View Full Version : Just MCC at CTC

14th Nov 2002, 16:29

Firstly, I was UNsuccessful at getting selected for the ATP scheme at the afore mentioned establishment.
So now, still without an MCC I've been looking for somewhere to do one. Earlier today, before I sat down to weigh up the pros and con's of each of the other MCC providers that I'd spoken to, I remembered that CTC do an MCC course. ( being the first part of the AQC) I've just phoned them and spoke about the course to the person who had (politely?) Emailed me to let me know of my failure at stage 2 a few months back. Anyway, as it turns out, their MCC, though expensive isn't grossly more than other Jet based MCC providers and as I live nearby it may be worth considering.
My question is, has anyone here done (in isloation) their MCC with them and what did they think of it? If there is anyone who has I'd love to hear from them.


14th Nov 2002, 17:38
I've recently done an MCC at LGU and have to say I was very impressed. They only have a Kingair sim, but remember that they are out to teach MCC, not anything type specific, and anything complicated detracts from that.

What's more, they try and give you an insight to some possible situations that you will come across at some stage, and try to get you to MCC your way out of it.

It's hard work, but you'll get out of it what you put into it. If you want just the tick in the box, don't bother, but if you want your eyes opened and are prepared to work hard at it, go have a chat with them.

S (very satisfied ex MCC student)

PS., it helps if you have decent partner as I did!!

Bob Fleming
14th Nov 2002, 22:48
as far as I understand it you can't do the MCC in isolation from the AQC as I tried to organise that earlier this year. It may have changed but I doubt it.

i love TLA's don't you?

15th Nov 2002, 16:13
they do now offer the MCC at about half the cost of the AQC I just wondered whether anyone had done it and had any feedback on it?

Splat...cheers for the advice.....I'm looking in to it.

Deep Float
15th Nov 2002, 20:00
I did the MCC at CTC in August and thought it was excellent. They go way beyond the requirements for the CRM classroom part and the MCC on a B733 sim, although fixed base, was great fun and very informative. You really learn to think at a different pace!
I would however give everyone one piece of worthy advise: go with a pal that you know can fly as well as you do, and will learn at a similar pace. Someone you've done the frozen ATPL course with, for example. Reason for this is that I was paired with a very slow learner, and a very rusty flyer. I got a bit frustrated with this, because I was also there to impress some instructors, as CTC have the best connections in the industry. As it's all supposed to be done in multi-crew concept, you're to operate according to set SOPs, but I felt compelled to help my captain/copilot (whichever role we were in at the time) in more ways than allowed, in order to get the plane safely on, rather than in the ground.......

Crosswind Limits
15th Nov 2002, 21:24
Well thank you very much Splat!:D

15th Nov 2002, 21:49
Ladies ladies less of the celebratory backslapping...:D

See you in the sim next week Splat...

Good to have met you at BALPA, CW ;)