View Full Version : Pre Flight Shadow?

28th Oct 2002, 20:10
Having read all the information about jump-seat requests, how tangible is it to ‘shadow’ a crew during the preparation for first flight of the day.

I feel that this would give a good insight into flight planning, weather considerations above 2000ft and the walk-around checks for something a tad more substantial than a C152.

I’ll be travelling down to LHR for the Flyer conference and am curious if it would be a fruitful task in pursuing further.

Perhaps those connected inside would be able to shed some light on their own companies procedures/guidelines. (I'm flying with BA).

Thanks in advance for your respnoses,


29th Oct 2002, 20:53
Sorry but not allowed in BA even before the 11th Sept. All to do with airside passes. (Although somehow it is fine to issue illegal immigrants with airside passes to work in security/cleaning/loading :mad: )

Ricky Butcher
30th Oct 2002, 02:21
Unfortunately pre-flight preparation takes about 20 minutes in BA due to the requirement to catch a bus to somewhere to find your aircraft. On shorthaul its likely to be:

a quick look at a sig wx chart to confirm its rubbish all over europe

a peruse of the destination and alternate wx to check runway in use (if theres no CBs, RVRs, gusts, snow or hail then its not really important)

a look at the AIS to check all the approach aids are serviceable

a brief look at the MEL if the aircraft has any defects

a cursory glance at the flight plan to check its the usual routing, the correct aircraft and the right cruise level.

a swift coffee to restart the heart after the 0400Z wake up call.

Then its off to the bus!

Of course its different on long haul where crews are far too important to brief themselves or even program the FMC (datalink don't you know!). There I think it goes something like:

Arrive and take seats in golden thrones.

Feign interest as peasant briefs you on route (secretly focus on important things, like 5 across on the Telegraph crossword)

Peruse first class menu for the flight.

Discuss tactical considerations of the day (first break, second break, which meal?)

Discuss strategic considerations (mortgages in France, state of commuting from Spain)

Adjourn to aircraft for a brief sojourn to the world of work before retiring in your comfy bunk for 4 hours.:D

30th Oct 2002, 09:23
Ricky, you ought to be on stage!

That post had me in stitches!!!

Thank you!

MB :)

30th Oct 2002, 16:33
Bwahahahahaahah! Love it!

I wonder if Captain Airclues would care to comment? :D

30th Oct 2002, 19:16
Cheers for the input guys/gal!

I do have an airside pass, but would not us it in a capacity other than for the purpose it has been issued to me for.


Your post was rather funny, as is the address for your website...Shame the link don’t work!:(

Thanks again,
