View Full Version : RAF 'Officer' with bomb at Teeside airport?

17th Nov 2002, 19:48
Surely someone must know more about the story of the RAF 'Officer' caught at Teeside claiming to have a bomb in his luggage?

My best guess is that it is someone on Op FIASCO getting their own back on the firemen!!!!

fatal bert
18th Nov 2002, 18:05
Don't believe everything you read, it wasn't an RAF Officer.

18th Nov 2002, 20:24
I understand that Fatal Bert is right......the reporting was wrong.

19th Nov 2002, 04:29
There was once a time when there were hundreds of RAF or more accurately, RCAF Officers, around Teesside airport with bombs in their luggage. Most of the baggage tags had German destinations on them...

Through difficulties to the cinema

Flatus Veteranus
19th Nov 2002, 17:39
It could have been the ghost of the guy who pranged his Meatbox into the offcers mess in '52. Its now the St George Hotel at Teeseside. Is anyone a dab hand with "bell, book and candle"? :eek: :eek:

27th Nov 2002, 12:15

"An RAF senior aircraftman who joked to a hostess on a civilian flight that he had a bomb in his luggage was fined £500 yesterday.

Kenneth Drummond, 23, of Stockton, admitted at Darlington magistrates' court to making the remark as his delayed British Midland flight to London waited on the tarmac at Teesside airport."