View Full Version : "Gate Guard" - Keogh Barracks

26th Nov 2002, 09:24
Apologies for not posting this "question" on the "questions" forum, but thought it more appropriate here.

Some recent tree clearing at the entrance to the Keogh Barracks in Ash Vale(Surrey), has exposed a fighter jet "gate guard". Can anyone kindly confirm the identity of the aircraft involved?

Those who know the area will appreciate that the entrance is on a 90 degree bend, and it is not advisable to let the eyes stray when negotiating this!!

Rhys S. Negative
26th Nov 2002, 10:33
A quick "google" suggests that this is Hunter F6A XG196.


26th Nov 2002, 11:18
Thanks for that Rhys, my searches were not coming up with anything for "Keogh".

Is there any particular significance in its presence there, bearing in mind this is a Medical Training establishment?

Warning - for the easily-shocked, if you do a search on XG196, you may not want to open the galeon.com reference site. Yes I know that is "dangling a carrot" for the curious, a statement which you may find unusually significant in this case!!

izod tester
28th Nov 2002, 17:55
Not sure why it went to Keogh Barracks, but it was previously at the RAF Staff College at Bracknell. When the Joint Services Command and Staff College was established there in 1997 the Commandant (Maj Gen) did not want to keep it.

29th Nov 2002, 13:11
thanks Izod, sounds convincing.