View Full Version : Honest Advice on getting a job in UK

Selandia Baru
5th Dec 2002, 00:02
Hi I am a 43 year old antipodean with 13000 hours mainly on BAe 146 and Dash 8 with an extensive C & T background. I have perviously held european validations whilst flying short term contracts in Europe/UK. I have the right to live and work in the UK. I am considering moving to the UK (my wife is English). Once all the licencing is done would I be able to obtain work there, and what sort can I expect, at age 43?
Cheers in advance..

5th Dec 2002, 06:16
If you look at the Reporting Points section, it looks like Fly Be - a 146 operator - are going to be in need of some more pilots soon (www.flybe.com).

Good luck,

Luke SkyToddler
5th Dec 2002, 16:36
Hmmm ... strongly suggest you get in touch with Raw Data, he's one of the forum mods here on pprune, he should be able to give you the low down on job opportunities and I expect he would be veerrryyy interested to hear from you.