo-prop time. Are they looking for guys with relatively low experience or guys with high time. Their web page shows pretty low experience required. Is that a base line or are they concentrating on guy's with high time first. Because I have about 7000hours and typed previous on A340/A320......Cheers any info would be great. I hope we all get interviewed........best of luck to all.

12th Oct 2004, 09:04
737700 Check your PM

11th Dec 2004, 09:45
Anyone know how religious Gulf Air are re their requirement for experience on a type over 12500kg? Would 11999 kg be ok?

11th Dec 2004, 12:41
Can't remember exactly of a few other guys, but I know one or two guys from my interview group who got hired with Beech 1900 hours, so I guess you can never be too far off.

Good luck and see ya in the desert soon.:8

11th Dec 2004, 14:50
I just don't get it.
I answered yes to all the questions about hours on A/C with over 12500 kgs and I still got an answer that I'm not qualified.
What the heck are they looking for, pilots with no experience with jet/heavy A/C?

18th Dec 2004, 13:48
Hi guys, can you please tell me how you like it with family in Bahrain on Gulf Air T+C's?

Happy or regrets?

19th Dec 2004, 08:09
Check your pm ......

Are you still making up your mind about BAH?

Marco Lombardi
22nd Dec 2004, 22:28
Hi everybody.

I am supposed to fly down to Barhain in a couple of weeks for an assestment. Does anybody know what this consists of? (Requirements, Tests, Medical examination...........)
Thanks a lot

24th Dec 2004, 13:55
An English test :} :} :}

It is called assessment :ok:

Good luck


11th Jan 2005, 20:32
Would any of the A320 FO's who started with GF in the last year give an idea about the hours needed to be succesfull as not type rated pilot with GF.

So, with what kind of hours do you get an invite from GF.

Thanks JB

12th Jan 2005, 05:54
As per the website:

1) ICAO ATPl/ frozen JAA ATPL

2)Current medical

3)1500 hrs total including 500 in multi-crew aircraft with a max gross weight of over 12,500KGS

4) glass cockpit time preferred

good luck:D

12th Jan 2005, 06:38

I think I can help with this question! I should be starting with gulf air in Feb 05 with the A320 TR...

My background:

2300 hours Total time
More than 1500 Jet/Jar25 (different types of Learjets)
500 Hours PIC Learjet
full ATPL (of course)

I was one with the lowest hours, I met some guys at the assesment day (Oct 2004) with approx the following:

-one guy: 4000 hours with 767 TR
-one guy: 3000 with 737/Ryanair
-one guy: 737/SunExpress with also hours I dont remember exactly hom many...
-one french: 5000 hours / 737 Sky Europe

Many Brits: with TR on ARJ, DORNIER, etc...


I hope it helps a little bit!


12th Jan 2005, 08:12
Thanks Phil,

That is the info I was looking for.

Cheers JB

12th Jan 2005, 16:19
Out of interest and curiosity,

did GF hire anyone with Beech1900D time in the recent intakes ? and if so what have been approximate experience levels.

Many thanks :)

13th Jan 2005, 09:16
Congratulations Learjet 35 !!:ok: :ok:

Your first drink is on Ironbutt's tab...:E

13th Jan 2005, 09:56
They are looking for both now, so I guess hour limits are a thing from the past.


14th Jan 2005, 06:49
Yes NTM, you can count on me, we will do it the french style !!!!

For the BEECH1900D I really dont know, but I think having a kind of Jet / Efis / Heavy Turbo experience, is good!

I must really say that I was really surprised that the guy who had the 767 TR with 4000 hours (and was a nice guy), was not accepted!!! strange, because GF was also looking for 767 first officers!

I think the tests + interviews seems to be more important than your type rating / background. of course they are looking for a minimum level of expertise: ATPL + hours + first experience in an airline etc...

What's your backgroung JB?


14th Jan 2005, 07:21

My background/flying experience is:


total hrs 1450 (of which 530 MEP)

So, I don't have the hours yet to apply if you look at the GF requirements.

But maybe I should apply anyway.

Cheers JB

14th Jan 2005, 11:33

No luck so far for me either....
I did have their minimum requirements.
Totalizing nearly 3000 hours, 1300 on 737 and the rest
turboprops Jar-25.

On their website it says that they are reviewing my application.
I apply last june....

Anyway good luck et a+


Side Stick Priority
18th Jan 2005, 21:23
May anybody state what to expect regarding GF's selection process?

Sim Check?
Paper Pencil , ATP Questions?

Applied for non type rated first officers A320.

I really need your help, any information welcome!

7th Feb 2005, 16:31
Hey Just wondering about the Gulf Air interview I have one later this month anything Technical?? like an exam?? would appreciate any help thanks

8th Feb 2005, 02:12
Hi Propp Spinner,

I have a good frien who has also just applied and has been in contact with them! What kind of experiance do you have? and when and where is your interview?

Side Stick Priority
8th Feb 2005, 19:27
Still interested in any info...

24th Mar 2005, 15:46
I have a Gulf Air assessment that I have been asked to attend. Anyone gone thru it recenlty? Please shed light on on what kind of questions are asked, what the whole process entails. Any information, tips, pointers will be much appreciated. Thanks folks.:confused:

25th Mar 2005, 11:04
did you apply for 767 or airbus. Cpt or F/O?

26th Mar 2005, 06:04
non-rated A320 F/O..............although they havent specified which aircraft they are interviewing for......they said whatever the current requirement maybe.

am looking to know what the group discussion entails and what sort of tech questions. any particular study material i should refer to?

cheers and thanks all.

26th Mar 2005, 16:20
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19th Jun 2005, 13:59
If you are one of the recently employed FO's at Gulf Air, joining as a non typed pilot, as has been the case in the past 12 months or so: Where do you see your career path going, should you decide to stick it out on the magic island?

Seems that some of these guys will be moving to the 340 soon.... rumour has it? Truth or fiction? Great for them if it happens!

Further down the track, seems new times at GF air over the past year or two have bought about changes for the better and seniority does at last seem to mean something there.

Can these guys expect a 320 Command or is it going to be an FO airline for expats joining as expats? If so, is it worth playing ball with the boys in the Pink Palace and hanging on for that elusive left seat or up stakes and jumping on board with someone else???

Have heard some interesting opinions myself - ranging from "those guys will never get a Command" to "with the movement on the island - Command may be as soon as 2-3 years!" I wonder what the reality is!!


20th Jun 2005, 05:26
Trag Hi,
As everything in life the time frame to command will depend on supply and demand. If the airline has sufficient number of captains it will be a considerable time to command, if however the exodus continues and the turnover is high you could anticipate a command upgrade withing 3-4 years.
With all due respect I hear several of our F/O's complaining about when they'll get command but they don't focus on the real issue, preparing for the command. To be offered the chance to command is not the same as getting command, you will go through evaluation, interview, training and checking. A laborious task which is quite demanding and requires both good preparation and above all self discipline. I sincerely hope things go well for the airline and the command upgrade continues at the present tempo. But if I may offer some of my meager experience, my best advise to you would be don't worry about command, strive to increase your personal standards to the highest level possible and command will come.
Best regards and safe flying

20th Jun 2005, 10:11
I have been told from people inside GF that time to Command for the time being is around 11 years. It doesn’t really matter if exodus continues or not because they hire DEC all the time but they call them contract Captains in order to avoid seniority problems.

Anyone care to comment

22nd Jun 2005, 09:05
It seems with the everchanging policies re recruitment, transfers, upgrades - all the things that determine ones career in an airline; it's anyones guess when (or if) their number comes up for a change; be it a fleet transfer, an upgrade or a sharp poke up the @rse!

It's a roll of the dice..... "Do I stay or do I go....!"


24th Aug 2005, 06:38
Hi all

I, and many others I am sure, would be grateful to anyone who can provide some information on the Gulf Air "Assessment" process. They have an assessment period in Bahrain in September over a period of 3 days.

