View Full Version : Vulcan barrell rolling?????

doh-nut boy
28th Oct 2002, 10:44
Just seen footage of a Vulcan barrell rooling, never imagined it possible.

Any other bigguns that can do similar??

28th Oct 2002, 10:50
Boeing 707. There's a famous photo showing the podded engines with the sky below and the lake over which it was flying above the wing!

28th Oct 2002, 11:28
B1 at RIAT (Cottesmore) 2001....during high-energy pull-up (wings swept), right over the airfield....impressive (& v. noisy :))

Not quite as big, but the Italian AF G222 did some rolls during it's displays at RIAT, late '90's (loops by the Ukranian AN72 didn't get past the FCC though, but were seen during validation flights - :eek: )

28th Oct 2002, 11:54
could you post the clip? There is a story of an airliner doing a 1g roll by night enroute, without the pax noticing: it came up in Tech Log last winter, as I recall, probably bollox but amusing all the same.

28th Oct 2002, 12:12
I seem to remember that Andy McNab's Bravo Two-Zero mentions the MD twinjet that repatriated prisoners doing a barrel-roll. I have no idea if that is true, but I remember feeling sceptical at the time.

28th Oct 2002, 12:45
If the once respected BA Concorde Chief Pilot Brian Walpole is to be believed he was invited by Brian Trubshaw to roll Concorde "the other way" after BT rolled it first.

Never sure about the veracity of the story, but it is on film in the Reach for the Skies series.

By the by, wasn't the Vulcan actually doing a roll off the top after demonstrating a "Blue Steel" launch? The pilot was I think "Roly" Jenkins. The mists of time might find me at fault with this one. But I might be close! :D

Roly Falk, of course. See, I told you it was misty! :D

28th Oct 2002, 13:04
Roly Falk, surely?

28th Oct 2002, 13:13

The pilot was Roly Falk, who executed the manouvre on climb out after take off.

The Boeing 707 was rolled by Tex Johnston and when he landed his boss asked him what the f*** he was doing, he answered "selling aeroplanes"


28th Oct 2002, 14:23
"Vulcans, Victors and Cuba"
On right now on Discovery Sci-Trek (Sky Channel 555). Repeated at 2000 tonight. Quite interesting, just showed a Vulcan barrell rolling.


doh-nut boy
28th Oct 2002, 15:36
Anybody rolled a Nimrod?

Or does anyone know if a Nimrod has been rolled

28th Oct 2002, 17:46
Well at the end of the Nimrod display it was normal(and allowed in GASOs) to recover from the 40 degree climb angle by rolling to the left using 90 degrees of bank. (Anything more than 90 degrees constituted an aerobatic manoeuvre so was illegal) It was common to have to use up to 110 degrees to keep the g positive during the level off or to stay out of cloud and I must admit it was tempting to just keep going, don't think anybody ever has though!

28th Oct 2002, 21:24
D'ya suppose that if Roly Falk had been called 'Loopy Falk', he'd have looped the Vulcan? :D

29th Oct 2002, 01:01
I seem to recall a China Airlines 747 barrel rolling while the crew were asleep. It was verified at the time by Boeing.

Stan Evil
29th Oct 2002, 15:05
WIWOV there were a few captains who claimed they'd barrel rolled a Vulcan (including one of the flight commanders). The only problem, apart from a moaning rear crew, was staying inside the fatigue limit of 2.6g as a 'click' on the fatigue meter would land you deeply in the pooh.

At least one display pilot barrelled overseas in public, claiming that he'd overcooked a wingover and it was the safest way out.

30th Oct 2002, 01:20
I know it has been done in a C130 - ask some phantom mates who were in FI early 80's doing fighter affill. Also know of others trying and F**king up. Fortuneately no one hurt but for the grace!!!

30th Oct 2002, 06:21
The display roll overseas was a botched wingover. He got a high roll rate on, intending as usual to stop at about 110 deg of bank but almost got upside down. However, he (correctly) figured the safest way out was to continue the high roll rate and in effect did a Derry turn. Apparently impressed CINCSAC, who made a favourable comment to CINC STC sitting next to him, which saved the captains bacon.

30th Oct 2002, 06:51
....and some suppository of a Wg Cdr bottom-licker apparently said:"Sir, sir - he shouldn't have done that. Barrel rolls aren't allowed, sir, sir....."

