View Full Version : Op Fresco Medal

27th Nov 2002, 22:34
How about a gong for our conflagration-hardened boys and girls?

Doubtless our pi$$ed-up, burnt-out, rabble-rousing, ne’er-do-well, fairweather forces friends at the Sun will be on the case before we know it.

28th Nov 2002, 09:35
A BIG emphatic NO ! If the civil servant chislers are not giving me my GSM with clasp Air Ops Iraq for a 4 month OOA in the relevant JOA and on the posted strength of a unit in support of the particular op then the answer will always remain NO

Training Risky
28th Nov 2002, 10:12
Would an Op Fiasco medal look any tackier than the chocolate-coin-out-of-a-cracker thing that some of us got for the Golden Jubilee.
By the way, how do those of us direct entrants with 3.5 years in the reqular mob didn't fulfill the criteria for issue, but university scrotes with less time in under their belts used their 3/4 years in the university drinking squadrons to qualify for the 5 year in-service requirement!!

If I didn't think it was a make-believe medal, I would consider this a real kick in the slats for non-uni graduates.

28th Nov 2002, 14:06
some post op tour leave would do ! oh no, its not technically an op tour is it. I'm sure the guys who came back from Kos/Bos and straight into this would disagree though.

28th Nov 2002, 23:46
if I remember correctly,

the WW2 merchant navy veterans were only recently allowed to march in London on Rememberence Sunday.

so ... deal with it.

Training Risky
29th Nov 2002, 00:13
If you mean by 'deal with it', we should just shut our mouths and say nothing when cretins are running the country, then no.
I choose to pick holes where I see fit and let my opinions be known, not just 'deal with it'.

There are real issues out there concerning real service personnel.
(And before you ask, no, I am not just talking about medals)

29th Nov 2002, 16:40

For doing the things the Navy does at Raleigh for a laugh!! I agree with the above, I will wait till I get a medal for Afghanistan first!

Talking Radalt
29th Nov 2002, 18:05
I'm confused. Are the Afghan firefighters on strike too then?;)

Cpl Plod
29th Nov 2002, 20:37

For someone who thinks that the Golden Jubilee Medal is so ‘tacky’, you sure bleat a lot about not getting one.

For someone who has a full 3.5 years in the regular mob (are you sure it wasn’t 3.65), you should have, by now, realised that in the mob we work to rules and regulations.

The rule/regulation for medal qualification was 5 years taking the Queens shilling, you didn’t qualify - tough (I was going to say get over it, but you obviously don’t like that phrase).

PS It’s not a make believe medal, I can see mine and a lot of others worn by people who’ve been in for more than 5 minutes.
;) ;) ;)

Talking Radalt
29th Nov 2002, 22:42
by "TR" you mean "Training Risky" and not me?

Assuming you are a "direct entrant with 3.5 years in the reqular mob"............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............wow :rolleyes:
Go get a milkshake to celebrate.

Cpl Plod
30th Nov 2002, 08:09
Tal Rad,

Sorry for the nom de plume confusion.

Hasn’t TRII been covered on this site before?
;) ;) ;)

30th Nov 2002, 08:51

lol lol lol :D :D

As the man says, you do appear particularly bitter about not getting your Jubilee Medal :D
As you've now served your full 3.501 years now I feel compelled to offer you my GJ gong as recompense. :rolleyes:
I wore my GJM with pride, pinned to my flying suit for a day. It was then pointed out to me that this wasn't de rigeur so it's been in a drawer ever since..

As for the subject of this thread, nay, nay and thrice nay. The handing out of GJMs to every man and his dog who happened to have been around long enough just demeaned the whole awards system IMHO. If we had to have them then perhaps a scheme like the Silver Jubilee would've been better - something like 2 medals per sqn; one to the oldest sqn member and one to the youngest.

Medals for the Fire Strike is a bit daft I'm afraid. What about medals for the Foot and Mouth thing too?

Still waiting to see what the terms for the Afghan medal will be - hopefully 30 days in theatre seeing as I did 28 :D :D :D Although admittedly the most exciting thing that happened to me was loosing the HF World Service broadcast on approach in KBL :rolleyes: The riskiest thing was choosing a carpet in KHI.....

Off to polish my medals now........

30th Nov 2002, 13:27
Funny, but I thought that joining the armed forces means accepting risk without always seeking reward for the purposes of defending the realm and protecting those unable to protect themselves. Sadly some of you guys think that a medal should be awarded for cylcing into work and not falling off your bikes.

