View Full Version : ATPL frozen?

11th May 2001, 00:59
Sorry, but all this terminology is making me dizzy...Could someone explain in plain English what a frozen ATPL is. How many hours do you need to have one of these, and what do you have to do to defrost it? ;)
I'm just curious, thats all...



11th May 2001, 03:51
over the last few days you've posted an awful lot of questions, most of which are at a very basic level. Now, I've no problem with a complete beginner asking questions - that's what we're here for - but this isn't the Mike Samuel personal bulletin board! Please collate your questions into fewer posts, and also go and get some info from the CAA. Contrary to some of the posts on this board, they are pretty helpful! You'll at least learn what some of the terminology means. You've a long way to go, and you won't get absolutely all the answers you need here (however much we'd like to think otherwise!).

Wannabe Forum Moderator
[email protected]

11th May 2001, 11:56
I agree to an extent, there is a wealth of information - that can be found, learnt and understood given the right amount of effort on behalf of the person him/herself.

The Internet is vast - try exact phrase searches (i.e. by placing " " around your phrases) in search engines such as Google. I've never been disappointed with the results. Please do not feel upset by any of the above, think of it as constructive criticism.


In the past a captain would've had an ATPL and a FO would’ve had a CPL/IR. In order for the FO to have command (and become a captain) he would've needed to do the ATPL theoretical knowledge course. Providing the FO had the right amount of ours (1500 or so I think) he could become captain.

Nowadays the ATPL theory is considered fundamental to any pilot so they blend the knowledge into your CPL/IR course. The reason it is called a frozen ATPL is because you cannot be in command (be a captain) unless you have 1500 hours, so the license is frozen until then.

The ATPL license is really a CPL/IR. It only becomes a full ATPL when the FO has enough ours to unfreeze it and since the relevent theory has already been taught the FO does not need any more.

That’s my understanding on it.

Good luck! :)

[This message has been edited by InTheAir (edited 11 May 2001).]

11th May 2001, 18:28
It's a nestle bar according to Ronchonner

11th May 2001, 19:40

For anymore technical problems/advice contact the website's own technical guru; and the man considered in the 'know' by many on this website- especially JAA matters. He can be found at the below address.

[email protected]


11th May 2001, 19:52
no offence, ok?
