View Full Version : Yes!

Freak On A Leash
28th Oct 2002, 09:46
Just thought I`d start the week off by bringing some optimism to the pprune wannabes, and also keep my promise to post when this finally happened. And here`s the good news; I finally managed to get a job flying!!!!!!!:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Got the letter in the mail a couple of days ago and have been doing the dance of joy ever since.:)
Anybody else have some good news they want to share?

Gin Slinger
28th Oct 2002, 10:42
Many congratulations!

What sort of job is it and what's your experience level?

Select Zone Five
28th Oct 2002, 11:16
...well, I still have my health :rolleyes:

congrats Freak!

28th Oct 2002, 11:53
well done mate,can we have some details please,on how you did it?
All the best for the future,may it be rosy,and wheels down.

Freak On A Leash
28th Oct 2002, 14:31
Hey guys, thanks a lot.
It`s an air taxi outfit. I`ve got 1000 hours total, and I guess I just lucked out. Basically I updated a previous application at just the right time, or so I was told.
It took 10 months (and a lot of CV`s and applications to pretty much "every" company) to finally get a foot in the door, so a lot of pressure is now off my shoulders.
Keep your heads up and remember that persistance pays off!

28th Oct 2002, 16:27
Congratulations. As I have said in another post, I am just going to wait my time. Allow time for the industry to get strong. I am going into the RAF first to gain hours etc. Hopefully the time I leave there will be a job for me somewhere :)

Token Bird
28th Oct 2002, 19:09
Freak on a Leash, m'duck,

Where'd you get those 1000 hours TT? (if I'm not being too nosey)


29th Oct 2002, 08:34
Many Congrats Freak!

Hope the dancing was to something heavy ! :D


Freak On A Leash
29th Oct 2002, 10:15
Token Bird,
I got them by instructing - which, by the way, wasn`t as bad as I thought it would be. I actually had a blast, and am still in contact with a lot of my students.;)

HEAVY is the only way to go:) :mad: :) :mad: :)
Ozzy, Sabbath, Ill Nino, Sepultura, and a lot of punk:D

Wee Weasley Welshman
29th Oct 2002, 12:38
Joining the RAF to build hours doesn't sound at all right...


29th Oct 2002, 14:52
WWW I think this a route you can take if you dont manage to make it as an instructor. So rather than build a 1000 hours on a PA 28 you can do it in the RAF on something like a Nimrod or a Hercules apparently it carries almost the same credability when looking for a job.



29th Oct 2002, 14:57

I suspect WWW was rather pointing to the fact that the number of hours you will fly in the RAF is relatively low. Defence cuts etc...

Pub User
29th Oct 2002, 18:50

So 1000 hrs on a heavy 4-engined machine, flying airways around the World carries almost as much credibility as 1000 hrs on a PA28 does it?

Although I have neither, I think I would go for the heavy stuff given the choice. That's if I didn't make as an instructor of course, when the RAF would be sure to snap me up.

Select Zone Five
29th Oct 2002, 18:56
...and I would suggest that WWW meant that one should not really join the RAF merely to build hours on the way to a commercial job.

If the RAF caught whiff of that ambition (using them as a stepping stone), I suspect they would show you the door! :rolleyes:

29th Oct 2002, 19:20
joining the RAF to HOURS BUILD !!
are you totally insane....?

with a massive war just round the corner, and remember they recruit to fast jets first and foremost, i.e the types you get shot at in

and isn't it an 11 year commitment ?

hell of a way to hours build, but I don't believe they issue ATPLs to the deceased......

29th Oct 2002, 20:09
A320 M,

let me know how u get on in the RAF, cant wait to here that at cranwell, i fear u will be skidding your way to the train station on your ass sunshine!

Wee Weasley Welshman
29th Oct 2002, 21:21
Yersss, if you *think* you can get selected as an RAF pilot as a shortcut to the airlines then you need your head examined on sooooo many levels.



Gin Slinger
29th Oct 2002, 22:37
I hope that there is more than a whiff of sarcasm in the air...

29th Oct 2002, 23:30
I think you more than make amends for any ulterior motive with all the desk duties, gives you lots of time to think!!!

30th Oct 2002, 00:44
Well done FOAL! If you get the time, please give an insight as to what the work is like and how it is going.
All the best.:D

30th Oct 2002, 13:26

Have we no sense of humour then.

Of course a 1000 hours of PA28 flying doesn't carry as much credability as similar time in a Nimrod or Hercules, its probably more like 500 hours.

As for hour building in the RAF I certainly dont condone the use of tax payers money as a stepping stone into a commercial flying career, although we all know this is exactly what happens. Of course if we all had the opportunity to fly fast jets for 10 years and then go and work for Britannia as a civvy, I doubt if many of us could refuse.

ta ta

;) MJR