I have read multiple posts on PPRune about working for Gulf Air and the living conditions in Bahrain so Im fairly clued up with that. What would be very useful to many is some information on the selection process for 2005 and in particulour September.

Thanks in advance to any replies!

Many happy landings.


26th Aug 2005, 20:58
And dont try and b.s. about tech side of what you are flying now.....these guys have been there and flown it all....from Cessna's to DC-3's and the like...like the fellow says...be yourself

27th Aug 2005, 06:44
Thank you A340Jock and IB57 - Your advise is much appreciated. Up to now I have only flown Turbo-props so am not type rated. Ive only recently qualified on a very complicated new type and this alone is a daunting task of getting to know all the systems (flight engineer req for this type).

I will let you guys know how it went. T minus now less than 20 Days to the interview.

Do you guys perhaps know how many invites vs the number they will end up taking?

Thanks for your replies - much appreciated.



27th Aug 2005, 07:06
The Gulf Air people at the interview will also make you feel very comfortable. They are a great bunch and there will be no tricks.

The topis covered can be found using the search functtion here at Pprune.

27th Aug 2005, 09:11
They're not out to pick your brains, just to see if you fit in with a the multi-cultural crowd...easy place to work and live....just relax and be yourself best advice....:cool: don't know about the percentage of guys n gals hired/interviewed...

28th Aug 2005, 08:30
Hi 340Jock

Sorry I forgot to mention earlier - the interviews are for FO pisitions on the A320. That's my best guess as least as I have no jet time. Chances of them hiring guys without jet time for the 330/340 are quite slim I would guess?

Best Rgds

31st Aug 2005, 11:57
Hi A340Jock

Thanks for the info. I do indeed hope to perhaps also do sim with you in the future with GF. The closer the date becomes to going for the interview, the more keen I am on getting this job. From the research Ive done it seems to be an awesome company to work for. Thanks for the best wishes.


31st Aug 2005, 17:16
hi subsonic mortal,
i recently sent my application to Gf.
when did you send yours?
Just to have an idea of the time frame!
Thanks and good luck, a very good friend of mine went through selection and gave the same report you had on this thread. Good people, easygoing, competent.

31st Aug 2005, 17:34
Hi Bufe01

I sent my first application last year sometime but did not meet their requirements. I received an email within about two weeks saying that my application could not be considered.

Then I tried again about a month ago and received an invitation to the interview within 10 days of submitting the application.

Hope that helps.

Best regards


31st Aug 2005, 22:33
subsonic check your PM

1st Sep 2005, 09:49
The website actually gives quite alot of information about the assessment process.

Does anyone know any more info about the 'individual exercise', I believe it is flight planning, is there a straight solution, or can you pass it with a variety of methods.

Any help much appreciated, good luck all.

in limbo
1st Sep 2005, 18:11
Hey there Subsonic!
See you there for a fun filled few days in BAH.
I will be the Canuck that looks like he needs a good tan.;)

4th Sep 2005, 06:14
Could anyone tell me what the average time between application and invitation is/was??

Or have all the slots already benn filled?


4th Sep 2005, 07:38

Could you please share your age, TT, nationality, qualifications... with us... I am sure a lot of people are interested in your story considering you have no jet time...


4th Sep 2005, 09:02
Hi there EP -

What makes you think a lot of people are interested in my story? Gulf Air has employed numerous individuals in the past without jet time.

However, since you are interested, I'll be more than happy to share the info you asked for. The interview will be over in about two weeks from now. Once I know what the outcome is (should be within 2 weeks after the assessment), I will happily send you a pm.



4th Sep 2005, 10:17

Thanks... good luck on the interview... and get the job!!!!


4th Sep 2005, 13:58

Thanks for the wishes. Will let you know.

Happy landings


20th Sep 2005, 17:50
Hi to all in this forum .I am just about to apply to Gulf Air , and have completed as much research as I can at this point in time .
The crew that I have met so far on my travels appear to be a great bunch .
I would really like to move on from B737 low cost flying in Europe .
I would appreciate any info on fleet policies .
Currently I have about 2000 hours on B737-300-400-500 , with 2300 TT .
Also if anyone could confirm for me the fact GF management have a vastly better attitude that certain other companies in the region.
Again , any info would be very greatly appreciated .

Cheers .

25th Sep 2005, 03:55
Is there anyone that can tell me how to apply for Gulf Air?
I tried the website but did not find anything.Tried the search tool for career but it led me to a page that said I was not authorized to access.
Any help will be much appreciated.

25th Sep 2005, 05:35
pira Gulf Air have been advertising on pprune for F/O's on B767 and A320!!!

pira A Gulf Air Ad has just popped up on pprune again!!

PPS Pira In case you did not see it go to www.gulfaircareers.com for full details

27th Sep 2005, 09:56
Thanks thegypsy,
the link you provided worked perfectly.
I'll try to send my application.
Do you know if they have a career plan for the First Officer, or it is just a permanent First Officer position, with no chances for upgrade?
Kind Regards,

27th Sep 2005, 13:06
I would not worry at all about a Gulf Air inerview, they need bodys in a bad way. Anyone who has a decent grasp of the English Language and can say yes sir to Cadet Captains is a shoe in . If you can live with the bond its a great stepping stone to a better carrier...... anywhere else! Best of Luck

27th Sep 2005, 15:30
What is the starting salary for an FO ? Can you live on it comfortably (married)? Is there any chance of upgrade? How do they determine which type you go on is it prior experience or just demand? End of qestions. Thanks in advance

18th Oct 2005, 10:35
Is Gulf Air still on the lookout for crew? Have been on the website and clicked under vacancies and it comes up as "no records found". I see there is still a banner that pops up every now and again on Pprune. I sent my application off last week Friday however and am still waiting to hear what the outcome is. I do know it takes a while!!!
Subsonic Mortal, did you go through your assessment at GF? Let us all know what the outcome is.
Any more info if anyone has any, would be greatly appreciated.:ok:

19th Oct 2005, 08:32
Hi Beechbum

I went for the selection in September and am starting in February '06.

Check out www.gulfaircareers.com - I think you will find what you are looking for there. I heard within two weeks after my second application and received the invite within 5 weeks after applying.

As far as the salary goes SAW, you will be able to live comfortably even if you are married.

Hope this helps.
Best regards


in limbo
19th Oct 2005, 09:49
See you in Feb SSM!;)

19th Oct 2005, 12:10
Anybody serious on this forum, disregard "Dareya"'s observation regarding GF's recruiting standards...:ok:

19th Oct 2005, 22:16
Does anyone have the link to the online application site for Gulf Air? And does anyone know if a CRJ 900-700-200 type rated Captain have a chance for GA, or if Emirates? Thanks in advance for the replies.

I went to the www.gulfaircareers.com website but I could not get to the Apply Online site. Can someone please paste the exact link to the application form for pilots? Thanks [email protected]

20th Oct 2005, 09:09
Hey ERJ145 flyer,
Yep I think the application process is closed at the moment. But try this.....go to the GulfAir Careers website and click on to register. I think it states "enrol" on the website and once you are in, it may allow to apply online. anyway try it and see what happens.

24th Oct 2005, 04:17
Good morning everybody, i've been invited for an Interview with Gulf Air on November 2005.

I'd like to know some more information about Pay, Rosters and life conditions.

I already checked with the search option but i didn't find a lot.

I looked also PPJN but there are old information.

Thank you.


5th Nov 2005, 04:45
Hi me109

I have been with Gulf Air for about two years, and this is my 4th airline including a major airline in the US. Like any other airline there are alot of issues that GF has to take care of, but as far as the working atmosphere goes this is one of the most laid back companies I've worked for. I'm not saying they'll cut you any slack when it comes to standards and saftey issues but most of the people here are very cool. Like anywhere else you will run into some d***heads but not to many of them around. You can walk into the office and talk to your chief pilot or any other person in management without to much protocol. Not that they'll do much for you but atleast they will hear you out and it's a very pleasant atmosphere.

