View Full Version : Observer says - QRA at Marham, Mawgan and Yeolviton

Wee Weasley Welshman
11th Nov 2002, 01:04

The Observer reckons we have QRA fighters at Marham (believable), Yeovilton (possible perhaps) and St Mawgan (eh?).

Could anyone set the record straight without giving away any amazingly secret details?

Its obvious we do now have QRA and I have had details of procedure described by LATCC personnel. The obvious candidates for bases/squadrons are there for all to see in historical documents stating our cold war posture.

Is it credible that RNAS and St Mawgan are amongst them? I think not but do not know - hence this post.



11th Nov 2002, 02:11
See my post here (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=60277&highlight=QRA+marham+yeovilton) on the 19th of July. Non-classified, announced in the latest defence White Paper.

11th Nov 2002, 06:20
I suggest not a topic for discussion on an open forum.

11th Nov 2002, 09:16
--------- quite

Wee Weasley Welshman
11th Nov 2002, 10:13
Thanks for that Orac - it had passed me by. Strange that the SouthWest is so well defended, but that suits me.

I would imagine that between the three a detachment to Sunny Newquay replete with sunlicked neopreen clad surfer chicks beats Yeeooovilton and flat so flat Noooorfolk hands down... ;)


Training Risky
11th Nov 2002, 20:21
I guess that depends if you're an F3 mate. Neopreen clad surfer boys named Brad would probably do. And Harrier mates would be too interested in a glass of milk.:D