View Full Version : QR to EK

31st Jan 2003, 00:54
Hello guys and girls

Anyone like to comment on the latest news (could be rumour of course) but it seems now that any QR cabin crew leaving QR and hoping to get into EK might now have to wait 12 months before applying as a new rule has this come from the Bouncer from Mothercare has he signed a new rule with EK or is this something that EK have decided. Does anyone Know.

Also cabin crew at QR seem to be having some CRM issues with certain flight deck.

Bouncer from Mothercare also fears that his crew maybe have a drink problem as they like to enjoy themselves once and a while at the bar by getting the hotels to take away their discount. Seems the bar takings are down quite a lot these days.

CSD gets crew member sacked for having a few drinks down route in BKK and reports her when they get back in DOH. Me thinks he might have a few problems with crew from now on.

Wishing the best of luck to you all, but there is life after QR

GC:cool: Lifes a Beach life's a Corporate JET

31st Jan 2003, 06:09
BOUNCER FROM MOTHERCARE!? is that the same midget you talking abt??? hehehehe


Hong Kong Layover
1st Feb 2003, 05:20
Unconfirmed feedback says, AAB has again created a scene at EK regarding QR crew joining EK.

There must be some thruth in this regard.

Lets wait for some confirmed news,on this forum.

1st Feb 2003, 11:54
hi guys, it seems the height challenged one that is AAB only does this because he knows most of his crew dream of going to a normal airline like emirates where there are NORMAL people unlike this little f****r... how dare he control where people apply yo work? its disgusting i think..he knows damn well that qatar airways has a ****ty reputation so i cant understand why hes so harsh on the crew.im glad i escaped quickly! xxx:p :}

2nd Feb 2003, 18:07
QR and EK have had this reciprocal agreement for a long time now that they won't "steal" each other's staff... and that goes for all positions, not only cabin crew. Signed by both parties involved !

2nd Feb 2003, 23:20

Yes we all know that there is a no poaching agreement between the gulf airlines what were trying to establish is whether the Bouncer from Mothercare has had a fit and now EK are going to not recruit any QR cabin crew until they have been out of QR for 12 months.

Does the silly little chap not understand that it will still not put people of from going their as its a better airline to work for and not have to put up with his pathetic little rules an let people have a life.

Any EK Recruiters like to comment???

Wishing all QR crew the best, you do a damn good job for such a ****ty little man (sorry can we call him a man)

:cool: Lifes a Beach Lifes A Corporate JET

Hong Kong Layover
14th Feb 2003, 14:03
Oh yes,

AAB is not a man,He is a mouse!!!

9th Mar 2003, 10:31
The official line from EK is.......This appears to be no official agreement but there appears to be an unofficial one regarding cabin & flight crew. However I understand the dwarf has his spies in EK recruitment who report back anyone who has applied in any position. As for non crew positions it isnt clear altho I understand if EK wanted you they would take you regardless. However, becauseQR have such a bad reputation in the area, I'm not sure if working for QR is good for your career or not! Of course you'll only know when you try to leave (I'm looking forward to it).

Of course the Bouncer has certainly missed the point by a mile when of course the art of keeping the staff isw related to competitive pay & conditions, motivating staff etc and not trying to get them to sign stupid ammenments to contracts (that are only legally binding in Qatar) to stop you from working for other gulf carriers, pathetic things like stopping discount on drinks at the hotels etc. But Hey, you can't tell some people.

Even the UAE nationals I know at EK have a particularly low opinion of QR, and AAB is thought of as a joke! At least someones got it right!