5th Nov 2005, 23:07
2lowgear hit the nail on the head. From what I,ve read on this forum, GF is definately a far pleasanter environement. You don't feel there is a fly on the wall watching your every move.( look at all the whingeing going on with EK and QR ). Maybe look at Oman Air, no-one seems to complain there!! I have friends in EK./QR and thats exactly how they they feel, from them and also from reading the many posts from EK and QR pilots. GF is very professional and, by and large you get treated with respect, not derision. Certainly, they are very very good when it comes to family issues, especially if you work with them and your family is in another country. Without question, after Dubai, it is the 2nd best place to live in the Gulf. Dubai is fast and the traffic is horrendous. Bah is slower and much easier. The working environement, also without question, is better than any of the Gulf states.

6th Nov 2005, 03:06

You appear to have the wrong impression of Gulf Air.

"Very very good at family issues", Gulf Air are anything but! Recently a Pilot for the airline had to urgently return home due to family matters, unfortunately while he was there a member of his close family died (I won't give too many details as it is a sensitive issue). He asked for unpaid leave and was told by Gulf Air he could have 3 days compassionate leave then was expected back in Bahrain to fly!!

As for the airline being professional, I can imagine in the past it once was. The operational aspect of the airline today is out of control. You speak to any flight crew member for Gulf Air and I can guarantee most of them are fed up and looking elsewhere. The rosters are not stable and are frequently changed on a daily basis. From my understanding there are a number of small issues annoying the flight crew, however these small issues are starting to add up.

I have just heard the news that the Head of Flight Ops at Gulf Air is leaving for Etihad. Perhaps the flight crew should follow his lead?

6th Nov 2005, 20:16
Sorry my friend, but you have the wrong impression, at least in my case. When my father died, I knew, that I was only entitled re GF rules for 3 days. That sucks, I admit, but in reality, I was given as much time as necessary. I thank them for that.
Regarding professionalism, GF is no better or worse than anyone else. Unfortunately GF is used as a stepping stone to EK etc etc. GF has many many problems, and yes, you can get totally peed off re the frequent roster changes, which I'm sure totally stuff up your plans for the month as they do mine. Perhaps our pilots shouldn't go sick all the time, for no real reason. Well, that happens in all airlines. At the end of the day the operation has to continue, and if you get a roster change, more than likely, it's not the Company, but your fellow operator that decides, he/she doesn't want to do that particular flight/block. Pretty selfish, but the changes are probably because of the crew, not the company. GF pilots run down GF, EK pilots run down EK, QR pilots run down QR, EY pilots run down EY. Point is, where will you be entirely happy.? Not going to happen anywhere is it?
Make your move according to what suits you. Stay or go. Quite easy actually. For me GF has been good to me, I like the guys I fly with, and I'm as happy as I can be. Hopefully you will find the " perfect" airline. Good luck, and I mean it.

7th Nov 2005, 10:15

well said, good for you.

I respect you and guys like you that look at the facts and have values for the company that they work for.


10th Nov 2005, 04:51
Ive been goin through the forums regarding the assesments n interviews with Gf. I have done my first assesment with Gf and im waiting for a letter of invitation for the 2nd assesment. Ive checked my status online and it says that Im on hold!!?? Have they frozen training until furthur notice due to the Abu Dhabi pull out?? It leaves me very confused and through sources Ive got info stating that I stand number 17 with one more assesmnt n interview to go. Could anyone make some sense out of it and how does my situation sound. Just for ur info its for thr Cadet Scheme


in limbo
10th Nov 2005, 11:43
I know that there is a ground school starting next week, one in December and I have been told I am starting in February.
I did the assessment in September.

11th Nov 2005, 02:07
thanxs limbo,but r u for the cadet scheme n i mean full pilot training from scratch?? Thats what im in for!

11th Nov 2005, 08:02
Ok everybody,

lets be fair with gulf air. It is an airline, and a business and they have to make money in a very competitive environment.

Maybe some stories will tell you that they do lots of bull**** and some others that they are not so bad.

So the truth lies in between. Most of the people (I will say 90%) I am flying with, are good professionnals and good guys.

So dont focus too much on one our two stories.

Yes they are short of crews and yes they have been changing my roster wildly, so what ? you will end up flying anyway, and once in a while you can make them a favor. Dont expect anything in return, but if you get called in your days off you get the extra money so is that not a win-win situation?

the next 6 months will be very interesting for Gulf Air so watch out!


11th Nov 2005, 09:28
Is there any more news on re-equipment? Abu Dhabi's withdrawl may have affected this but last I heard it was either 737NG/787 or A320/350 to replace the current fleet, anyone heard anything?

in limbo
11th Nov 2005, 11:18
Nope I am not in the cadet program.
good luck

Fat Old Lady
27th Nov 2005, 11:11
Hi everyone,

I applied first at GF last year, with a quick negative response twice.

Then i applied again last August and got this reply about a month later:

Thank you for Applying to the post of "GULF1229-First Officers for A320 and B767 Fleets"

Your application is currently under review.

We appreciate your time is valuable and will contact you as soon as our review process has been completed.

Good Luck & Best Regards,

The Recruitment Team

I haven't heard anything since, this was end of september.
Does anybody have an idea if this means that i'm still in the running for an interview, or can i expect to get no more info from GF ?
I do meet all minimum requirements by the way

Many thanks in advance

27th Nov 2005, 20:01
Fat Old Lady,
I thought I was the only one. I received exact same and have since updated since I applied in September and have got the same response. Well have been patient for a while now and have yet to receive any invite or proper acknowledgement besides the computer generated standard reply.
It wouldd be nice to know. By the way I also meet the requirements....!!!

28th Nov 2005, 04:14
some interviews yesterday in bahrain...

I think, that the database is full with thousands of pilots who want to join Gulf Air, so be patient...

I am not a GF HR, it is just my point of view...

30th Nov 2005, 03:26
Hi Boeing Driver,
Ive got invited for an interview with GF for the Cadet Pilot assesment to be held at OBBI. It would include interviews and group discussions. Could you help me out with a few tips about how the recruitment team at Gulf Air is? And could u plz find out if there was a group that has already been called to bahrain before the present date.


1st Dec 2005, 09:05
hey ramy sorry, I wish i could help you there but i am a direct entry, so i have no clue about cadets...

Awful Golfer
16th Mar 2006, 20:45
I would be grateful for some clarification on the following please:
1. Do non type-rated F/Os only go to the 320? Are the widebodies an opportunity for otherwise experienced applicants?
2. Is there a seniority list? What is the current time to command?
3. What is the total approx. package per annum for year 1 F/Os? I realise that most people are not comfortable sharing this, even anonomously. So would between USD50k and USD80k be a very ballpark figure?
I appreciate any feedback. Thank you.

Panama Jack
17th Mar 2006, 06:39
If you interview with Gulf Air, one thing that you'll notice right away is that they will present themselves, life in Bahrain, including the package and all monetary issues up front even before they even ask "Why do you want to work for Gulf Air?"

Depending on your background, this can be a real refresher. I remember having gone to interviews where they play games and ask such questions like "do you know how much we pay?" and "what do you know about our company?" :hmm:

Traditionally, Non-Type Rated applicants have gone either to the Boeing 767 or the A-320-- these are considered to be the "junior" airplanes in the GF fleet. Last year and again this year they have announced the need to hire direct to the A-330-- this is a bit of a contentious issue, as progress from the A-320 to the Airbus widebodies has been by seniority. One thing that you should know is that Boeing FO's normally do not transfer to the Airbus fleet, nor vice-versa. So yes, there is a seniority list, however things do not happen "strictly" by seniority (current situation as an example, also upgrades are subject to passing a "command assessment").

As with your mutual fund, past performance is not an indicator or future growth, and it is hard to predict upgrade times. GF words the outlook carefully. In the past, the transition from the A-320 right seat to the A-330 or A-340 right seat has been less than 2 years. Given current demands it looks like there will be many opportunities for those with Boeing experience to make an upgrade in relatively short time to the 767's. It is generally accepted that GF has one of the shortest times from new-hire to the left seat in the region-- however, I would figure on at least 5 years (others might contest that).

