View Full Version : Low altitude parachute jumps

15th Nov 2002, 06:04
From the latest SA Notams:
B1445/2002 Swartkop: PJE taking place...(8 drops at 8000 ft msl and 4 drops at 1200 ft msl)

From the airfield directory, Swartkop elevation 4780 ft msl.

Wonder what jump plane they are using for the second set?

15th Nov 2002, 06:42
Plane type : London Underground

B Sousa
15th Nov 2002, 09:33
Obviously one of those typos by one who has no idea what they are typing about. Seems that one WOULD have to make sure the amount of freefall distance is less than the distance to the ground........(keeping in mind opening distance) but then again its the New Action Army.......
Remember the SANDF is not the SADF.

15th Nov 2002, 15:10
aim for field elevation minus six...

when i was doing my diensplig in the bats there was a board near the tikkie boxes..with the jumps stats on. i remember something like 10,000 jumps & no fatalities.

now with the all-new all-singing-and-dancing sandf....they're bouncing like popcorn!

B Sousa
15th Nov 2002, 19:48
I think they bounced a couple off the Tarmac at the big whoopie at Waterkloof a month or so ago....At least thats what it said in the Pretoria news after the anouncement of all the crashes and a few murders.....
They are not having much luck as firefighters or swiming instructors either. One thing that has increased according to the news is the amount of corruption and AIDS within the ranks. Sad to hear..