View Full Version : Monarch Airlines

31st Jan 2003, 21:13
I'm starting with MON in march03 based at EDI, i was just wanting 2 know if any one could give me some info about the company ie stand-by, flts, rosters etc etc and any good tips for the cheeky horrible pax!!!:=

Thanks a million

Whiskey Zulu
3rd Feb 2003, 11:12
Just a couple of tips for you.

1. It's Monarch (no longer airlines)
2. You tend to get back what you give. Change your attitude to pax or not only will you get grief from pax/crew your stay in the co. will be brief. :p

4th Feb 2003, 23:56

Whilst not CC I work for the spotty M at MAN. I can't help with customer care, but might be able to help with more specific questions!

The Summer programme for Scotland this year is quite extensive, so expect to work hard (12-15 flights per month at a guess).

If you want I can email the prog to you?

Flight crew at EDI are travellers from either LGW, LTN or if things are really bad MAN. I say that only cos we also have to crew LPL, EMA, NCL BRS..........................!!!!!!!!!!!

Top tip, subscribe to the email roster service!

If you need more info let me know.

Take care and welcome to "M"!!!!!!!!!!!

5th Feb 2003, 07:30
Spotty M management have decided not recruit enough people for the expansion so we are all going to be working harder than has previously been the case.