Income will depend on the fleet you are on simply because of the amount of flying you do and overtime, as well as your family status (married/# children). The base salary without any family allowance, education allowance, communications allowance, housing allowance, time away from base, overtime, call-outs, etc. is 1443 Bahraini Dinars per month ($3848 USD per month).

Based on my personal situation, the average yearly income for a married FO with 1 child on the A-320 will definately put you well inside the income bracket you have mentioned-- in fact, probably on the top side of it. This is based on "money in the bank"-- with a furnished apartment already being covered by the company. Keep in mind that at present, there is no taxation in Bahrain. Based on your personal spending habits, there is disposable income available, as well as the ability (and need) for personal savings (no pension plan).

Hope this information helps.

17th Mar 2006, 07:26
Nice post PJ, hit the nail on the head and would agree with all you say. Refreshing to see the truth without an axe to grind, well done!

17th Mar 2006, 07:33
Great post PJ - well done!

17th Mar 2006, 09:27
thank you for your info it has answered some of my questions.

could you tell me what the other allowances are and also how much is the bond for training on the airbus.



Awful Golfer
17th Mar 2006, 10:04
Thank you Panama Jack for your informative reply. It is welcome to read straightforward answers to straightforward questions.
I have 7000hrs TT and am currently heavy four-engine turboprop PIC, but only have 500hrs B737 co-pilot. I work for and have given my all to a respected company and they have treated me well in return. However the time has come for me to look after the next 25 years of my flying career and quality of life. Having trawled through the posts of the past year and done research on Bahrain it appears that Gulf Air is worth applying to.
All companies and countries have their negative aspects, but it is your own and your spouse's or family's personal happiness that is in the end the most important. Are Gulf Air crews and their spouse largely content with their T's & C's and living in Bahrain?

17th Mar 2006, 11:23
The short answer to that is yes it seems most are content, there is an 8% pay rise coming between now and July. As you probably know there is some bad feeling about DE F/O's to 330. It's not too difficult to have a decent lifestyle and save some money at the same time. There is no pension but there is a lump sum if you stay for the long haul and the longer you stay the bigger it is. It's not worth much for the first 5 years but then becomes something to consider before moving on. If you are not in a hurry to command and want a company with a future and the chance to fly wide body then it's a good place to be. Bahrain is the best place to live in the Gulf by a mile. It's not too busy and you can choose to have the life of a party animal or a family man. There is a chance to work hard, earn good money and the staff travel benefits are as good as anywhere else. Oh yeah as F/O on 330/340 expect to get between $6000 and $7300 US depending on overtime but never less than 6K, tax free of course.

Awful Golfer
17th Mar 2006, 11:47
Jackbauer, thanks for the input. I submitted an application today, so will see what comes of it. My low jet hours might be a bit of a hinderance in light of my age (35).
Time to command is not an overriding decision for me. I have spent enough time in the LH seat to not let that dictate who I would work for and where. A pleasant company and lifestyle is far more important. In the same vein, one doesn't want to spend 20 years as an F/O, but this certainly doesn't seem to be the case with Gulf Air.

Panama Jack
17th Mar 2006, 12:36

The allowances that I can immediately think of are:

Wife Allowance (no girlfriends, no mistresses)
Child Allowance (up to four dependent children younger than 19)
Educational Allowance (depending on if Primary or Secondary level and if depending if being sent to a local or boarding school)-- probably will not cover costs in their entirety, depending on which school you choose.
Accommodation Allowance (if not taking company housing)-- you will probably have to supplement some money depending on your personal standards.
Transport Allowance (pays about a 1/4 of the two-year load I have on a new economy car)
Communication Allowance (a stipend towards your phone bill)
ATP Licence Allowance(they give you a few dinars a month if you have the ATP)

I will not mention the amounts since it would be pointless as it needs to be balanced in terms of the local economy. Costs of living are less though than in Dubai and Qatar.

Likewise, as far as the Bond goes, I can tell you that it is a three year, pro-rated bond with two different amounts depending on the type of aircraft you are training on (the A-320 bond is slightly higher amount than the B-767). It accrues in cost until you finish your training, and reduces in amount for every month you are working with the company after finishing your line indoc. After 36 months, it is at 0. Off all the monetary issues that are important, I worried least about the Bond because if you are planning a career with GF, it is rather irrelevant.

Echoing jackbauer's comments, Bahrain is definately one of the more livable places to be in the Middle East. What he has not mentioned, and still remains to be seen, is that there is no shortage of rumors on that a Muscat, Oman base will be opening. One could easily argue that Muscat is an even more attractive place to live than Bahrain-- many experienced Middle Eastern expats rate Oman hands-down the best place to live in the region-- more laid back than Bahrain and especially Dubai, offering a nice atmosphere for the lifestyle conscious-- especially outdoors or water-sports lovers. If it does happen, Gulf Air will, IMHO, have bases in two of the most liveable cities in the Middle East.

A friend of mine observed that after 3-5 years (if not earlier) many expats do suffer from homesickness. Regardless of how liveable a foreign country may be, it will still be a very different environment and what you get out of it is directly proportional to what you put into it. I've observed that Gulf Air, like other companies hiring expats, do look for people with a multi-cultural/expat/multinational background as there is a greater chance that they can weather trying times. On the whole, I've found GCC locals to be extremely welcoming and accepting of expats.

17th Mar 2006, 13:24
very informative.

do you have to do a technical exam if you are not rated on airbus or boeing?

is there any point to having own car and if so how much will it cost me to buy a medium car.?

do gf provide transport from home to work?

thank you again


17th Mar 2006, 13:28
You do a tech exam regardless of what aircraft you are rated on. The exam is not type specific, just general ATPL type questions multiple choice. Cars are cheap typical medium size new car for $12000. No transport provided but as said already a transport allowance is paid.

20th Mar 2006, 22:39
What is the current status at Gulf Air?, management-pilot group relationship, QOL, schedules, days off, etc, in comparison to the current situation happening at EK? I've read lots of bad stuff from pilots working at EK, would this be the same case for Gulf Air?

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Panama Jack
22nd Mar 2006, 16:15
To be honest with you, I can't really comment much about management-pilot group relationships because I try to keep low key on politics, however, everyone in management I've ever had to deal with has struck me as pleasant and sincere-- but take that from someone who is pretty inexperienced (and a little apathetic) in the political scene. Having said that, in-cruise flight deck discussion doesn't normally revolve around how Management is screwing us, although occasional grievances are aired like in any company. I would like to mention that I was surprised though when James Hogan, our CEO, walked in on our new hire class to introduce himself and wish us luck-- at my previous airline I had never met the CEO in person. When I finished my line indoc-- I found a letter from him in my mailbox congratulating me on my success and wishing me a good career with the Company. Little things making it a nice touch.

What I do know is that the atmosphere on the job is good. Most of the crews are nice and I have yet to come across the backstabbing that one hears about at other airlines in the region, where there is a culture of crews confidentially reporting each other for really petty things. The cabin crew have a pretty rough life, we have a very high-turn over there which is unfortunate, but most are fantastic and they treat the flight deck crew very well (be careful or you'll put on weight).

We do work a LOT at GF-- I count 8 days off on my March roster, but with "non-ops" days (because after returning to Bahrain at about 1:00 am the rest of the day is off but not legally an "off" day) I can add on an additional two days. Our December and January schedules saw me logging in excess of 100 hours a month! January was a real eye-opener-- I hadn't worked that hard in years! Gulf Air runs lean and is quite creative in using it's limited resources-- beit in marketing, crewing, etc. This month's roster has been idyllic showing just under 60 block hours for me, with about 70 in April.

