View Full Version : Anyone on the same boat as me?

26th Nov 2002, 23:06
17, studying ATPL full time at home? Just wondering :(

G-SPOTs Lost
27th Nov 2002, 18:23
No - But all the best


Select Zone Five
28th Nov 2002, 08:43
I didn't have enough money to start at your age! :(

I've barely got enough now! :rolleyes:

28th Nov 2002, 09:06

Add another 11 years to your age, and yep, I'm in the same boat too, or rather I've just moved back in with the folks after completeing Phase 1 to keep the costs down. Stick with it!


28th Nov 2002, 09:52
glad to see this option is still available in the uk - correct me if i'm wrong, but the option 'do-it-yourself-theoretical-ATPL' doesn't exist anymore in the JAA-countries - as you have to pass through approved FTO's...

i don't have any regrets of doing it in a FTO, it's great to have additional explanations, courses that increase your motivation you every day and to have the feed-back of other exam-sessions. And ok - if you do it at home - it will cost you less we agree, but honestly the cost of the theoretical course is peanuts compared the 'real flying' costs...
Nevermind, props to your decision and good luck!

28th Nov 2002, 10:10
I see what you mean about motivation. I am motivated to do it, just that when I spend 6hrs on a subject, then the next day it's all gone and I need to do it again, it just gets real agitating (spelling?) but it's got to be done!

Might goto the gym, pick up some endorphins! (spelling?).:confused: