View Full Version : Two Front War?

24th Dec 2002, 16:47
Von Rumsfeld announces that the USA can not only beat Iraq but can simultaneously take on and defeat North Korea!


He also denies the US armed forces are in any way overstretched.

24th Dec 2002, 19:15
That's the trouble with not having a single Big Bad Superpower Enemy anymore; you have to have lots of little ones to make a meaningful sized war.

Wait till the Chinese graduate from BadGuySuperpower College. Boy, then we'll really see the good old bad old days come back.

25th Dec 2002, 10:35
What would be the driving force behind a threat from China to the rest of the world?

Oil? Trade? Religion? World domination?

Isn't it more likely that US foreign policy would provoke them ?
The US President does after all seem to NEED an enemy.

26th Dec 2002, 21:49
I would guess Trade / World Domination, including oil, with religion to follow as a side order.

I mean, why does anybody want to dominate the world? Why did Britain have an Empire, and why does America want one?

At the end of the day it's all about economics and power, which aren't really separable.

30th Dec 2002, 16:57
Sometime soon there is going to be a war about water. There have been rumblings already with Turkey blocking flow of water to Iraq. China is going to need loads of water soon and demand will probably rise exponentially. They may be 25% of the world population (or whatever) but they haven't got the same percentage of the water even now and they will want more.

30th Dec 2002, 17:58
I don't think it'll be about water.

I think it'll be about Pannini football stickers.

George W is pi55ed with North Korea because they've got the FA Cup sticker and won't do swapsies. He really wants to complete his album.

30th Dec 2002, 20:31


31st Dec 2002, 03:05
Ee, fookin' brilliant, Newswatch. I'm a bit concerned about the last one, with the donkey, however; apart from Osama's head, which has obviously been spliced in, the photo appears to be kosher.

I can't tell if the donkey is consenting or not, but it doesn't seem to be complaining.

From the deeps of my memory comes something I recall reading once...apparently it is perfectly legal in Lebanon for a man to have "intimate relations" with an animal, as long as the animal is female (nothing funny about the Lebanese, mate...)

What gender is this particular mule, do you suppose? (Or is it simply a piece of Ass...)