View Full Version : Partial Passes

20th Nov 2002, 18:23
Can anyone explain the partial pass system for the ATPL's that I seem to have heard so much about from various sources.

Is it the case that with subjects like Met you can get a "partial pass" and say only have to sit the Met practical part of the exam again, or does the term partial pass apply to the module as a whole?

As with so much in this game you seem to get lots of conflicting reports!

All the best

The Boy Lard
20th Nov 2002, 19:27
Hi Matt,

I think I'm understanding you correctly in that you are under the impression that you can partially pass the JAR ATPL written exams....?

If that is what you mean I'm afraid its either a pass or a fail, the pass mark is 75%, if you get 74% or less that is a Full Fail!, having said that if you DO get 75% or above thats a Full Pass!!!

I'm afraid that there's no grey area, no No Mans Land, nothing in between!

You can however get "Partials" during the flying exams, not that you'd want one.

Hope this helps


20th Nov 2002, 22:28
I think the partial pass used to apply under the CAA exam system wherby you had 2 initially sittings... (so called Nav's and Tech's), 14 in total.

If you passed 7 or more out of the combined two sittings, this was termed "partial pass" and you could then go on to take the remaining re-takes to gain a full pass. If you passed less than 7 initially, then you started again and negated any passes you had.

Partial pass has been abolished under JAR

Alex Whittingham
21st Nov 2002, 07:54
Under JAA rules you have 14 ATPL exams and you have a total of six sittings to pass them all. Additionally, no single paper can be attempted more than 4 times. Each paper is either passed or failed, there is no middle ground.

If the exams are not all passed within six sittings, or any individual paper is not passed in four attempts, you have to start again and re-take even the exams you have passed.