View Full Version : E&E disguises for the desert

27th Jan 2003, 16:45
Having had a few shandies in the bar last month, the conversation arose concerning possible disguises one would carry in case the worst should happen and you found yourself drifting slowly downward toward the sandy ground.

several suggestions came up including:

a: a CNN crew (navigators could carry the ubiquitous boom mike and camcorder)

b: The Spanish Inquisition - nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition

c: Spiderman - Lycra folds up small so it can be readily available in a leg pocket

d: Saddam Hussein - all it requires is a fedora, a rbber mask and a replica Kalashnikov

Any other suggestions?

Waddock Hunt
27th Jan 2003, 16:59
How about George W.....
....At least the interegators wouldn't be hassasing you for any intelligence!!!!

This is a correction to my last.....

How about George W....
....At least the interrogators won't be harassing you for any intelligence!!!!

(Does anyone have their ISS book handy??)

27th Jan 2003, 17:27
U.N. weapons inspectors. The Iraqi's are used to them being around even when they're being bombed....

Human Shields, tell them you got lost and are looking for something to shield. Bring a donkey jacket and anti-war T-shirt and volunteer to protect a hospital or somewhere else safe.

27th Jan 2003, 17:37
An arm band with "umpire" on it. All the exercises I have been on those guys don't get any hassle. Or perhaps some senior RAF rank slides as they don't seem to be affected by reality or any events going on around them.

27th Jan 2003, 17:45
You could always use the valuable lessons available in the various Bravo 20 books............................or B!

high spirits
27th Jan 2003, 18:49
Perhaps a wig and a dress to confuse the issue. The enemy would think you were either a Marine or Bensons finest.

Out Of Trim
27th Jan 2003, 18:52
Yeah! - Make like a Sand Dune -

1/ Purchase Old Army Poncho from Government Surplus shop.
2/ Cover said poncho with glue and sprinkle liberally with sand of local nature.
3/ Lie down and cover yourself and kit with the afore-mentioned Poncho.

(Tip) Avoid lying down in vehicle tracks etc. ;)

PS. Don't forget a torch and Survive to Fight Book!
and GPS, Map, Compass, Stun Grenades, Entrenching tool to lower dummy sand dune into foxhole (when dug!), Rocket Launcher, Radio and Cucumber Sandwiches....

:) :p :)

27th Jan 2003, 18:54
Panto camel outfit for two-seat crews, arse end for the nav, head for the pilot.

Hat incorporating stuffed gopher for single-seat blokes.

What's this about Benson's finest, then?

high spirits
27th Jan 2003, 18:59
alternatively just take a map and a roll of fablon. You won't have to e&e cos all your mates will turn up and say"you don't want to do it like that!

Whipping Boy's SATCO
27th Jan 2003, 19:18
Kate Adie - she's bound to be there before your PSP hits the ground.

27th Jan 2003, 19:49
Take a crook and sheepdog – they’ll help you to get “the flock out of here.”

Waddock Hunt
27th Jan 2003, 21:32
A large yellow helmet, donkey jacket and wellies (and probably some trousers too???)- and say your a striking fireman and obviously you've been doing your utmost to destabalise any UK Military involvement and are therefore a big friend of Saddam!!!

27th Jan 2003, 21:48
A red double decker bus (probably will only be convincing for C17 crews that could cary the mockup), and you could pretend you are a human shield on your way to protect the Baghdad Hilton.

Throw in a Cliff Richard Costume and you could be on a 'summer holiday'.

27th Jan 2003, 21:51
What about 1 of those helmets from "it aint half hot mum" a paint brush and a dinosaur bone or two!

27th Jan 2003, 23:18
Just wear a hook instead of a hand, poke out one eye with the hook, carry a stun gun and a can of CS. Demand money from the Iraqi government and claim political asylum in Saddam's nearest palace...second thoughts, just ask for a lift back to London.:rolleyes:

29th Jan 2003, 08:26
Big quiff wig and a white rhinestone lycra suit. You can claim to be Elvis and the National Enquirer will get you out in no time.

Arm out the window
29th Jan 2003, 09:26
What about a tea-towel, an old sheet and a couple of bits of rope? Throw in a stick-on Saddam-style moustache, and you'd be laughing.

29th Jan 2003, 13:59
Steve Bell Goat Suit?

29th Jan 2003, 14:02
No, we're not a Special Forces Team

We're the war biography team from Hodder and Stoughton....