"I didn't see any barrel roll." said C-in-C Strike, turning a Nelsonian eye, "neither, I think you'll find, did you, young man..."

Good chap!

30th Oct 2002, 08:55
not quite the same, but I remember a crew rolling, or more cartwheeling a vc10 down a runway!

retreating blade
30th Oct 2002, 12:16

it actually happened! Back in the late 50's or early 60's, my Father was a member of RAE's HPRT. He occasionally told the story of Roly looping the Vulcan at 56,000 ft. He can vouch for this because he was there.

30th Oct 2002, 12:48

:eek: :eek: :eek:

31st Oct 2002, 05:40
Yeah you're right - Roly Falk took off at Farnborough Air Show late 50's, pulled the Vulcan up onto it's back and rolled off the top. Then.......the Victor took off flown by Hedley George Hazelden (I think!) and did the same!!....Awesome and well noisy...Aah the mists of time........ Don't think anyone's barrelled the Puma yet .....oh dear here we go.... :eek: :cool:

15th Nov 2002, 22:35
RE: Nimrod Rolls

An AEO on the MRA4 project (name rhymes with "Blue Steel" I think) allegedly possesses video taken from a nimrod cockpit showing the norwegian coast rolling through 360 degrees.

Mind you 42 Sqn used to have a video that showed my crew doing a loop in one over Marham! - thanks to MUDROCK's creativity with the Sqn video camera it looked bloody good - even if it wasn't entirely authentic.:)

Out Of Trim
16th Nov 2002, 00:21
BEagle - Anyone rolled a VC-10 yet? ~ Seems to work OK on FS2000 I wonder if it would in real life! :) :eek: :)

16th Nov 2002, 07:37
I certainly hope not!

I don't suppse that computer games have the same control forces - nor would they kill you and your crew when you screwed up trying an illegal manoeuvre........

Mind you - I tried it in the simulator a couple of times in the dim and distant. Difficult bit was getting the pitch attitude high enough in the first half without the stall protection system operating - and avoiding burying the nose and exceeding Vmo or overstressing on the recovery.......

Human Factor
16th Nov 2002, 15:09
Unusual attitude recovery in the sim: it's sometimes just easier to let the momentum take it all the way over .... pretty impressive in a 777 and not sure I'd want to do it for real!!:eek:

A and C
16th Nov 2002, 16:24
B 737NG rolls OK in the sim 250KT pitch up to 15 degrees and then roll a little top rudder helps and dont forget to ease off on the back pressure when inverted............great fun in the hydrulic box but I think that I will give it a miss for real !.

17th Nov 2002, 05:21
On a visit to the Luftwaffe Flugberietschaft (VIP Transport Squadron) at Koln about 12 years ago, they said there wasn't an aircraft on the squadron they hadn't rolled - this included a VFW614, Canadair Challengers & a very new (non-FBW) Airbus! Don't know how serious they were but the last CL601 delivery test from Dornier Oberpfaffenhoffen around the same time was jumped by two F-4Gs. They picked the wrong guy - the PIC was an ex-RCAF CF-104 stick who proceeded to out turn them. The inspector in the back said it wasn't the lead Phantom he was worried about but the wingman got awful close!

I've seen a lot of the Central Mid-West from funny angles especially when an ex-F-18 pilot tries to confuse an ex-Tornado driver during HUD Unusual Attitudes testing on a CL65.

West Coast
17th Nov 2002, 05:58
Try looping a NG, at the top, spin it inverted. The box doesnt know what to do and takes a dump. Great way to shorten a PC.

Flatus Veteranus
17th Nov 2002, 18:22
Maybe BEagle can correct me, but I think the only problem with barrel-rolling the Vulcan was the gimbal limits on the radar scanner. It was quite a heavy item and if it clunked against the stops could do some damage. I may be wrong, but I believe Terry Fennell, who was the trials pilot for the Skybolt, and later CI of 230 OCU, looped a B2.

18th Nov 2002, 12:48
Re Nimrod barell rolling: I was visiting US Navy mate at a Floridian Base and the Nimrod was doing a mighty fine display for an airliner. The pilot didn't actually barrel roll it but got bl*%!y close to inverted flight. Like well over 150 degrees. It looked pretty good from where I was stood and I thought it was going to go all the way.:confused: