View Full Version : more new pilots... (merged)

2nd Feb 2003, 00:07
Hi, Spiritflyer here... Thought I would introduce myself like Henrik83 did to be polite. I'm currently studying for my ATPL exams in February. Looking forward to participate in the forum with you guys!:D

Happy landings!


2nd Feb 2003, 10:14
Luck defined is when preparation meets opportunity. (unknown)

So keep your head in the books, and we'll see you on the ramp in a little while..

Welcome to a great profession!

2nd Feb 2003, 20:14
It seemed like a good idea to introduce yourself to this forum: I am a student glider pilot with 25 hours, planning to become a professional pilot. I must say that I enjoy soaring a lot, and if my dream doesn't come true that will be the type of flying I will do.

Anyway, I have this crush on the Twin Otter and I wonder if anyone out there has the same crush?;)

Fly high!:)


7th Feb 2003, 22:20
You've got a crush on the TwOtter?!!:eek: :rolleyes: Weirdo!!!!;) :}

Myself,..?...well, I've got this thingy for the Skyvan!!...not!:yuk: :p

Good luck on your gliders licence!!:cool:

Labarynth Seal
8th Feb 2003, 22:56
PP - Gå grav deg ned!! p.s hope you find some power lines :mad: :mad: (Sorry, had a near miss with som arse in a nylon thing the other day...just "Soaring")

Sprint - Good luck for your ATPL.... you are however lucky they created JAR ATPL for fixed wing and not for rotary, our ATPL is still in the balance...Well The exams are hard, so nose down and .....landing gear..:confused:

An - A good twin to fancy has got to be a Puma or a Bell 222 or a Sikorsky 76..... what wrong with you guys...a Kingair turns up and you all get a hard on??

LS Out

8th Feb 2003, 23:23
Thanks a lot An2:D! Yes, I got the crush after the local skydiving club had their boogie at the same airport as we had our glider boogie... They had Stockholm Fallskjermklubbs Twin Otter driven by some old, cool swedish pilots!! I was allowed to sit in the captain's seat on the ground. :)
I should say that I nearly had a mid-air with the same Otter during my solo check!! We had a bad battery in our glider, and it went out during the flight. I was about to take "entry-to-spin" (flikk på norsk) to my left when I saw the mighty Otter coming right towards us - just a hundred metres below! Afterwards, I heard the Swedish pilots' extremely cool comment: "Ja vi såg den lilla järnfogeln, men lite sent"!:D

LS, was it a nylon covered plane without engine or a crazy guy in a refreshing hangglider:O?? hehe. Remember - you guys with engines have to wait for us without engines to land before you! (horrible english i know):} :) :D heheh. Just kidding. we oughta look out for other traffic as well.

Best regards,

12th Feb 2003, 10:35
Welcome Chaps,

Gliding is also the purest form of air sport. Stick with it!

Twotter is a good machine though I don't have the type-rating and its de Havilland so its pedigree speaks for itself!

I know you will not be dissuaded so you'll just have to go for!

Success will be yours.....eventually!

Labarynth Seal
22nd Feb 2003, 01:38
It don't matter....happy flying and welcome to the forum.:rolleyes:

LS Out