View Full Version : Apache in storage

1st Dec 2002, 20:22
Do you think the apache is likely to be taken out of storage for a war with iraq and re-stocked with crews from other helicopters such as the wessex which are being finally removed from service. It's record in the gulf suggests that it would be completely invaluble in another war, so would it not be worthwhile to sacrifice crews from other helicopters and to put them in apache's.

1st Dec 2002, 20:32
Grand idea in principle but I dont think Wessex pilots or any RAF utility aircrew for that matter have the right stuff, sorry!

2nd Dec 2002, 07:59
Tis the problem with the Apache so I've come to read, its just so different from anything else we've got.

2nd Dec 2002, 18:31
Would you send a Hercules Pilot with no extra training to war in a Jaguar (or indeed the other way round, after all their both fixed wing aircraft? ... I think not

I'm sure given the training he could probably fly the other aircraft, but training is the problem with the Apache (which has been talked about elsewhere in depth)!

4th Dec 2002, 12:40
Nice idea, but obviously not quite so simple. However, the majority of Wessex crews will be trained up on 84 Sqn's new aircraft the Griffin, which is also late coming into service - and slipping.

4th Dec 2002, 20:28
oh, ok, i thought that the wessex was aac

5th Dec 2002, 08:33
An easy mistake to make, Wessex crews tend to be of a higher standard than other RAF SH aircrew therefore to mistake them for the AAC is understandable!;)