View Full Version : Leeds Flying School

Delta Wun-Wun
28th Nov 2002, 22:28
Has anyone had any experience of Leeds Flying School. I was thinking about using them in the new year for IR Training.
Post replies on here or e-mail I don`t mind which.


DWW :)

28th Nov 2002, 23:38
Post replies here preferably, as this is what the forum is for surely?

I am also thinking about Leeds Flying Club. The other optios being Triple A at Humberside, Frank Morgan's or Multiflight.

Please discuss....

Squealing Pig
29th Nov 2002, 04:53
Done a IR renewal at LFS, very proffessional outfit, dont be put off that they are off the airfield in a portacabin. never heard a bad report about AAA either. however EGNM is an examiner base so you would do well to fly from the base that you will be doing the test from IMHO.


Whos Frank Morgan ????

29th Nov 2002, 09:00
Im sure if you do a search you will find some more on LFS. I was there in 2001. The instructors there are excellent and the school has a great atmosphere. I finished my IR in less than a month and had an airline offer 5 weeks later. Definately drop in and say hello to the guys.


Localiser Green
29th Nov 2002, 09:47
Definately a top-notch school, did my CPL & IR modules there this Summer. Really friendly place, Kev and Tony will see you through the IR no sweat and they put in the hours to get it done on time and on (your) budget.

As MAX said, definately drop in and see them.

29th Nov 2002, 10:42
I was there Feb 2002. Had a great time, very laid back but professional. I did my IR there and was ready for test in just over a week! But I was on the old system of Training as required! The Sim is almost identical to the aircraft as long as you are doing it on the Cougar, which is a lovely aircraft. I have not a bad thing to say.

Don't be put off by the cabins, they are a warm bunch of guys and you wont feel pressurissed there or overwhelmed which makes you learn alot quicker.

Have a fun time, the IR is a great rating to do!

Day Dreamer
29th Nov 2002, 15:04
Top school! Kev Rowell got me a first time pass in the IR with min hours.
Watch out for that Jarvo bloke,(JAFA), send em all back home I say.
Oh, and yes, the ex-fireman instructor suffers from air rage, love from your brother Phil!!

29th Nov 2002, 15:27
You'll keep Speight! I've just come back to find my Yorkshire roots. At least my ancestors aren't from Tellytubbyland.

Hope the meatbombs haven't blown away in your turbine propwash.

Jarvo, alias T.

Speed Twelve
30th Nov 2002, 00:47
Kev Rowell got me through non-approved IR on my budget (£5000), in around 16 hours flying before test.

The sim is identical to the a/c (Cougar) as has been mentioned. There was a problem with a/c availability when I was there, i.e. only one IR-approved twin, which was forever going tech, but I believe that there are now more aircraft available.

Very relaxed place, CAAFU examiner on the airfield, and above all LFS are very cheap!


Delta Wun-Wun
1st Dec 2002, 09:53
Thanks for the info, I`m hoping to get up there in the next few weeks and have a look around.


2nd Dec 2002, 07:50
Franks Morgan School of Flying does not do IR

Day Dreamer
2nd Dec 2002, 15:06
Pol 1W departure, assym ILS rwy32, followed by a jam slice from Maurgn's. Ah, life was so simple then! As long as you rememberd Kev's cheese and onion pasties!!

Bye ek, those directors know how to run a flight school, don't they D.D?