Keep in mind that in the Gulf Region, things may sometimes be a little slower or less organized than in English-speaking North America or some parts of Western Europe or Asia. On one of my first ex-pat gigs I ever had I was advised by our mentor "in the US we might make a list of 10 things we want to accomplish in a day. Here in this country, be very happy if you manage to accomplish three." Getting used to the local flow might take adjustment, but once you do, you might find it is quite a nice flow.

I have no idea on what is happening at EK, however, whenever I read the posts there I also cringe and am happy that I am not there. Fortunately, we do not hire DEC's at GF, and that makes for an overall happier climate. Like at EK, there are some people at Gulf Air who are unhappy. There is always room for improvement here at GF in a number of areas, but overall, I count myself as one of the people who is overall happy with his situation. We recently had one fairly junior FO resign to accept a position at British Airways-- and I cannot argue with that decision.

Like at any place, there are good days and bad days. However, when I look at all the major airlines here in the GCC-- Emirates, Etihad, Qatar, Saudi Arabian and Kuwait, I am convinced that I am working at the one with the best overall environment for pilots.

22nd Mar 2006, 20:06
Hey Mr Panama,
Who pays you to talk like this about GF. I am wondering if you really work for GF? Well I would say that there are bad days and bad days. I think you were a bush pilot before GF. Anyway at least you are happy and thanks to you things will improve in GF.
cheers dude.:ok:

Panama Jack
23rd Mar 2006, 00:54
Sure, GoldenFalcon, appreciate that not everyone shares my point of view and there is plenty of evidence of that on this Forum that anybody considering a job can quickly find using the "Search" function. After I proof-read my last comments I thought to myself :uhoh: . In fact, I would sleep better knowing they will do that-- hate to have someone solely base their career plans on my thoughts.

I guess I should qualify my answers. Gulf Air is my eighth employer. I have worked for companies in 7 different countries (baseings)-- including one other major pilot-employer in the Middle East, and although I have never been a bush pilot, none of the employers have been legacy carriers (the Air Frances', the American Airlines') either.

I appreciate that a pilot who perhaps was at a now-defunct airline like Sabena finds himself unhappy at GF or any of the other GCC airlines. At my previous airline, which would have been rated a major airline, I watched things go from a happy place, into a rapidly descending spiral into bankruptcy protection, then recovery, while management/labor relationships had turned into one of mistrust and kept getting worse. I enjoyed my time there, what I miss most is the people I worked with who were top-notch, but I am happy to be out of there.

In a conversation with a colleague from Lufthansa a few years ago, we both agreed that the whole industry "isn't what it used to be." So when I listen to a Gulf Air long-termer reminisce about multi-day night stops in places like Athens or other exotic destinations, I am also saddened that it isn't that way anymore-- but it isn't that way anymore at most airlines!

So my happiness with GF comes from assessing my personal situation. I feel I work overall in the best airline environment in the Middle East, and compare it to my personal options worldwide. What I hear from people who know guys who have left GF to go to other GCC carriers is that things are not any better there than here. My options do not include going to British Airways (and I cannot fault the guy for going there) and quite frankly, I am not looking anywhere else.

A few years ago, before I came to Gulf Air, I seriously considered getting out of aviation, going back to university, and dedicating myself to a different career field that would be more stable (and less bitter). I wasn't able to then, and while I still think of doing continuing education based on the benefits of self-improvement, I am glad I stuck with it.

As far as me doing my part to improve things at GF-- be nice to my crew members, have some fun downroute, and enjoy to the fullest my days off.


23rd Mar 2006, 03:04
yeah P.J. that about sums it up...:ok:

23rd Mar 2006, 06:15
Another honest post from PJ. There will always be one or two who hate to see anyone saying they enjoy their work and Golden Falcon is one. The "If I'm not happy then nobody else can be either" type. These people always shout loudest but have no balls to just leave and go somewhere else. As Ironbutt would say they "Talk the talk but can't walk the walk". All mouth and nonsense.

Mr Gammon Flaps
23rd Mar 2006, 10:31
Nice to see a pragmatic post that isn't negative and bitter.

If joining with a few thousand hours on the 767, whats the chances of getting onto the 330/340. Also, what are the routes like on the 767, is it all Gulf Traveller around Africa and India.

23rd Mar 2006, 11:11
Panama Jack, I think any airline need more guys with attitudes like yours. I recently joined Gulf Air and have met people with good attitudes towards the airline and also a few who do not have much good to say. What I've found is that the ones who complain are generally the ones who have not seen what "bad" really is like. Although I haven't worked for 7 other employers in my aviation career like you have, I have been through a few and can honestly say that what I see at Gulf Air is exceptional to my previous experiences. I am confident that I will be happy on the long term at this airline. I believe that you will find complainers no matter where you go; Cathay, BA, Lufthansa, Virgin, the list can go on...

I'm happy to know there are people like you in the pilot pool with great attitudes.

Cheers :ok:

Panama Jack
23rd Mar 2006, 11:29
Thanks for the pat on the back guys.

Mr. Gammon Flaps. The 767's do fly mostly to Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, intra-Gulf and the occasional trip to places like Bangkok and Jakarta. Probably the least-appealing of all the night-stops-- probably a reason why it is considered a "junior airplane" although there are a few guys who are sworn Boeing fanatics who wouldn't want to touch an Airbus.

The days of the Boeing 767 are numbered-- keep your eyes open to the headlines-- Gulf Air has secured the funds for a replacement for these very experienced birds and many of us are holding our breath in anticipation to what the fleet renewal plans will be-- supposedly to be announced sometime in April.

Whether it will be Boeing or Airbus remains to be seen-- plenty of enticing theories, but the airline has mused about a fleet replacement that may well see us being an operator of only two types of widebody airplanes.

So while I think your Boeing 767 will definately be seen as attractive, it will only be a matter of time til you fly something else. Guess we'll find out soon!

23rd Mar 2006, 11:50
so it could be more a330 or 340 or b777 and will GF not go the way of the others in the region and get some a380's?

23rd Mar 2006, 13:02
Oye's tu, panama jack, preparate para la pinche airbus....:} ;)

24th Mar 2006, 07:12
Thank you much for your very informative perspective. I forwarded my application and hope I get the opportunity to interview. I hope that my time flying CRJs would be considered by the selection team. In addition I do not have any jet command time, is all SIC. For what I've read so far it seems that most of the applicants have some serious heavy time plus I would assume command jet/turbo-prop time experience as well. And as you know the CRJ-900 is only over 90k lbs. Not even close to you 767 or A-320 guys. Any insight in future hiring plans? Should I be optimistic about possibly getting a shot to an interview with 2700TT, 800 jet sic all glass, 1200 C-130 FE time? Again most of my experience does not come close to many of the high time pilots applying. My perspective is that I would never know if I don't at least try. Any insight would be appreciated.

24th Mar 2006, 12:13
Hello there,

Being loyal to the company doesn't blind me of GF problems.

Rostering, housing and staff travel are departments corroded to the bone and something must be done about this. If you stay quiet, nothing will ever happen.

I cannot call as "creative", a rostering change of a turnaround from 45 to 10 min to make my line "legal".

Hiring direct entry FOs on the 330 now is a very bad sign to hire direct entry captains again in the future. Panama wrote once that DE FOs are not as bad as DE CMD. Fully agreed, my main concern is seeing the company changing rules in the middle of the game.

I'm still very disappointed with the DE policy, it's slowing our transfers down.
What scares me is that in a couple of years, when our turn for command comes up, they come with DEs again.
I realize the 320 FO group became comfortably numb in this issue.


