View Full Version : 50 quid to apply at Ryanair!!!!!!

3rd Dec 2002, 14:07
50 quid to apply at Ryanair.....!!!!!!!!
Are you f***ing serious!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone who applys and pays should receive additional medical examination to determine if they have a brain.....
Absolute BOLLOCKS.........

Tibesti 3415
3rd Dec 2002, 14:16
I totaly agree with you.
You couldnt have said it bether.

3rd Dec 2002, 14:56
I agree but...reading the site. They are saying the reason is there are doing this is because too many who have absolutely no chance and should know it are applying! Must cost them a bomb!

3rd Dec 2002, 15:07
Ryanair's £50 has been just the start, now it looks almost reasonable compared to how much you have to pay for sponsorship selection and other things (sim assessments?), and of course they don't reimburse travel expenses. This is a most bizarre industry. I can only think of modelling, singing, and the criminal underworld where you have to similarily jump through so many hoops just to get a look in.

If they want to stop hopeless applications, £5 would be enough to stop most people!

3rd Dec 2002, 15:19
The thing is, those pilots who do have the requesite experience are being put off by this ridiculous charge. The will not attract high quality personnel because of this, they will only attract those who are desperate.

It costs HR nothing to weed out applications from those who do not fulfill the criteria - a glance of a second or two takes care of that plus the effort of putting it in the bin. Hardly worth the £50.


Number Cruncher
3rd Dec 2002, 15:22
Why not just reimburse the genuine candidates????

Profit motives come to mind!

3rd Dec 2002, 15:29
You'll have to tip the receptionist behind the desk on interview day soon if things continue in this vien.

Verging on payola.


3rd Dec 2002, 17:56
Why not just reimburse the genuine candidates????

Yikes! I kinda took that for granted. If not then yes, this is rediculous and cynical at the same time!

Artificial Horizon
3rd Dec 2002, 20:42
And guys it doesn't stop there, according to the website even if you make it to the sim assesment then you have to pay a further £130 for the priveledge.

Unfortuantley this is the way that most of the industry seems to be going and until there is no one left that is willing to pay these outrageous charges then we are all lumbered with them.:mad:

3rd Dec 2002, 21:16
The answer is simple: Don't apply there. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would. The fact is that if you don't have the experience you will lose your money and therefore there is no point in applying. If you do have the experience they are looking for, there are quite a few opportunities out there so look elsewhere. The result is that people are looking at Ryanair as a last resort which will hit Ryanair hard in the long run in terms of attrition rates and quality of staff. They don't strike me as an outfit that thinks very far ahead (but that is just an opinion).

The difference between this and "the way the rest of the industry is going" is that Ryanair are the only ones who are charging all pilots regardless of experience. In the past, new pilots with little/no experience have been hit with all sorts of schemes like buying type ratings, MCC courses, LOFT courses etc but in general once they got a job and a few thousand hours under their belts they had more options and didn't have to continue to shell out (except maybe the odd sim session to keep current if they are made redundant). What Ryanair is doing hurts everyone including themselves.


4th Dec 2002, 03:11
50 quid just for applying. They are making alot of money from people all over the world who pay 50 quid for nothing...:(

4th Dec 2002, 03:42
Some time ago I received an E Mail from Ryan Air by mistake which listed that they had received some 8000 Pounds plus from hopefulls!! And it also showed current applications from people and where they worked!!! It made interesting reading. It was an internal memo from one department to another and the writer was asking how they could improve upon how to get the money in with less effort and reduce costs.!!

4th Dec 2002, 08:50
ouch! quite funny if the story above is true.. 8000 divided by 50 pounds entry cash makes 160 people... seems a realistic figure...
anyway, i would only go for the option if i were 737 typerated, had the good hours - in that case i would tempt the adventure...
i don't even try to tip on that as a wannabee - on the other way we all know they are expanding immensely - so yes, wannabees really feel they are deliberatly left out.

6th Dec 2002, 09:10
Those £50 are only the start of an expensive encounter. Another £150 for the sim check, and then you have to pay for your own rating as well....without a firm joboffer at that stage yet!
Not surprising that they are doing as well as they are, saving in various areas where pilot hiring and training is only one of them.
Have you ever noticed their taxi speed (touching V1) or wondered how they manage these quick turn-arounds (eg.by not doing any sort of security checks, checking seat pockets for left items etc.)?

6th Dec 2002, 10:18
Ryanair is an irish company

Its corporate head quarters are in Dublin

The local currency is Euro

Why the hell to they charge you in Sterling?

Also where is the sim based?

Tosh McCaber
6th Dec 2002, 11:38
Could the Fifty Quid brigade be the ones who are funding Ryan Air's flight offers for anywhere they travel for the cost of one penny??

