View Full Version : Wedding of Mr David Pratt

Green Goblin
20th Nov 2002, 19:39
I have the honour to announce that Mr David Pratt, formerly of 654, 655, 657 and 669 Squadrons AAC, will be marrying for the first time (at the tender age of 46!), on Saturday, 19th April 2003 The wedding will take place in Nuneaton where David's bride, Susan, now resides. All personnel who know David are welcome to attend this unique event. Drinks will be taken on Friday (18th April) to celebrate David's last day as a singly and the start of a Detmold reunion. All personnel interested in attending can obtain further information from me by e-mail. I would be grateful if you would give this event as wide a publicity as possible. Thanks.

20th Nov 2002, 19:45
If this is true then it should be the wedding of the year! Looking forward to it already......at long last.

Training Risky
20th Nov 2002, 19:49
May I just check, is this the same David Pratt who was CFI at West London Aero Club, White Waltham, Berks, in 1998?


21st Nov 2002, 17:37
Whiskers(I assume that he's still got them) getting married! It's just taken me half an hour to pick myself up off the floor(I kept falling back down!). Does the lady know what she's letting herself in for. We just have to wait to see if HE gets to the church on time.


Green Goblin
21st Nov 2002, 17:47
No TR, as MG said definately not the same person.

As for whiskers, he now sports a full set and has not changed one iota since he was in the mob. Infact he's probably worse! Still it should be an occasion to behold.

21st Nov 2002, 17:52
GG, tried to send you an e-mail, but Pprune says that you don't want them, :confused: , so sent a Private Message instead.

22nd Nov 2002, 05:55

Send regards from the Crab QH1 who used to be at Oakington when DP was gracing Andy Westcott's merry band.

blind pue
22nd Nov 2002, 10:35
Congratulations to Dave,

I can't believe he has been tamed at last. no one in the 'Corps' managed it.

T & B,
Hi long time no see,

I have also had a problem with E-mail so will send a private message.


24th Nov 2002, 18:26
Due to the:

1. Unable to e-mail message. (facility witheld)
2. Lack of responce to pte msg.
3. Outrageous subject matter.
4. Vision of DP down the aisle.

I can only conclude that this is one of the great wind ups.
Only a pity it didn't last longer.

blind pue
25th Nov 2002, 09:02

This is not a wind up,

Green Goblin was having a few problems with E mails,
He passed on a few details to me and I was able to speak to Dave himself on Sunday and it's all true, the engagement party was at the weekend.

I am sure once GG has sorted out the Gremlins he will be able to respond.

No Ta Bloke
25th Nov 2002, 22:04
Suggest that family of the intended bride have all airports watched in case he breaks for Oz again!

What a shock, she must be one hell of a woman to take on DP!

Good luck to them both.

:) :) :)

26th Nov 2002, 00:29
Can this be true?? or has he simply named his shiny new motorbike/battered old Land Rover "Susan" ?? ;)

If it's true then Congratulations DP!!