View Full Version : Accomadation at Bristol

4th Nov 2002, 21:56
I am on the December course for module 1 at BGS. I received a huge list from BGS of recommended places to stay at, anyone have any first hand recomendations to narrow it down assuming they are all still available that is.

Anyone else on the December course??



4th Nov 2002, 22:14
I stayed at Hazel's place in the cottage part (its on the list), 10 mins drive away nice place, would defineatley recommend.

Hopefully going back their in Feb/Mar for module 2 !!!

goodluck its a good course !


crispy banana
4th Nov 2002, 23:08
Try Mary Sproat :)

Look here (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8820)

I was there this year,highly recommended! :D :D :D

5th Nov 2002, 07:58
Never heard anyone say a bad thing about any of the places on Bristol's list. I stayed at the Old Vicarage in <insert name of tiny village which has temporarilly slipped my mind here>. No complaints at all, I plan on staying at the same place for Module 2, but if they're booked up before I get around to calling them I'd have no problem with staying anywhere else on the list.


Rote 8
5th Nov 2002, 08:32
I recommend Churchill Court - although I suspect most of us have only actually been to one or two of these places so have little to compare against. Scrambled egg to die for in the morning - and even Alex used to rent the room I stayed in - must be good.

November Whiskey
5th Nov 2002, 12:44
Hi Minty,

I'm also on the Module 1 brush up in December at BGS.

I've got a room at Jane Bainton's gaff as it's only 10mins drive and has pretty good facilities.

I was tempted by the one with the pool table etc. but thought it would be difficult to study knowing I could be playing pool, drinking beer and having a chat with the others!:rolleyes:

How's the study going anyway?

See you there!


5th Nov 2002, 13:24
Very good point, NW. You do not need anything, other than a comfortable bed, reasonable breakfast and a desk. A nearby pub which serves good food is useful so long as you can resist the temptation to stay in the pub after eating. But do not expect to be able to spend your evenings socialising - especially on module 1!


5th Nov 2002, 14:53
I stayed at Mary's place for both modules and can certainly recommend it. About 25 minute drive away for the airport, a very nice lady who provides a help-yourself breakfast (toast and cereal, don't know about you but I can't eat full cooked breakfasts every day, so this was ideal) and a very good 3 course dinner at night cooked for you, all for £15 a night ! Oh yeah, and if you like wine, even better !

Pool table etc if you fancy a quick (emphasis on quick) break at night, although as FFF says, don't expect any spare time on mod 1. That nav paper.....

5th Nov 2002, 21:44
I have no car, and think to go to bristol in a few months by train and plane.
where is the best place to stay. I do not know Bristol.
do they have a bus service to pick up students.100 of students come to bristol from all europe every year, where do they go?
any advice?

Delta Wun-Wun
5th Nov 2002, 21:51
When I sat the first Module in November last year there was a guy on our course without transport. He was staying in a B and B just down the road from the Airport. If you ask Noush she will know whether it is still available.

6th Nov 2002, 06:14
Churchill Court, without a doubt!!

Low Ratio
6th Nov 2002, 09:24
I agree with Truth Slayer it has to be Churchill Court, very friendly and a great breakfast. Don't forget to visit ' The Crown ' probably the best pub in the country.