View Full Version : Jackinoko! Really Hot Snot Gen 100%

8th Jan 2003, 02:29
It transpires from a very!!!! reliable source, that the Bush family made their money many years ago by investing millions in oil. They made their money by shipping their crude around the world with a shipping company called 'Bin Laden Shipping'!!!!!(for those who may not be in the know, the Bin Laden familiy made their money in SHIPPING!!!!) It transpires that G Bush Snr was good friends with now said terrorist. Iraq produces the highest quality oil in the world. Further more it is the cheapest to produce!!! Ex Sudi is the cheapest in the known world at $2.5 per barrel in comparison Iraq costs $1.00 per barrel.
Is G Bush (and us !) fighting for freedom or for profit??
I asked my contact why CNN had never reported this, he said 'simple, the president of CNN is a woman and her husband has been given the top media job in the White House to contol the media!

Jackonicko!! If ever we needed you, it is now!! Get some one to check out these details and if they are true - print them. Get yourself the scoup of the century and save all of our boys""

8th Jan 2003, 06:53
Given that this past is well known and accounted, in conjunction with several leaked statements from the Pentagon and DoD eluding to the point that it is all about oil and the control of the reserves in Iraq, plus a small family debt to settle, i feel that this post is somewhat over dramatised.

Any impending conflict WILL happen, the signs are there and if you had access to certain info ive seen you'd know where the UK Force Elements were going to go and when.

8th Jan 2003, 10:36
Delicious! Couldn't stop laughing. Excellent wind-up.

And the tongue in cheek 'humorless' reply just made it funnier!

8th Jan 2003, 11:22
I really have no wish to see or hear any info that is mil sensitive.
Remember, NO site can Guarantee anonymity.

Come on just a little nibble please! even a tiny one:D

Vortex what...ouch!
8th Jan 2003, 11:57
Thats enough of that drivel, how about some proper reporting on issues that affect us today?

how about this?


Per Ardua Ad Astra and all that :D

8th Jan 2003, 12:51
Mr bin ladies family made their money in construction didnt they?
when I was out in a sunny place, a base I stayed on was built by the bin laden construction company, as it was near his home town. I also thought it was the C.I.A who trained and supplied bin looney and his croneys when they were the mujahadeen fighting the russians in afghanistan.:p

donald stott
8th Jan 2003, 13:03
Absolutely fabulous reporting from the forces favourite. However, the Army website ARSSE posted it a few days ago coupled with the usual replies.

8th Jan 2003, 15:36

Yeap, stayed there to. If i remember correctly the US refused to move into the buildings for quite a while until they did what seemed like several million sweeps for hidden packages of explosive and listening devices. Irony strikes again!!