View Full Version : What happened to Admin Guru?

5th Dec 2002, 22:19
Not been on the site for a while, last time I visited Admin Guru seemed to be the personification of all things evil to most site contributors.

However it appears that his aspersion still holds true and this site is still populated by peeps still blathering on about all the foul things they are subjected to.

Do you not know how to enjoy life?

6th Dec 2002, 22:37
Since this is your first post, who were you when you were last on the site?

Enjoyment of life is just fine, thanks.

6th Dec 2002, 22:49
What happened to him?

Got promoted, probably.....:D

7th Dec 2002, 01:08
Or hopefully perished through a rare skin disorder:p

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

7th Dec 2002, 01:44
He has probably had a bit of a rest and has now returned with the new alias SlopJockey.

MadMark!!! :mad:

7th Dec 2002, 10:23
Thought he said he was setting up his stall to go for aircrew selection?

swinging monkey
7th Dec 2002, 12:56
Quite frankly, who cares where he's gone!
I fear tho', like Mad Mark, that he's back as a Slopey Jockey:(
Oh no, God help us all:eek: :eek:
Look out everyone, he's back:eek: :eek:

ps, apart from left wing striking firemen, life's pretty good thanks!

The swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, pass me a large Scotch old boy!'

7th Dec 2002, 22:33
May only be my second post but I do know the Guru .

Since his last post , he`s done very well for himself . Suffice to say he is now in a flying post ( will leave it to him to say what exactly )

Hope all is well AG


8th Dec 2002, 01:01

Just wondering if we know each other . Is Back of Beyond cold at the moment ?


8th Dec 2002, 08:41
Never posted before under this or any other tag, just thought that as I was passing through I would look at the gossip and try to understand what gets you fly boys hard so to speak.

Nothing much has changed between the past when i used to just scan and now.

Lots of peeps pontificating about subjects they profess to know, but hey it is a rumour network and nowhere does it mention that fact have to established. I'm an Engineer so I prefer to deal with facts. I could put some beef on the bones of your discussions but i think i will slip away quietly and jockey my slop.

Hope you members of the "Master Race" continue to enjoy your cyber crewroom and the the world turns out shiny for you all.

BTW keep up all the slagging and whinging.

OH FFP- Not a chance

8th Dec 2002, 09:38
I would have replied to that earlier, but I was laughing a little too hard to be able to type straight.

I guess if you keep jabbing away at buttons you'll eventually find some which elicit a response; probably from the moderators, who may consign you to the same fate as your good friend AG.

Whatever difficulties you may be experiencing, there is help and therapy available.

First off, perhaps you could try a course of B vitamins and some deep breathing exercises. Then, some regression therapy to put you in touch with your anger; maybe you are resentful of the fact that others can "get hard"? (the word "members" in italics may well be Freudian, you know.)

Good luck with solving your problems; but you know, I don't really think that you are going to find solutions to them here. Thanks for trying us, though.

If you choose not to come back, we'll understand, and just try our best to get along without you.

Mud Clubber
9th Dec 2002, 21:32
I do believe Admin Guru is getting married off. We could even call him.... Admin Guru 2000!!!

10th Dec 2002, 01:40
Really ?

Doubt it very much.

Admin Guru suffered froma multiple personality disorder . Maybe one of those got married off but not The Guru himself.

Could be wrong though ?