View Full Version : Operating in Afghanistan

28th Oct 2002, 23:08
It seems that there is a strong possibility that I may be off to Afghanistan in the near future to carry out some aviation-related projects at most of the major airfields. The project sponsor is an international agency.

I may actually operate from Dubai and commute to the operations sites.

I have information regarding the health and safety environment, but there is nothing like first hand experience. Is there anyone out there with recent knowledge of conditions in the country?

And, yes, I realise Dubya may put the whole thing on hold for me anyway...

28th Oct 2002, 23:47
Yes, but you'll need to be a little more specific about a few things and it may be better to do it privately.

29th Oct 2002, 00:01
Thanks DR. I should hasten to add that this is a purely civil/civilian project being done as part of the overall Afghan civil aid package - no hidden agenda!

I posted on this forum as it is likely this is where some of the recent experiences lie - only looking for overall impressions/tips/advice

29th Oct 2002, 12:25
Learn to love sand.

Huron Topp
29th Oct 2002, 12:38
...and camel spiders. Cutest little things you ever did see...until you move:D

29th Oct 2002, 18:39
In a previous life I spent 6 years in a Gulf state... sand, check; camel spiders, check; shake your boots in the morning to remove the scorpions, check....

Thanks for the reminders...

Flt Lt Spry
29th Oct 2002, 23:39
Don't try to hide in a cave...