24th Mar 2006, 12:52
LNB if you think there are problems with upgrade in GF just take a look at the EK and QR threads or any other airline for that matter. When you do that come back here and tell us you have it hard in GF. Fact is we are not unique in this problem and unless you have been in the company for at least 6 years you will not even get the smell of command. So relax and do your time and when you have the seniority then bitch and moan, anything before that is a waste of energy. This thread started as a brief for new joiners and has up to now been honest and fair in my opinion, even with regard to rostering/command. Please don't bring it down to the level of so many other threads which are unbalanced and end up confusing people. People like Panama Jack have made a lot of effort to post the definitive GF position for new guys and it deserves to be heard without a lot of personal axe grinding.:)

29th Mar 2006, 09:20
hi folks,

gf sounds like a good company to work for, i applied half a year ago and keep on updating, but no answer yet. probably because pilots like me,with appr. 4000hrs tt on heavy turboprop as f/o, are not qualified enough.:{

so,am i right or do you know some guys who made it with the same experience as me???

thankful for any answer...

29th Mar 2006, 10:36
Hi, Wingmaaan!

Listen, don't worry about your flight experience, it looks enough for a position as F/O in GF. There are some pilots that joined the company with no previous experience even in turboprops and some pilots with similar experience that joined straight to the A330. On my humble opinion, this is by far, the best work environment among the carriers on the Middle East. Despite the fact that we have some annoyances here (widely discussed here) this is still a good place to work for.

29th Mar 2006, 10:46
Hello there,

Gulf Air is a good company to work for, good people, and sometimes you bump into Mr. Hogan saying hi to you.
I am happy here.

Having said that, some facts cannot be disputed, like:

- Do not compare GF with EK or QR, the benchmark should be made with BA, LH, AF or ex-SR. When you buy a car, do you compare it with TATA motors?
Emirates was good 5 years ago, and still there is people leaving GF to join EK. Is not the other way around.
Do you see guys leaving EK to join GF? Do you see people leaving the above mentioned european majors to join GF? Apart from some canadians and swiss, the flow is on the other way. The only advantage GF has is the fast track for command, upgrade. Ask some 767 drivers.

We have to spend around 30% of the budget in housing, do you think this is normal? You'll find this rates in the top 10 most expensive cities in the world. Definitely not Bahrain. Our contract states to provide adequate housing. Tell me where you can find a flat for the allowances we get? Not to mention if you have a family with children.

School allowances:
It is simply not enough.

For sure it has improved comparing to recent times. However, the rostering techniques and FD limitations are there to squeeze us. After 11 hours, they can send you anywhere, with complete disregard to you bio-cycles. How do you like the CCU block? It's legal alright, but do you think it is safe?

Staff travel:
No comments.

A concept that GF changes in a weekly basis. Points, DoJ, DoFLC, Date of starting as a trainer, you name it.


3rd Apr 2006, 13:16
Spot on mate!:cool:
I love the "no comments" for staff travel:E
fly high!

27th Apr 2006, 12:25
Being a heavy jet captain for a few years, I wonder how long it would take me to get command at GF. Anybody knows the average ?

27th Apr 2006, 13:05
Well,...it's seems that GF still have no problem to attract some s****r pilot!

27th Apr 2006, 14:17
to answer the question, command is by seniority these days...no more DEC's or accelerated commands!

27th Apr 2006, 14:31
thanks ironbutt57, what is your guess for a new joiner about 5 years? do they really respect seniority?
billy 34 kit you shouldn't waste time on the forum if you don't have anything interresant to say .

27th Apr 2006, 15:02
better ask the folks at the interview time frames for command....not too sure about these things, would hate to steer you in the wrong direction....seniority is a bit more involved and includes both date of hire, and "seat/fleet" aspects...it is a primary factor in command awards...made easier by one crew base again....for now anyway....

Joe Monsoon
28th Apr 2006, 17:57
Spot on mate some of these boy have no idea just like so many other fos in GF been there well over 10 years clean record guess what sieniority listes are worth NOTHIG:mad:

29th Apr 2006, 08:27
I know at least one EK pilot who is now training captain with Gulf Air, he likes to drink Murphy's and has flashy bullocks!!!

30th Apr 2006, 03:35
Hello there,

Anybody knows where to find the minimum turnaround times?
There is a table with 45 min (40' for transit), but what about the 01:15 if you have an a/c change. Is it gone on last revision? (revisions :sad: )


30th Apr 2006, 03:43
1.15 is only the min turnaround if changing from 330 to 340 or vice versa.

1st May 2006, 12:54
Just a small question for the Gf Flyers:

How long does it take for an Ab-Initio Pilot (CPL-IR,FROZEN ATPL) to complete his A320 Simulator Training+ Line training A320?

Your comments would be higly appreciated.

6th May 2006, 19:50
Hi, all!

I´ve appiled for a Gulf Air A320 position. Can anybody tell me something about the tests, which are to be done there and how to prepare best for them? Thank You very much!

7th May 2006, 07:18
Gulf Air guys,
I have enjoyed reading your posts and am considering applying. I am currently an American Airlines 767 FO and have pretty much had enough of the US Airline industry roller-coaster ride. I am interested more in stability than $$. Can you guys answer the gut question of how stable you feel at GF? I know every company has its ups and downs, if you read the AA pilots forums you'd think there was about to be a mutiny at any moment.

I have spent a lot of time in Bahrain and am comfortable there. What are the company furnished flats in Juffair like on the inside? I know juffair well and know some flats looks horrible from the outside yet are pretty decent inside.

I see that GF gives 50 days vacation, how do you get that? Do you bid for it in advance or can you request certain times off?

How is the flying/scheduling? I know it sucks everywhere, but do you get a line mixed with reserve or stand-by? How does it work? Does pay increase each year or is and FO with 1 year paid the same as an FO with 10 years?

I appreciate your honest answers and look forward to buying the first round at JJ's one night.


7th May 2006, 08:05
Hello Hercpilot,
"Can you guys answer the gut question of how stable you feel at GF?"
# I don't believe GF will ever go bankrupt, no matter the gravity of its financial situation. Because:
a) GF gives a lot of jobs to bahrainis, a lot of money goes through the company, the country needs GF.
b) Bahrain needs an airline to cope with its growth, eventhough not growing as UAE or Qatar, Bahrain is expanding economically. I believe GF will need to expand as well to cope with this growth, however, not in the dimension of a global carrier, as EK, EY are trying to do. And will probably achieve.
"What are the company furnished flats in Juffair like on the inside? I know juffair well and know some flats looks horrible from the outside yet are pretty decent inside."
# I agree with you. Maybe Juffair is gonna even look nice in a couple of years. Lack of vision, Juffair could have little channels, some green areas where the kids could go and play.....dreaming. Be ready to spend from 500 to 800 in Juffair.
"I see that GF gives 50 days vacation, how do you get that? Do you bid for it in advance or can you request certain times off?"
# You must bid for your next year leave until october (guess so) from the previous year. Some guys get what they want, some of them don't. Some guys keep getting what they want, all the time and some others, never get the slot that they want. You see, there is no balance in rostering, the decent thing to do is: this year you didn't get, but next year your slot will be granted. Kind of. Despite being short of pilots, they are not cancelling leave slots.
"How is the flying/scheduling? I know it sucks everywhere, but do you get a line mixed with reserve or stand-by? How does it work?"
# If GF would fix its rostering system, half of most peoples problems would disappear. The reasons why we don't have an electronic bidding system are unknown to me.
Our flight duty limitations are very simple:
a) after 11 hours, or previous duty period, the company can (and will) send you anywhere.
b) you don't exceed 55 hours within 7 days
c) within 7 days you need 36h rest, if not, within 10 days, you need 60h rest.
d) there is nothing regarding changes in time zones and night duties. We do night turnarounds with 12 h duty and after minimum rest they can still send you somewhere else. Or even worse, you got a flight right in the morning, after coming from a night flight.
"Does pay increase each year or is and FO with 1 year paid the same as an FO with 10 years?
# It's like socialism. Paiy is the same for everybody! Some say long haul guys get a bit more because of the time away, like a taxi. But you spend more in your nightstops as well, so no big difference. But it's much more civilized operation then on the 320.
# That's the way I see GF, a lot of people do disagree, some guys think that flying for GF is THE job. I respect their opinion, eventhough some of them don't respect mine. It depends how you see things and how your expectations are being fulfilled. A good thing is that you know Bahrain, you're used to the dust, heat and the crazy drivers.
"I appreciate your honest answers and look forward to buying the first round at JJ's one night."
#hey, no sweat, all the best and see you around Bahrain!

