View Full Version : Dangerous simulators..

5th Dec 2002, 21:49
Remember hearing a story about a simulator at Linton that broke and physically 'crashed'. Since then helmets are required if motion is to be switched on!

Can anyone elaborate on this story?
In fact, has anyone got any good simulator stories?

This forum needs a good laugh..

Another St Ivian
5th Dec 2002, 21:58
Not quite in the sim, but quite funny anyway:
A few years ago I went on a visit to RAF Waddington and one of the sections we visited was the simulator.
We all stood watching the sim move around through a window from the control room. The glass in this window was slightly odd in that it was very hard to see, I am not sure if it was due to the lighting or the material it was made from. Anyway, said glass is covered in strips of day-glo tape so you can see it, or so you would think. In about 10 minutes I watched 3 or so people bang their heads into the glass trying to look inside the simulator area.
Was quite funny to watch at the time. Possibly a helmet would have saved damage there too?


6th Dec 2002, 06:38
I have some recollection that a bloke was in the sim when it crashed at Linton and there was quite a lot of hyd fluid flying around - fire risk etc.

Sims are inherently quite dangerous places - lots of hyd fluid, electrics and moving parts and an operator stuck in almost total darkness - just give me a real aircraft - much safer.

6th Dec 2002, 08:06
Back in 1975 I was doing an exercise in the Hunter sim at Brawdy. No full-motion, just a bit of pitching and buffet simulation. The console op gave me an engine fire, so I did the usual HP, LP, booster pumps drill and pressed the fire extinguisher tit. "Are there still signs of fire?", I asked the console op. There was no answer, but through the translucent hood I could see a flame! "Ah-ha", thought I, "He's being clever and simulating 'signs of fire'". So I pulled the black and yellow, back went the hood, up went the seat (?) - and only then did I see that the so-called 'simulated signs of fire' was the console op trying to light his pipe! Which is why he hadn't answered me....... So that was an early 'Game Over' caption for your truly as they then had to reset the sim!

6th Dec 2002, 10:29
The (then) new E-3 sim at Wadders: A bunch of Shackleton mates being shown it in action.

Pompous F/E instructor: "The visuals are so good you can even see my house on the married patch"

Cocky young F/E (Salad Bar to be precise): " Who's car is that parked outside?"