6th Dec 2002, 12:17
I've got this terrible feeling that this marks the start of things to come.

I agree with cutting costs within any company - it's always possibe. It seems that this goes a step further with Ryanair. As if the 30-50k debt that most pro pilots have isnt enough. Let's face it, if your unemployed or working in a low paid job like instructing, £50 is a hell of a lot of money, especially when you look at your bank balance after your monthly debt payment is taken out. 'Oh well I'll have to go without food this week so some clerk can be paid for ten minutes work...'

The trouble with aviation is that every day people like me and you guys get used to talking about money in thousands, its almost acceptable to do so - companies like Ryanair are just exploiting this. Grrrrrr.

6th Dec 2002, 12:54
Anyone out the applied without the 1000 hour FAR 25 requirement? Heard rumblings to that effect recently, just wondered if anyone's heard anything similar.


6th Dec 2002, 14:43
I am B737 efis rated with 1500 hours on type, so I applied to Ryanair, paid the 50 pounds and did not get any acknowledgement. I then checked with my credit card company and the money was never taken from my account. so I tried again, another application, paid the 50 pounds on a different credit card and still no acknowledgement, so again I check with my credit card company and still no money taken from my account. I then fax Ryanair on the number they give on their website with my query and surprise surprise no reply. so I fax again and again and again, still no reply.Today you could have knocked me down with a feather when I get a letter from Declan Dooney of Ryanair personnel.The letter said that I had been put on the database but because I was not type rated on the B737 I would not be considered at this time. Can you beleive it I AM TYPE RATED ON THE BLOODEY B737 YOU TWATS READ MY APPLICATION AGAIN!!!! I haven't yet checked with my credit card company but I bet they have taken the 50 pounds. I have now tried telephoning fortress Ryanair and the phone just rang and rang. Thats it I really give up!:mad:

8th Dec 2002, 23:37
ha, its just ridiculous, and did you notice on their site, it says if you are not willing to play this fee, you are obviously not for this airline! How do they expect to get staff if they treat applicants like this because they are not willing to waste £50 on Ryan air, and not even be guaranteed to get in.

10th Dec 2002, 12:26
donkey dick.

"the irish airline indeed"

Before I reply properly , I would just like to know exactly what you meant by this

12th Dec 2002, 10:18
You are free to send your resume by normal mail to ryanair and not pay the application fee!
if they are interested, they will answer , if not, you will not get an answer.

thats the way, I work.
since when in Europe do we have to pay to send a resume???
their web site makes me smile!:p :D

not from me , but i had a good laugh!

---------------------------I've just started an airline. The fleet will consist of cessna 172's. Check out the web site at www.com. We are accepting applications and in the process of screening new pilot candidates.

Send us a resume and we will send you an application. Once you have completed your application just return it with a check in the amount of $50.00 (processing fee). We will call EVERYBODY for an interview and sim ride (microsoft flight sim). Now be sure to bring your $300.00 check for the Sim ride fee and the $75.00 check for the administrative review session. Unfortunately we do not have jump seat agreements so you will have to pay your own way. Once your interview is complete we will assign you a class date. Now don't forget when you show up for class it will require a $300.00 class fee for books and materials. Once you have graduated class we will place you in our holding pool for reserve until we actually buy a plane. We do ask that you sign a 1 year contract for the cost of training in the amount of $5,000.00. Once you have completed this training you will need to stay on site at our facilities on reserve. We do provide a cot and toliet facilities in our hanger for the amount of $250.00 a month. Once you start flying the line you will be paid $8.00 a flight hour and wages will be garnished up to the amount of the $5,000.00 training contract and placed in escrow until the one year training period is complete.


WOW for each candidate processed a nice sum of $5975.00 can be made w/o ever buying an airplane hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...................


12th Dec 2002, 11:20

Sounds like a real earner mate. How do you fancy having a business partner? :D

Seriously though, I can't see an awful big difference in what faacfi suggests and what is actually happening in reality. The only difference is in names, aircraft and amounts of cash. Why respect a company just because they have an established name?


12th Dec 2002, 13:00
If you are not willing to pay the £50 then don't apply, there are plenty out there to take your place.

Successful applicants get their money back - it's all about weeding out time wasters.

12th Dec 2002, 13:57
Fifty quid to apply to a 3rd rate airline- Dubious

Not applying and sending a letter with F.O. in bold letters- Priceless. :mad:

Mister Geezer
12th Dec 2002, 18:51
I will simply vote but not thinking of applying. I would rather instruct on piston singles than fly for Ryanair. At least I would be treated as an aviation professional if I instructed! ;)