View Full Version : Ocean follows the Ark

15th Jan 2003, 16:42

By Kim Barnes
BBC correspondent on board HMS Ocean

Food, rifles, photocopiers, an ironing board and boxes and boxes of equipment - they all made their way onto HMS Ocean at Devonport on Wednesday. Troops embarking do not know how long they will be away and are not 100% sure of where they might end up.

The ship was earmarked for exercises off the coast of Scotland, but following last week's announcement by the defence secretary she will head for the Mediterranean.

The ship is part of a flotilla of 16 vessels ready for action in the event of war against Iraq. The Ark Royal left Portsmouth at the weekend and HMS Ocean will leave from Devonport on Thursday morning.

The Ocean - the biggest ship in the Navy - has been beefed up for the trip. Two naval air squadrons from Somerset will be on board with their Sea King, Lynx and Gazelle helicopters. They will provide the vital amphibious assault role that is the extra element now that the Ocean has to be ready for action.

As usual in this situation troop commanders insist they are trained, willing and able. 40 Commando Royal Marines has just spent two months in training both at altitude and in arid conditions. Clearly the Californian desert was playing the part of the Iraqi terrain. Their commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Gordon Messenger, described their mood as "workman-like". He said his unit was not overexcited, but prepared for the role they might play.

The official line is that this is "prudent military planning" - part of the contingency operation awaiting a political green light

Ordinary troops who walked up the ramp with their bulging rucksacks say they have been told to pack for at least six months.

The Ocean's Captain, Adrian Johns, said the mood on board was positive and upbeat, though he qualified by adding that there was sombre reflection about how events might unfold. He added: "People just want to get on with the job in hand."

Just what that job may yet involve is a decision that remains in the hands of Tony Blair.

Flatus Veteranus
15th Jan 2003, 17:07
Good luck and God speed! :)

Pilot Pacifier
15th Jan 2003, 21:10
Do you realise that the pictures shown of all those Sea Kings on the deck is the equivalent of just ONE mighty Chinook! Talk about a waste of space…

:D :D :D

15th Jan 2003, 22:45
Do you realise that if a Sea King is lost to enemy fire over the battlefield, the number of casualties will be only a fraction of those that would have incurred if it had been a Wokka? :p

16th Jan 2003, 03:03
So we are building force packages now using losses, not capability as the yardstick?

Lets ask how much "The King" can lift in a desert, even in winter. Or how far.

Then get the toys out of the way and let the big boys in.

And don't forget to leave a little work for the Okka Wokka, nes pa?

16th Jan 2003, 05:53
As many of you crabs should be aware, and have proven on a few occasions (though not neccesarily when airborne);

Size is no guarantee of quality :D

16th Jan 2003, 10:47
Nice to see on a thread that starts off wishing well to guys and girls that may be off to war that within 2 or 3 replys we end up with the usual inter service bickering! Grow up guys.

Just want to add my best wishes to those off to who knows where in the days to come. Good luck to you all, hope you don't end up needing it!

16th Jan 2003, 16:12
Shut up.
We all like banter.

Hydraulic Palm Tree
16th Jan 2003, 18:18
Understand it won't just be the deckpsace that is filled. All the best bunks will be nicked by the time the workas, sorry wokkas turn up as CHF are taking 3 yes 3 crews per heli. Thought you boys didn't have a crew duty problem;) and could fly forever without rest, food etc.

Perhaps there will be a lot of vertrep (very small) tasks to be done.


16th Jan 2003, 18:50
Poor Ocean has been out to that part of the world 3 times in 18 months! I trust the Navigator has the lines drawn on the charts in ink now!

16th Jan 2003, 20:17
You are incorrect, me old. 2 flat tops for deck space as well, remember. Yes we can fly forever and no problem with CDT, but then who would man the bar?

If the light blue want to turn up at the same time as everyone else, then you can join the bunfight for pit space. Maybe then we wouldnt have to repeat all the joining briefs and work ups...........:p :p

Joking aside, looking forward to their arrival - good value in the bar and not shy at getting the wets in!

What Tourist said.:p

Rude C'man
17th Jan 2003, 07:37
Correct me if I'm wrong but i thought the wokkas or whatever you like to call them, are not on Ocean . Their mighty contribution is thought more of, by another Captain and are so placed elsewhere. So there will be no fighting for bed space with the queenies , I believe. Any way who wants to work along side a "non operational Sqn" ?( a qoute from a member of 845 during Oracle). You make us feel so welcome on board, not .Face it guys , it's old and not much use hot and heavy , face facts and buy the wokka . Heard the rumours lately ?
Good luck to you all and I'll see you in the bar on your return .