Some of you crab types enjoy a good rep amongst the other forces with whom you work for professionalism and determination. It's a pity that the majority of your service do you no credit whatever for whinging on and on as you do. Don't you have anything better to do than honk coz you didn't get a gong for doing your jobs?

Talking Radalt
30th Nov 2002, 19:03
Jeez, can you Army types please refrain from dragging every thread in to the boxing ring?
Here we are just having a light hearted natter and as usual a representative from the green party rollercoasters in to view and lobs a conversational thunderflash in the air. What a ****. Poke off back to the "Should the RAF absorb the FAA and AAC" thread will ya and have a fight there. :rolleyes:

swinging monkey
30th Nov 2002, 20:29
Well said Talking Radalt

kbf1 you are an utter di**h**d, please go away and rot somewhere.

On a serious note, some of us are still waiting our medals from gulf war#1:( :(

About a dozen of us or so, were flying NATO AWACS out of Turkey and were told that it was 'politically unacceptable to declare that RAF aircrew were manning NATO aircraft' hence NO Gulf War medal - more shame on our Lords and Masters.

Never mind, I'm sure I'll be able to pick one up at an airshow or something:D :D


The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, get me a large Scotch old boy'

tony draper
30th Nov 2002, 21:23
Did you know that Buffalo Bill was awarded the Congressional Medal Of Honour.?
Not many people know that. :rolleyes:

PS, It was took off him though.
so there.

1st Dec 2002, 10:38
Monkey and Rad....and your opinion is any more valid than anyone elses because...........?

As for restricting my posts to the "Should the RAF absorb et al" thread, it would hardly allow me to venture an opinion on this subject would it? An opinion, I should add, I am perfectly entitled to hold.

It seems the best you can do is hurl insults against any argument you don't understand. Sad really.

1st Dec 2002, 12:03
Why should the awarding of medals be contingent on wearing ill-fitting clothing in far-away places (or, in the case of the Golden Jubilee medal, contingent on wearing ill-fitting clothing at home, while sat on one's @rse, during an accident of history)?

A 'Civil Assistance' medal could be awarded to personnel deployed on any prolonged 'aid to the civil powers'-type operation, such as the firefighters strike, the FMD outbreak et al.

"I didn't get a medal, so why should they?" isn't really an argument, is it? And I can't believe some people want to turn this into yet another tiresome, puerile, inter-service pi$$ing contest..................Okay, I can really.

Talking Radalt
1st Dec 2002, 18:19
"It seems the best you can do is hurl insults against any argument you don't understand. Sad really."
Pot to kettle or what?!!!! :eek:

I agree you are entitled to your opinion, BUT, please try and express it in such a way as not to appear to be simply berating the Royal Air Force, irrespective of the subject matter. This causes your opinion to lose it's validity; people just look at the message and think "Oh no, not him again, flak jackets on".
Some of these threads are service-wide issues, some are service specific, but of late, a number of people simply use any thread to have a pop at their least favourite service.

Sloppy Link
3rd Dec 2002, 17:45
I have said this before, the true worth of any medal is known only by the wearer. Those that "tout" for medals are at best described as shallow or tacky.

European Crash
4th Dec 2002, 16:07
Some years ago during an operational deployment in the Balkans, a group of us got involved in a particularly messy and potentially very dangerous incident (I hasten to add, not of our own making). We were all remfs of one description or another and having never been confronted by people with guns before (by the way, individuals with a history of fairly indescriminate use of said weapons), we were all left in a state of shock afterwards. Yet in this incident, which left me trembling for days afterwards, I saw the most extraordinary bravery on behalf of some junior RAF personnel. I 'wrote them up' for their actions, however the documentation appeared to get lost in the convoluted joint command chain, as the operation moved on.

The incident, and the courageous actions of the lads involved, was completely unexpected; unlike, say, trained personnel responding to a routine fire call - though not to say that fire fighters (whatever colour of uniform/service) should not be recognised for actions of valour. I could not support an OP FIASCO medal per se, however the idea floated of a Civil Aid medal does deserve closer attention.

4th Dec 2002, 18:01
GSM should just about cover it!

We never wear the medals any more these days, so whats the point? Mess functions are the only time that the dress is adorned these days (bar funerals)

A pay rise in line with whatever those money grabbing fire tossers get would not go a miss though!!