View Full Version : EK 777 vs. 330

7th Jan 2003, 15:48
Anyone in EK able to tell me if there is a distinction in the routes flown by the 330 vs the 777.Does one or the other tend to do more long haul or is it a case of mix and match?
Also I know these things are subjective, but which is considered the better fleet to be on?Do guys spend more time away on one or the other or does the rostering enable you to choose your own bias?

8th Jan 2003, 17:51
Hi jalbert, the 330 tends to do the shorter routes, the longest flight is about 8 hours, as to which is the best fleet, that depends on who you talk to, 6 of one half a dozen of the other - both are pretty good.

Reverend Doctor Doug
9th Jan 2003, 11:02
777 does more long haul. 777 operation is almost entirely medium/long haul with a few local sectors. This adds up to more time off at home because 777 drivers get their hours done more efficiently (as a generalisation). Down side is that most routes are to the Far East and Dunnunder, which means lots of back of the clock, and very little day flying.

330 does more short to medium haul (generally) which means less days off per month, due to more turn around flights etc. (We get payed in block hours i.e chocks to chocks). The plus side for the 330 is that it covers most of the European destinations, which are by and large morning departures with returns around midnight. (much easier on the body)

The bottom line is that you don't have a choice when you arrive any way, but you may have a choice of changing fleets when you upgrade. By that stage you will have a better idea of what suits.

Qualifications to the above statements are that the whole deal will probably change when the A340's arrive, and then again when the A380's arrive, and possibly again if we ever get the longer range 777-300's.

My spin on which is the best fleet is that it depends on your lifestyle choices as per the above. Not too long ago, guys were jumping ship from the 777 fleet when given the opportunity for an upgrade on the A330. This was largely due to a few rogue elements in the 777 training department. This no longer appears to be a problem. There have been plenty of A33 F/O's transferring to the 777 fleet for upgrades over the last 6-12 months, and all doing well. Each fleet has its pros and cons. I think you will be equally happy on either.

Hope that this is of some help.

11th Jan 2003, 14:22
Paid by the block hour....do you work in the cabin? Cockpit is on fixed salary contrary to cabin.

Reverend Doctor Doug
11th Jan 2003, 17:37
No I dont work in the cabin and we are not on a fixed salary. We get paid overtime after approx 82 hours (depending on how many days in the month) this is calculated using scheduled block times.
Any more comments.

12th Jan 2003, 17:52
Yes I have many comments. Thats what this forum is all about..comments:D

I have been here for only 12 months (EK A330), and I have yet to get overtime pay, so I consider myself to be on a fixed salary, with any overtime scheme for more than 82 hours blocktime.
Your otherwise informative comment, gives that EK is paid like ie Ryan Air.....or our own cabin.
