View Full Version : In-service degree

28th Nov 2002, 02:58
Hi there,
I have a question regarding the RAF In Service Degree scheme. I am a DE Officer currently holding between JEFTS and Linton and I am due to partake in the above scheme in the future (some time off yet though!). My question is whether there are any distance learning degrees out there similar to that offered by the OU that are directly related to aviation. I am currently looking through the OU prospectus and I am worried as there are no degrees that immediately 'jump out' at me as being worthwhile personally. There are areas that I would like to further myself in but an aviation related course would be ideal for me.
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance

Green Bottle 2
28th Nov 2002, 19:43

I'm afraid I don't know of any particularly aviation related distance learning courses although I suspect there are some out there. I have been studying with the OU for some years now and the courses I have done have little relation in the most part to aviation.

I would suggest you don't just get blinkered into aviation related courses purely because you think it will help with your career. If you find yourself doing a course you don't enjoy you'll regret it at best or fail at worst. There are lots of OU courses that have some relevance to your career e.g. psychology - some relevance to CRM.

Studying with OU is a constructive use of your time that will count as a worthwhile pastime on your reports. I would go with your gut feeling and go for the areas you say you'd like to further yourself in.

Good luck in whatever you decide,


28th Nov 2002, 20:39
GB2 has it right. But then, however some might like to think differently, aviation is not an academic discipline per se.

Yes, there are some Further Education studies that make you a better aviator but they are mostly of the technological, engineering or management variety. Psychology is quite good idea too.

I built my OU degree on a Foundation of Maths with Technology and Science to add the flesh. Don't be daunted by the thought of Maths.

The only courses I did that were in any way directly beneficial to my career as an aviator were Second and Third Level half-credits in Contol Engineering and Engineering Design (excellent). But the Maths Foundation changed my life and resolved me to continue to acquire an adult degree. I personally will be eternally grateful to the Open University.

Nearly there!
28th Nov 2002, 20:53
Through your flying career you will obtain loads of aviation qualifications... your Wings, instrument ratings, instructor categories, supervisory quals, flight safety stuff... all that's far more relevant to aviation than anything a uni course could offer. Take the chance, as advised above, to consolidate around your core skill. Management or business would seem best to me - useful if you ever get to be a desk jockey, and combined with your aviation experience, ideal for a move into a later civilian career.

1st Dec 2002, 17:01
Have you looked at the MSc in Air Transport management thorugh London City University? (www.city.ac.uk/engineering/atm) Pilots, engineers, ATC and many other aerospace professionals attend. Several serving military that I know of on the course at the moment and also many ex mil now flying airlines. If you want any more info (Im half way through the course at the moment) ask in the thread and ill get in touch.

You want it when?
1st Dec 2002, 22:12
Hi 2p's worth - a degree is pretty tough to achieve even today. Forget work/flying related stuff and pick a subject you are interested in. Remeber a future employer is going to go "hmm a degree that's nice, now tell me about this...."

A degree - worth having, but a lot of work - so choose one that you will stay pals with... Back to my scotch.