7th May 2006, 09:22
I agree with most of LNB's post. Only thing I would add is regarding the leave bidding system. You go to the bottom of the list on your first year and move up over a 3 year period and then down to the bottom again. It's the same for everyone regardless of senority. This means you have a better chance of getting what you want the closer to the top of the list you are. Plenty of guys get close to what they want in the first year, so just because you are new does not mean you end up with rubbish!

7th May 2006, 12:25
Thanks gents. Its a tough decision. When I got hired 7 years ago I never thought I'd consider leaving AA or the USA but here I am facing that decision. I guess like everything else, its all about perspective.


7th May 2006, 12:31
Hercpilot we got a few AA guys here, and they are enjoying it...lots of ups and downs...best thing for housing is to find a place take the contact number to the GF housing chap, and let him haggle with the landlord, GF have more "wasta" than we do as individuals and can usually get the place u like at a better price...yes you will more than likely ahve to subsidize it no free ride in that respect....nor at Emirates, Etihad, Qatar either....Singapore....to name a few....sign of the times...:ok:

7th May 2006, 14:19
Ok, You guys have prompted another set of questions. The pay and benefits show approximately 450 BD per month for Travel allowance. What is the real bottom line? I expect you spend some of that travel allowance. Also as an FO how many days flying? How many times do you go over the 75 hours and make the extra 20BD? This is turning into a budget drill. I am assuming 650BD for a flat. 25 phone. 25 utilities and 150 for a car. Thanks

7th May 2006, 14:29
Travel allowance(per deims) bd1.5 "sign on" to "sign off" at base...these per deim hours will vary but your figures are in the ballpark ...hours...same answer...buy a new suv or something with some modicum of safety? (impact protection)bd 2-300 per month with 20% down...ie: Ford explorer 9000bd purchase price....flat price is ballpark..could go up or down a bit...bit of shopping will put you in an unfurnished villa for the same...fone?? depends on how often you call home..or use the msn chat or whatever...i'd guess 50-75bd.. you will probably be rostered for 20 -22 days per month, and most likely get a day or two callout..(you can say "no" unless you are extended out of base..but get paid none the less) most places we go it is possible to make money on the per deims...months over 75 depends on fleet...but probably more often than not...but dont count on it when crunching the numbers...that's "beer money" definately the most "relaxed" mob in the gulf...

7th May 2006, 14:33
HP your calculations are about right but the breakdown is difficult to give because it depends on the fleet you are assigned to. You can expect to take home around $6000US/mth and it can be more depending on O/T and if you work days off or not. Your 6500BD for accom is a bit high, not neccessary to spend that much, 500BD should cover it. Stay away from Juffair at all costs!!!!

7th May 2006, 15:00
I did the "budayia villa" thing for 11 yrs....nice quiet etc...etc...single status, or married no kids. Juffair works...when I was headed back from Auh to Bah, I swore never Juffair....never say never..I'm here in a 5-star flat contribute 25% and am happy for it...but BE careful.. a trip around to prospective bldgs on a fri morning is advseable to look at the type of licence plates parked out front loads of Saudi cars is indicative of what kind of neighbors you might have...but there are many nice bldgs here, and the drive to work is 15 mins the drive home is a different matter..but a short detour to hidd and over the "new bridge" is time saving...all this is beside the point I have friends on all fleets, and will "pm" you the pay slip facts and figures so you can decide....kids in school are the show stopper here...academic standards are fantastic....fees are as well....another matter entirely...Emirates guys suffering the same headache as well....

8th May 2006, 07:33
Right now I live down by Seef mall. Nice area and not too miserable a drive. No kids (no that would be coming here) to worry about schooling and I just shed 180 lbs of ugly fat so no wife to bring. Is the $6000/month estimate for an FO or Capt? Its getting more enticing by the minute particularly since my alimony is tied to my base salary. By the way do any of the US guys pay taxes on any of the income?

Thanks again. You are all being very helpful and patient! Kilkenny's are on me! If I can buy someone a beer at Fiddler's and pick their brain I'll post my local mobile in a PM.


8th May 2006, 20:21
6K is for FO

8th May 2006, 21:49
Hi, all!

I really don´t want to be annoying, but is there anybody that can give me some detailed information about the Gulf Air tests or at least where to get some. I would really appreciate. Thanks a lot!!!

15th May 2006, 11:43
Thank you guys, I have been reading carefully all of your comments... I have been applying since 2004 for gulfair but never get any answer.... I used to fly for air canada jazz on the dash8 with a total of 5500h... so... I heard that there is some guys with a very low time hired on the A320.. no big deal I guess... just waiting for my time to come... one thing for sure it seems to be a very good company... but what kind of test can we expect?
thank you very much guys for your advises... hope to meet you over there one day..

15th May 2006, 13:21
seems the Canucks showing up round these parts are for the most part Jetsgo folks, who easily slot into things here, not too sure abot the screening process...different group of folks handle that job...but whatever they are doing it seems to be working, people been through the "box" with me have all been great, and havent heard any complaints from other fleets either...all I can say is keep trying

15th May 2006, 15:06
An interseting bit of news today in the paper says that GF is receiving a 100mill BD infusion from the Gov'T. That has to be good news for GF. If only some would get to you guys. I think the egos of the ruling families in this region are reason to feel that the Gulf is a long term stable place to work. Good Luck, and thanks again for all of the feedback above.
The offer for JJs still stands. I would even treat to dinner at the Warbler on any Monday night!

16th May 2006, 19:47
Hello all,

I want to thank you for the host of info.......I have a quick question that you might be able to answer. If you come to Bahrain what is the policy regarding pets brought over from other countries? Are you able to bring them over? Thanks in advance....

The post.

17th May 2006, 04:25

Can anyone tell me how to apply?



17th May 2006, 10:43
Try http://www.gulfaircareers.com/careers/gulfair/index.aspx

Although it says no vacancies at the moment I do know that is v short term. Will get back with more info.

As for pets Dogs & Cats normally OK but depends on which country it is coming from, more exotic then not too sure, my sons snake could not be brought into the country.

17th May 2006, 20:43
Anyobdy willing to provide some information concerning the screening and all the other tests done there?? Thank You very much!!!!

19th May 2006, 05:35
Hi there McFly16,

Why don't you try a search? I'm sure there are a lot of previous posts about this subject.


19th May 2006, 10:40
Try http://www.gulfaircareers.com/careers/gulfair/index.aspx

Although it says no vacancies at the moment I do know that is v short term. Will get back with more info.

As for pets Dogs & Cats normally OK but depends on which country it is coming from, more exotic then not too sure, my sons snake could not be brought into the country.

There isn't vacancy for "Direct Entry Pilots" or "Pilot Training Programmes" but I think there is for the normal entry process.

19th May 2006, 10:43
What might that be Viru$?

19th May 2006, 10:46
What might that be Viru$?

That means that they are recruting people and the signup is still open :)

19th May 2006, 16:39
well.....you either come in as a "direct entry" pilot, or as a "cadet" what's the other way?

20th May 2006, 04:34
ladies and gents

its a bit late in the thread, but at EK we only got a 7% increase in basic salary this year.

manglement added in a further 3% to give the overall appearance of a 10% increase, but that was just an annual increment really, which it something we would all actually expect to get provided we hadn't screwed the pooch.

We got an insignificant increase in the living out allowance, and a minor increase in productivity pay and callout pay.

So, an 8% increase at Gulf traveller looks like it's on the mark. (Dependiing on how it's components are identified) To be sure the cost of living in BAH is lower than in Dubai.

We have 24 hrs per day rush hour here now - it never stops. The rostering practices here are appalling and it is a pretty unpleasant life.

20th May 2006, 07:42
Traffic wise. Bahrain is headed that way as well...decade ago used to be the occasional jam-up at specific places namely sitra causeway/Nabih Saleh areas, and the good old pearl roundabout...the flyover system solved the pearl/seef areas, but it has now shifted to the area next to the Regency hotel, and of course the Sitra situations hasnt changed...the left turn southbound into Juffair is a mess, the left turn signal follows the straight signal, if they were to reverse this it might solve a few problems....increments at GF on schedule...personally for me it is a waste of time to jump from one carrier to another here, but for some it seems to be worthwhile..a few headed to EK as 777DEC...guess they have their reasons...whatever...it's beer o"clock on the boat today...:ok:

21st May 2006, 22:12
I have an interview / assesment centre for F/O with gulf air coming up!

What can I expect?

22nd May 2006, 07:30
If you are lucky .. A Job :p

Good Luck !

22nd May 2006, 08:15
As a matter of interest, what is your experience level and when did you first apply. Have been waiting a while now with not even a little bite. Anyway good luck with the interview process.:ok:

22nd May 2006, 09:46
1800 h total. 1400 h on Global Express, Falcon 50/900 and Citation V. Lots of int experience. Waited 3 weeks after applying.

22nd May 2006, 12:05
Me too, jet time, turbo prop and plenty of total time and yet nothing. I received my final reply in Jan saying that my application was under consideration......but nothing!!!!

22nd May 2006, 13:43
I also got called for an interview AC in june. My experince level is not to much either, 2300hrs tt and 1000 hrs on commerical jet emb-145. Anybody with a little info on what to expect would be appricated.

23rd May 2006, 07:29
Hi guys,

I have also been invited for the AC end of june. It would be really great if some1 could give us some extensive details on what to expect and what sort of material to cover. Every1 says do a search. I've done that with not much success. I mean i looked at the fragrant harbour forum and it is loaded with info from guys. I hope some1 could help us out.

Thanking any1 who helps in advance....


23rd May 2006, 15:44
And what about the "advanced search" tool?!?:} :} :}

Find a lot of precious informations regarding GF selection process....

have fun:cool:

Rduarte : No more happy in portugal?

30th May 2006, 08:46
Hi guy, can someone give an email address for gulf air recriutment? would love to drop off my cv, thanks..

Coconut Airways
30th May 2006, 11:14

31st May 2006, 09:11
what are they actually looking for?? i applied months ago and keep on updating with the same response every time, "your application is beeing concidered". how can that be if nothing happens?? got 3800tt.:confused:

31st May 2006, 13:33
35 ys , 6500 TT, 2500 Com Jet , A320 Type

My application today(since feb) is marked as UNDER REVIEW ,so i can´t update .LOL
I start the process in sept /05

It Shows :

Your application for this vacancy is being considered. In order to ensure fairness in your application you are now unable to update your details. Someone will be in touch with you shortly regarding this vacancy.

1st Jun 2006, 10:13
:ok: Hey, guys
Two questions
Gulf Air made any agreement with other company ( Spanish one) ?
Somebody knows if in this moment they need pilots rated on 767?
I know that right know they still have got 9( B-767) on flight.
Thanks for your help…

1st Jun 2006, 13:10
1.Spanish company ok agreement Gulf Air other one.
2.On flight 767 pilots yesterday needed ratings at the moment. Right now Boeing 767 on flight 9.
Your thanks for help.

1st Jun 2006, 15:41
Does any one know what mins are they really looking for??.
8700TT. 5000PIC 3200JET ...ETC

1st Jun 2006, 19:15
I am quite sure that under review means -stuck in the computer system - and that it has not reached the appropriate office. It might be best to email it directly with an explanation.

1st Jun 2006, 20:12
I've got the same response. Anyone have an e-mail address so that those here can contact to find out what the story is. Mine has been under review for 6 months........and still I wait:sad:

4th Jun 2006, 07:59
Hi once again,

I just wanted to ask if anyone has some information on the panel interview. Apart from the standard HR questions and probably type specific questions, anyone could advise if they ask general aviation technical, and if yes what sort of Q's...will i need to know about RNP, T/O Perf segments etc...

Any help will be much appreciated...

8th Aug 2006, 13:46
hi fellow aviators,

anyone can help with gulf air interview process and information greatly appreciated. thank you for your time.

8th Aug 2006, 18:03
It has been posted over and over and over again...

Seek and thou shalt find....also here on PPRuNe :rolleyes:

Dominus vobiscum
8th Aug 2006, 19:40
Hi there, so you want to join GF !!! For you're own salvation find something else if you can. Life is to short. As for interview...Not much to say really. Few questions, Little cognitif test and few group exercises. If you are hired than that will be the end of flying with common sense....Good luck :ugh:

17th Aug 2006, 22:33
Hello! I am in need of info regarding the selection process at Gulf Air...I thank you in advance for any info.

18th Aug 2006, 07:11
Hi ,

when are you going over there? I called A. Mansell and tolf me that I will be going for the next interview... but didn't specify the date? I will try to get somme info and will come back after...
TK care:}

18th Aug 2006, 17:23
check this out.... I am still looking for some info....



19th Aug 2006, 14:48
I applied for finance job with Gulf air first week of july . the vacancy has passed its closing date three weeks ago still no response from them
website shows:Under review

Your application for this vacancy is being considered. In order to ensure fairness in your application you are now unable to update your details. Someone will be in touch with you shortly regarding this vacancy.

anbody any idea how long they take to respond.. :confused:

19th Aug 2006, 15:25
try this too



2nd Sep 2006, 13:09
How does one apply to Gulf Air.

8th Sep 2006, 18:38
one minute they say "they've lost millions because of fuel", next thing they want to change the B767 to another?
anybody know which aircrafts they buying?or where are they getting the money from :confused:

are they buying new aircrafts or lessee some more ?

Panama Jack
11th Sep 2006, 17:52
The money for new aircraft was secured in format of a loan from the Governments of Oman and Bahrain earlier this year. If I am not mistaken, it was around $800,000,000 USD.

As far as aircraft type, from where, when, etc . . . those who are talking don't know and those who know aren't talking. For my part though, I sure hope they don't get any more ex-Royal Jordanian birds. :yuk:

The Boeing 767's are old and tired, and in the opinion of many, desperately need to be replaced. The Company mused reducing the fleet to possibly only two types of aircraft.

There has been plenty of navel gazing during the last few months about aircraft replacements, CEO replacements, etc. Fortunately the infiernal temperatures and humidity have either kept most of us dozy or prioritizing about trying to stay cool.

12th Sep 2006, 05:22
What we need is a skipper. Nothing will happen until the new guy comes in.
Investors will not pump money in, under actual circumstances.

There is a FPL DISCONT AHEAD in the active GF flight plan...

Good news:
6 upgrades this month, from FO 340 to captain 767, from FO 320 to Captain 320 and 2 others on 767.


Dominus vobiscum
12th Sep 2006, 06:46
How many expats on that number ?:oh: :E

bird dog
12th Sep 2006, 10:03
As long as they are following the seniority, nationality is irrelevant.

12th Sep 2006, 12:08
i Found this, check it out. an interveiw with the CEO in pearson !!!


says more our less the same :ugh:

12th Sep 2006, 23:38
Bird Dog....And if they are not....what are you going to do about it?

13th Sep 2006, 07:04
Hi guys,

Beginning of august I called A.Mansell regarding a possible interview, he told me that I will be in for the next interview ... any idea when this will happen?:*
thank you for your answers....
all the best.

bird dog
14th Sep 2006, 12:22
The market rules are very simple. If you are not happy where you are and somebody offers you something better...... Regarding GF, I am ok so far despite the DECs, according to the AHOFO it is only one year contract and it is not going to be renew. I will give the man credit unless he proves me wrong.

21st Sep 2006, 02:36
Hi guys
I have a great interest on gulfair FO recruitment. If anybody can tell me things about gulfair and Bahrain, would be appreciated. Salary scale, other payment(perdiem), school tuition fees for kids, and accommodations. thanks.